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Dari SABDA Labs

Frekuensi pola pencarian nama kitab dalam bahasa Inggris [1]

Query Count %
Perjanjian Lama
Genesis 29,679
genesis 16,607 56.0%
ge 10,808 36.4%
gen 2,257 7.6%
gn 7 0.0%
Exodus 16,153
ex 8,267 51.2%
exodus 7,745 47.9%
exo 68 0.4%
exod 67 0.4%
exd 6 0.0%
Leviticus 9,055
lev 5,098 56.3%
leviticus 3,909 43.2%
le 33 0.4%
levi 14 0.2%
lv 1 0.0%
Numbers 10,675
num 6,356 59.5%
numbers 4,250 39.8%
nu 57 0.5%
number 7 0.1%
numb 5 0.0%
Deuteronomy 13,142
dt 6,125 46.6%
deuteronomy 6,020 45.8%
deut 934 7.1%
deu 63 0.5%
Joshua 8,011
jos 4,342 54.2%
joshua 3,415 42.6%
josh 254 3.2%
Judges 7,025
jdg 3,671 52.3%
judges 3,242 46.1%
judg 112 1.6%
Ruth 2,191
ruth 1,179 53.8%
ru 1,012 46.2%
1 Samuel 10,154
1 sa 5,166 50.9%
1 samuel 4,453 43.9%
1 sam 404 4.0%
i samuel 69 0.7%
samuel 44 0.4%
i sam 14 0.1%
1st samuel 3 0.0%
isamuel 1 0.0%
2 Samuel 7,476
2 sa 4,007 53.6%
2 samuel 3,144 42.1%
2 sam 290 3.9%
ii samuel 23 0.3%
ii sam 4 0.1%
2nd samuel 4 0.1%
seconds 2 0.0%
2nd sam 1 0.0%
second samuel 1 0.0%
1 Kings 6,994
1 ki 3,722 53.2%
1 kings 3,093 44.2%
1 kgs 54 0.8%
i kings 34 0.5%
king 24 0.3%
1 king 23 0.3%
kings 18 0.3%
1st kings 10 0.1%
1 kin 4 0.1%
1 kn 3 0.0%
1 k 3 0.0%
i kgs 2 0.0%
kin 1 0.0%
ikgs 1 0.0%
i kin 1 0.0%
i ki 1 0.0%
2 Kings 7,392
2 ki 4,258 57.6%
2 kings 3,054 41.3%
2 kgs 50 0.7%
ii kings 14 0.2%
2 kin 6 0.1%
2 king 6 0.1%
iikgs 2 0.0%
2 k 1 0.0%
2nd kings 1 0.0%
1 Chronicles 3,365
1 chronicles 3,072 91.3%
1 chron 210 6.2%
i chronicles 19 0.6%
1 ch 18 0.5%
1 chr 17 0.5%
i chron 14 0.4%
chronicles 10 0.3%
1 chronicle 2 0.1%
i chr 1 0.0%
1st chronicles 1 0.0%
1st chron 1 0.0%
2 Chronicles 3,665
2 chronicles 3,352 91.5%
2 chron 259 7.1%
2 chr 14 0.4%
ii chronicles 13 0.4%
2 ch 10 0.3%
ii chron 8 0.2%
2 chro 4 0.1%
2nd chron 2 0.1%
2nd chronicles 1 0.0%
iichronicles 1 0.0%
2 chronicle 1 0.0%
Ezra 3,577
ezr 2,122 59.3%
ezra 1,455 40.7%
Nehemiah 4,799
ne 2,780 57.9%
nehemiah 1,831 38.2%
neh 188 3.9%
Esther 3,415
es 1,975 57.8%
esther 1,408 41.2%
esth 26 0.8%
est 6 0.2%
Job 13,072
job 13,069 100.0%
jb 3 0.0%
Psalms 43,155
psalm 20,480 47.5%
ps 13,361 31.0%
psalms 8,425 19.5%
psa 880 2.0%
psm 9 0.0%
Proverbs 11,497
proverbs 8,472 73.7%
pr 1,446 12.6%
prov 1,428 12.4%
pro 125 1.1%
proverb 21 0.2%
prv 4 0.0%
prvbs 1 0.0%
Ecclesiastes 3,708
ecclesiastes 2,881 77.7%
ecc 643 17.3%
eccl 122 3.3%
eccles 23 0.6%
ec 22 0.6%
ecl 15 0.4%
ecclesiaste 2 0.1%
