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The Seventh Age of the World
6057. Jesus Christ and Son of God, in the fulness of time was born of the most blessed virgin Mary, at Bethlehem. {Mt 1:25 2:1,5 Ga 4:4} Mary wrapped him in swaddling clothes and laid him in a manger because there was no room in the inn. {Lu 2:7}
6058. The birth of our saviour was revealed by an angel of the Lord to shepherds who kept their flock by night in the neighbouring fields. They heard the word of a multitude of the heavenly host who prayed for glory to God, peace to the earth and good will to men. The shepherds hurried to Bethlehem and found Mary and Joseph and the child lying in the manger. They told everyone what they had heard concerning the child and they returned praising and glorifying God. {Lu 2:8-20}
6059. The child was circumcised on the eighth day after his birth and his name was called Jesus as foretold by the angel before he was conceived in the womb. {Lu 2:21}
4000b AM, 4710 JP, 4 BC
6060. The wise men from the east were guided by a star and came to Herod at Jerusalem. They were told that the birth place of Christ was in Bethlehem of Judea. They went there and entering into the house which was showed to them by the star that stood over it. They found the little child with Mary, his mother. They fell down and worshipped him and gave their treasures to him, gold, frankincense and myrrh. They were warned by God in a dream that they should not return to Herod and so they departed into their own country by another way. {Mt 2:1-12}
6061. On the fortieth day after her delivery, Mary went to Jerusalem to the temple to present him to the Lord according to the law of the firstborn and also to offer for herself a pair of turtle doves or two young pigeons. (She could not afford to offer a lamb.) This was according to the Levitical law. {Lu 2:22-24,27 Le 12:2-4,6,8}
6062. When his parents brought the child Jesus into the temple to perform the requirements of the law, Simeon came into the temple to whom it was revealed by God that he should not die until he had seen the anointed of the Lord. He took Jesus in his arms and praised the Lord and spoke prophesies about Christ and his mother. At the same time, Anna, a prophetess the daughter of Phanuel, came and publicly acknowledged the Lord and spoke of him to all who looked for redemption in Jerusalem. {Lu 2:25-38}
6063. When Joseph and Mary had performed all the things according to the law of the Lord, they returned into Galilee to their own city of Nazareth. {Lu 2:39}
6064. The angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream and warned him to flee to Egypt to save the life of the child and escape the machinations of Herod. When he awoke, he took the young child and his mother by night and went into Egypt where he remained until the death of Herod. {Mt 2:13-15}
6065. Herod thought the young child was still at Bethlehem. He killed all the children who were in Bethlehem and in all the surrounding area who were two years old or less. This was according to the time when the star first was seen in the east and when the wise men enquired about the child. {Mt 2:16}
6066. Herod received letters from Antipater from Rome, in which he told him that he had settled all his business according to his wishes and he would return home in a short time. Herod wrote to him back again and concealed his anger. He said he should hurry home lest anything happen to him while he was away. He also modestly complained of his mother and promised that he would settle all differences after his return. {Josephus, Antiq., l. 17. c. 7. <c. 5. 1:456>}
6067. Antipater heard no news all this time either of the death of Pheroras or of those things that were brought against him even though seven months had elapsed. {Josephus, Wars, l. 1. c. 20} {Josephus, Antiq., l. 17. c. 6. fin. <c. 5. 1:456>} On his journey, he received a letter at Tarentum about Pheroras' death. In Cilicia he got those letters from his father that told him to hurry home. When he came to Celenderis, a town of Cilicia, he began to have doubts about his return and was extremely sorrowful for the disgrace of his mother. However, he sailed on and he came to Sebaste, the port of Caesarea. He was greeted by no one and he went to Jerusalem. {Josephus, Antiq., l. 17. c. 6. fin. <c. 5. 1:456,457>}
6068. It happened that at the same time, Quintilius Varus was at Jerusalem, who was sent as the successor to Saturninus in Syria and was summoned there by Herod. Herod wanted Varus to help him with his council in his weighty affairs. As they were sitting both together, Antipater came in not suspecting anything. He entered the palace in his purple garment that he usually wore. When he entered, the guards at the gates allowed none of his followers to come in with him. As he approached them, his father thrust him from him and accused him of the murder of Pheroras, Herod's brother and of intendeding to poison his father. He told him that on the next day Varus would both hear and determine all things between them. {Josephus, Antiq., l. 17. c. 6. fin. <c. 5. 1:457>}
