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Larry Pierce/Artikel/Creation Wiki

Dari SABDA Labs

< Larry Pierce | Artikel

Artikel tentang Larry di http://creationwiki.org/

Larry Pierce is a prolific writer, Latin scholar, and the developer of the Online Bible. Today he is retired but continues his study of ancient history. He is best known for translating The Annals of the World from the original Latin into English. He has also mounted a challenge to the currently accepted telescoped chronology of the Divided Kingdoms Northern and Southern, on the theory that the Assyrian chronology of secular archaeologists is flawed, inconsistent, marred by historical revisionism even by some of the rulers of Assyria themselves, and generally ought not be given primacy over the Bible.

Selected Bibliography

The following articles are available on-line at Answers in Genesis:

disadur dari http://creationwiki.org/Larry_Pierce

Diperoleh dari "https://labs.sabda.org/Larry_Pierce/Artikel/Creation_Wiki"

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