Song of Solomon 2,064
song of solomon 1,517 73.5%
song 441 21.4%
song of songs 71 3.4%
so 9 0.4%
son 9 0.4%
songs 8 0.4%
sos 4 0.2%
ss 4 0.2%
song ofsolomon 1 0.0%
Isaiah 15,756
isaiah 10,754 68.3%
isa 4,236 26.9%
is 757 4.8%
isah 5 0.0%
isai 3 0.0%
ia 1 0.0%
Jeremiah 7,675
jeremiah 4,825 62.9%
jer 2,821 36.8%
je 19 0.2%
jere 10 0.1%
Lamentations 894
lamentations 666 74.5%
la 128 14.3%
lam 96 10.7%
lamentation 4 0.4%
Ezekiel 6,186
ezekiel 4,405 71.2%
eze 1,374 22.2%
ezek 298 4.8%
ez 62 1.0%
ezk 47 0.8%
Daniel 3,275
daniel 2,579 78.7%
dan 351 10.7%
dn 328 10.0%
da 16 0.5%
dl 1 0.0%
Hosea 2,074
hosea 1,592 76.8%
ho 360 17.4%
hos 122 5.9%
Joel 875
joel 634 72.5%
joe 239 27.3%
jl 2 0.2%
Amos 1,587
amos 1,229 77.4%
am 357 22.5%
amo 1 0.1%
Obadiah 302
obadiah 259 85.8%
ob 40 13.2%
obad 2 0.7%
oba 1 0.3%
Jonah 1,212
jonah 1,092 90.1%
jon 120 9.9%
Micah 1,419
micah 1,138 80.2%
mic 281 19.8%
Nahum 656
nahum 555 84.6%
na 82 12.5%
nah 19 2.9%
Habakkuk 1,094
habakkuk 754 68.9%
hab 340 31.1%
Zephaniah 807
zephaniah 647 80.2%
zep 94 11.6%
zeph 66 8.2%
Haggai 497
haggai 393 79.1%
hag 102 20.5%
hagg 2 0.4%
Zechariah 2,364
zechariah 1,596 67.5%
zec 565 23.9%
zech 203 8.6%
Malachi 1,477
malachi 1,141 77.3%
mal 336 22.7%
Query Count %
Perjanjian Baru
Matthew 26,711
matthew 20,255 75.8%
matt 3,899 14.6%
mt 1,793 6.7%
mat 764 2.9%
Mark 11,085
mark 10,062 90.8%
mk 982 8.9%
mr 21 0.2%
mar 19 0.2%
mrk 1 0.0%
Luke 15,092
luke 13,497 89.4%
lk 1,428 9.5%
luk 122 0.8%
lu 45 0.3%
John 26,069
john 24,405 93.6%
joh 1,157 4.4%
jn 495 1.9%
jhn 7 0.0%
jo 5 0.0%
Acts 16,611
acts 15,439 92.9%
ac 1,006 6.1%
act 166 1.0%
Romans 26,662
romans 21,683 81.3%
rom 4,187 15.7%
ro 724 2.7%
roman 55 0.2%
rm 13 0.0%
1 Corinthians 16,336
1 corinthians 11,361 69.5%
1 cor 4,192 25.7%
i corinthians 339 2.1%
i cor 212 1.3%
corinthians 104 0.6%
1 co 50 0.3%
1 corin 17 0.1%
1 corinth 13 0.1%
1 corinthian 10 0.1%
first corinthians 9 0.1%
1st corinthians 6 0.0%
1st cor 6 0.0%
1 corth 5 0.0%
corinthian 3 0.0%
i corinth 2 0.0%
1 corint 2 0.0%
icor 2 0.0%
first cor 1 0.0%
icorinthians 1 0.0%
i corint 1 0.0%
2 Corinthians 7,153
2 corinthians 5,141 71.9%
2 cor 1,828 25.6%
ii corinthians 77 1.1%
ii cor 41 0.6%
2 co 31 0.4%
2 corin 7 0.1%
2 corinth 7 0.1%
2 corinthian 5 0.1%
2nd corinthians 4 0.1%
second corinthians 4 0.1%
2nd cor 4 0.1%
ii corinthian 2 0.0%
iicor 1 0.0%
ii co 1 0.0%
Galatians 7,019
galatians 5,149 73.4%
gal 1,638 23.3%
ga 226 3.2%
galatian 4 0.1%
gala 1 0.0%