6069. The next day Varus and the king sat in judgment. His father first began the accusation and left the prosecution and confirmation of it to Nicholas Damascene, his dear and close friend and one who knew all the business. When Antipater could not clear himself from the crimes alleged against him, Varus ordered the poison which he had prepared for his father to be brought out. It was given to another condemned man who immediately died. After this, Varus arose from the council and the next day he went to Antioch because this was the main palace of the Syrians. Herod soon put his son into prison and sent letters to Caesar indicating what he had done. He also sent messengers who by word of mouth, might verify to Caesar of the cursed treason of Antipater. {Josephus, Antiq., l. 17. c. 6. fin. <c. 5. 1:457-460>}
6070. At the same time, letters were intercepted from Antiphilus to Antipater from Egypt along with others from Rome which were sent to Antipater and Herod the king and written from Acme. She was a Jew and a chambermaid to Livia, Caesar's wife. She was well bribed by Antipater and sent a forged letter to Herod as if it had been written from Salome to her Livia against him, in which she desired that she might have permission to marry Syllaeus. (This is that Nabatean who was Herod's sworn enemy.) A little after this, Syllaeus was beheaded at Rome for betraying Aelius Gallus on the Arabian expedition and for other crimes. {*Strabo, l. 16. 7:363} Herod sent by his ambassadors to Caesar, a copy of these letters together with those of his own against his son. {Josephus, Antiq., l. 17. c. 6. fin. <c. 5. 1:460>}
6071. While the ambassadors hurried to Rome, Herod fell sick and made his will. He left the succession of his kingdom to his youngest son, Herod Antipas since he was estranged from Archelaus and Philip, by the false accusations of Antipater. {Josephus, Antiq., l. 17. c. 8. <c. 6. 1:460>}
6072. Judas, the son of Saripheus and Matthias, the son of Margalothus, were two of the most learned of the Jews and best interpreters of the law. When they knew that the king's sickness was incurable, they persuaded some young men who were their scholars that they should throw down the golden eagle that Herod erected over the large gate of the temple. They went at noon day, they pulled and hewed down with their axes the eagle while a large number in the temple witnessed their actions. As soon as it was told the captain, he came with a strong band of soldiers and laid hold upon some forty of the young men together with their masters and brought them to Herod. These continually defended their actions and Herod ordered them to be bound and sent to Jericho. He convened the rulers of the Jews and was brought into the assembly in a litter because he was so weak. He complained not so much of the wrong done to himself as to God, as he said. They denied that it was done according to their order and Herod dealt more mildly with them. He took away the high priesthood from Matthias since he knew of this affair and replaced him with Jazar the brother of his wife, (Mariamme, the daughter of Simon the high priest.) He burned alive the other Matthias that was partner of this sedition along with his companions. That night the moon was eclipsed {Josephus, Antiq., l. 17. c. 8 <c. 5. 1:461,462>} on March 13th, three hours after midnight according to the astronomical tables.
6073. Herod's disease grew worse, for he was inflamed with a slow fire which was not felt but it burnt up his very bowels. He had also the disease called bulimia which was a continual desire for food. To satisfy this, he was always eating. He was also continually tortured with ulcers in his bowels and pains of the colic. His feet swelled with a moist liquid. Also his thighs and his members rotted and were full of worms. He also had a filthy and no less troublesome priapism and a most terrible stench. In addition, he was troubled with convulsions and had difficulty in breathing. {Josephus, Antiq., l. 17. c. 8. <c. 6. 1:462>}
6074. Although he was so grievously tormented that everyone thought he would die from this, yet he hoped he should get well. He very carefully sent for physicians and sought medicines from every place. He went also beyond the Jordan River into the hot baths at Callirrhoe which drained into the Dead Sea. Beside their medicinal value, the water is pleasant to drink. By the advice of his physicians, he was placed in a bathing tub filled with oil. When he seemed to have died, his friends suddenly cried out and bewailed him. He came to himself and now realised there was no more hope for recovery. He ordered 50 drachmas to be given to every soldier and was generous to his captains and friends. He returned again to Jericho. {Josephus, Antiq., l. 17. c. 8. <c. 6. 1:462>}
6075. Augustus had heard that among the children that Herod, the king of the Jews had ordered to be killed who were two years or under. One of Herod's own sons was also killed by this same edict. Augustus said: {Macrobius, Saturnal, l. 2. c. 4.}
``It was better to be Herod's hog than his son.