galat 1 0.0%
Ephesians 12,142
ephesians 8,418 69.3%
eph 3,647 30.0%
ephesian 39 0.3%
ep 17 0.1%
ephes 11 0.1%
ephe 9 0.1%
ephs 1 0.0%
Philippians 6,636
philippians 4,712 71.0%
phil 1,688 25.4%
php 134 2.0%
philip 43 0.6%
ph 23 0.3%
phi 21 0.3%
philippian 8 0.1%
phl 4 0.1%
philipp 3 0.0%
Colossians 5,614
colossians 3,730 66.4%
col 1,869 33.3%
colossian 13 0.2%
co 2 0.0%
1 Thessalonians 4,023
1 thessalonians 2,343 58.2%
1 thess 711 17.7%
i thessalonians 531 13.2%
1 thes 296 7.4%
1 th 41 1.0%
i thess 37 0.9%
thessalonians 21 0.5%
i thes 21 0.5%
1 thessalonian 7 0.2%
1 the 5 0.1%
first thessalonians 5 0.1%
thes 1 0.0%
1st thess 1 0.0%
1st thes 1 0.0%
thess 1 0.0%
1st thessalonians 1 0.0%
2 Thessalonians 1,777
2 thessalonians 1,017 57.2%
2 thess 577 32.5%
2 thes 135 7.6%
2 th 20 1.1%
ii thessalonians 10 0.6%
ii thess 8 0.5%
2 the 5 0.3%
ii thes 3 0.2%
iithessalonians 1 0.1%
ii th 1 0.1%
1 Timothy 5,194
1 timothy 3,834 73.8%
1 tim 905 17.4%
1 ti 214 4.1%
i timothy 110 2.1%
timothy 64 1.2%
i tim 56 1.1%
1 timoth 4 0.1%
1 tm 3 0.1%
first timothy 1 0.0%
timoth 1 0.0%
1st tim 1 0.0%
1st timothy 1 0.0%
2 Timothy 3,898
2 timothy 2,780 71.3%
2 tim 880 22.6%
2 ti 150 3.8%
ii timothy 66 1.7%
ii tim 14 0.4%
2 tm 4 0.1%
second timothy 2 0.1%
2nd tim 1 0.0%
2nd timothy 1 0.0%
Titus 2,360
titus 2,195 93.0%
tit 165 7.0%
Philemon 698
philemon 503 72.1%
phm 182 26.1%
phile 10 1.4%
philem 3 0.4%
Hebrews 12,702
hebrews 9,427 74.2%
heb 3,194 25.1%
hebrew 81 0.6%
James 6,728
james 5,967 88.7%
jas 701 10.4%
jam 45 0.7%
jms 5 0.1%
jame 5 0.1%
ja 4 0.1%
jm 1 0.0%
1 Peter 6,804
1 peter 5,118 75.2%
1 pet 1,132 16.6%
1 pe 230 3.4%
i peter 181 2.7%
peter 88 1.3%
i pet 16 0.2%
1 pete 11 0.2%
1st peter 9 0.1%
1 pt 9 0.1%
first peter 7 0.1%
1 p 1 0.0%
ipeter 1 0.0%
ip 1 0.0%
2 Peter 3,033
2 peter 2,263 74.6%
2 pet 431 14.2%
ii peter 182 6.0%
2 pe 138 4.5%
second peter 5 0.2%
2 p 4 0.1%
2 pete 3 0.1%
ii pet 3 0.1%
2 pt 3 0.1%
2nd peter 1 0.0%
1 John 6,649
1 john 6,032 90.7%
1 jn 315 4.7%
i john 224 3.4%
1 jo 41 0.6%
1 joh 14 0.2%
1st john 8 0.1%
first john 6 0.1%
i jn 4 0.1%
ijohn 3 0.0%
i jo 2 0.0%
2 John 465
2 john 419 90.1%
2 jn 39 8.4%
2 jo 3 0.6%
2nd john 1 0.2%
iijohn 1 0.2%
ii john 1 0.2%
second john 1 0.2%
3 John 570
3 john 536 94.0%
3 jn 29 5.1%
3 jo 2 0.4%
iii john 2 0.4%
3rd john 1 0.2%
Jude 1,388
jude 1,347 97.0%
jud 41 3.0%
Revelation 11,455
revelation 7,944 69.3%
rev 2,732 23.8%
re 675 5.9%
revelations 102 0.9%
revel 1 0.0%
rv 1 0.0%