4001a AM, 4710 JP, 4 BC
6076. Herod by an edict, convened to Jericho from every place, the most noble of the Jews and locked them up in a place called the hippodrome. He ordered his sister Salome and her husband Alexas, that as soon as he was dead, they would order the soldiers to kill all those that were confined so that the people should have cause for sorrow otherwise they would rejoice at the death of their king that they hated so much. {Josephus, Antiq., l. 17. c. 8. <c. 6. 1:463>}
6077. Letters came from Rome from the ambassadors that were sent to Caesar. They stated that Acme was put to death by Caesar who was angry for her involvement in Antipater's conspiracy. Antipater was left to his father's pleasure, either to banish him or to put him to death. When Herod had heard these things, he was cheered a little but presently he was in pain again. He was hungry and called for an apple and a knife to peal it. When he tried to stab himself, Achialus, his nephew, prevented him and called for help as he held out Herod's right hand. A great sorrow with fear and tumult struck the whole palace, as if Herod had been dead. {Josephus, Antiq., l. 17. c. 9. <c. 7. 1:463>}
6078. When Antipater heard the noise, he thought certainly that his father was dead. He began to bargain with his keeper about letting him out. He promised him many things now and in the future when it was within his power. The keeper told the king who for very anger cried out. Although he was so near death yet raised himself up in his bed and ordered one of his guard to immediately go and execute Antipater. He was to be buried in the castle of Hircania without any honour. {Josephus, Antiq., l. 17. c. 9. <c. 7. 1:463>}
6079. Then Herod changed his mind and made a new will. Antipas who before he had made his successor in the kingdom, he made him tetrarch of Galilee and Petrea. He gave the kingdom to Archelaus and assigned to his son Philip the regions of Gaulanitis, Trachonitis, Batanaea and Paneada in the name of a tetrarchy. He gave to Salome, his sister, Jamnia, Azotus and Phasaelis with 500,000 drachmas. To the rest of his family, he gave money and yearly pensions. To Caesar he gave 10,000,000 drachmas of silver and all his vessels as well of gold as silver, and a great quantity of precious clothes. To Livia, Caesar's wife and to some certain friends he gave 5,000,000 drachmas. {Josephus, Antiq., l. 17. c. 10. <c. 8. 1:463,464>}
6080. After Herod had ordered these things, he died five days after he had executed Antipater. He held the kingdom for 34 years after he had killed Antigonus but from the time that he was declared king by the Romans, 37 years. {Josephus, Antiq., l. 17. c. 9. <c. 8. 1:464>} He died about the 25th of November that is the 7th of the month Chisleu which is therefore accounted a joyful and festival day because in that day:
``Herod died who hated all wise men.
6081. This is according to Edward Liveley, a most learned man, as noted in his chronology, in the tyn[t tlygm, Volume of the Fejunii.
6082. Before the king's death was known, Salome and Alexas, sent all those home that were locked up in the hippodrome. They said that Herod had so ordered that they should go into the country and follow own their businesses. {Josephus, Antiq., l. 17. c. 10. <c. 8. 1:464>}
6083. When the king's death was declared, all the soldiers were called into the amphitheatre of Jericho. They first read the king's letter to the soldiers in which Herod thanked them for their fidelity and love to him. Herod desired that they would be faithful to his son Archelaus, whom he had appointed to be his successor in the kingdom. Then Ptolemy the keeper of the king's seal, read his will which he could not ratify without Caesar's consent. Then was there a shout for joy that Archelaus was king and the soldiers came flocking in with their captains around him. They promised that they would be just as faithful to him as they had been to his father and they prayed God to prosper him in his reign. Archelaus prepared the king's funeral most royally. {Josephus, Antiq., l. 17. c. 10. <c. 8. 1:464>}
4001b AM, 4711 JP, 3 BC
6084. After Herod had died who sought the life of the young child, Jesus, the angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream in Egypt and ordered that he should return with the young child and his mother to the land of Israel. When he awoke, he did what he was commanded to do. {Mt 2:19-21.}
6085. When Joseph came into the land of Israel, he heard that Archelaus reigned in Judea in the place of his father, Herod and he feared to go there. God warned him in a dream and he departed into the region of Galilee (the tetrarchy which Archelaus' father Herod had given to Antipas in his will.) He settled in the city of Nazareth from whence Jesus took the name of Nazarene, {Mt 2:22,23} and the Christians of Nazarenes. {Ac 24:5}
6086. Herod's body was carried in a funeral possession 45 miles from Jericho, to the citadel Herodion where he had arranged to be buried. {Josephus, Wars, l. 1. c. ult. fin. <c. 33. 1:597>} Each day they only travelled one mile. He was carried on a golden bier embroidered with precious jewel and covered with a purple cloth. His body was clothed with purple also. A diadem was put on his head and also over him a crown of gold and a sceptre in his right hand. His son and his relatives walked beside the bier and were followed by the soldiers, marshalled according to their countries. Then came 500 servants who carried perfumes. {Josephus, Antiq. l. 17. c. 10. <c. 8. 1:464>}
6087. After the funeral ceremony was over, Archelaus came to Jerusalem, and solemnized the mourning for his father for seven days according to the traditions of the Jews. At the end of the mourning, he made a funeral banquet to the people. He went up into the temple and wherever he went he was congratulated. He went up to a higher place and sat on a golden throne. He spoke graciously and honestly to the people. However, he said that he would not take the name of king until Caesar had confirmed his father's will. After the sacrifices were over, he banqueted with his friends. {Josephus, Antiq. l. 17. c. 10. <c. 8. 1:464>}
6088. The friends of those whom Herod had put to death for throwing down the golden eagle, made a sedition. They reproached the dead king and demanded some of his friends also to be punished. Moreover they desired that Joazar, the high priest to be removed from the priesthood. Archelaus tried to appease them but in vain. It happened that about the feast of the passover, Archelaus sent the whole army against them and 3000 men were killed by the cavalry around the temple. The rest fled to the adjoining mountains. {Josephus, Antiq. l. 17. c. 11. <c. 9. 1:465,466>}
6089. Archelaus went down to the sea with his mother (Malthace, a Samaritan) to sail to Caesar. He took along Nicolaus Damascene, Ptolemy (Herod's agent) and his many other friends. He committed his family and kingdom to the trust of his brother Philip. Salome also, the sister of Herod, went with him and took with her all her children. Others of his relatives also went under the pretence of helping him to get the kingdom when indeed they planned to oppose him and to accuse him for that deed that was committed in the temple. {Josephus, Antiq. l. 17. c. 11. <c. 9. 1:466>}
6090. As Archelaus was travelling with this group, Sabinus, Caesar's agent in Syria met him and said he sent to Judea to take charge of Herod's money. Varus, the governor of Syria fortunately met him and restrained him for Archelaus had sent for Varus by Ptolemy. Sabinus yielded to the governor and neither seized the citadels of Judea nor sealed up the king's treasures. He left all things in Archelaus' control until Caesar should determine something concerning them. When Sabinus had promised this, he stayed at Caesarea. After Archelaus sailed for Rome and Varus returned to Antioch, Sabinus went to Jerusalem and seized the palace. He convened the captains of the citadels and the king's agents and demanded the accounts from them and that the citadels should be delivered over to him. The captains obeyed Archelaus and kept all things as they were until the king's return. They pretended that they kept them for Caesar. {Josephus, Antiq. l. 17. c. 11. <c. 9. 1:466>}
6091. At the same time Antipas, the son of Herod, sailed to Rome with hopes of getting the kingdom for himself. Salome instigated him to do this since he was to be preferred before Archelaus because he was appointed the successor of the kingdom in Herod's first will which ought to have more validity than the second. He took with him his mother (Cleopatra who was born at Jerusalem) and Ptolemy, the brother of Nicolaus Damascene. He was one of Herod's best friends and favoured his title. He especially included Irenaeus, an orator who was an eloquent man knowledgable in the king's businesses, to help him secure the kingdom. After Antipas came to Rome, all the relatives sided with him because they hated Archelaus. Sabinus wrote letters to Caesar also to accuse Archelaus. {Josephus, Antiq. l. 17. c. 11. <c. 9. 1:466>}
6092. Archelaus through Ptolemy showed a petition to Caesar containing his own right and the accounts of Herod's money that was sealed up. When Caesar had read the petition as well as Varus' and Sabinus' letters, he convened his friends. He gave the first place in the council to Caius, the son of Agrippa and his daughter Julia whom he had now adopted. Antipater, the son of Salome who was a very eloquent man, spoke against Archelaus to whom Nicolaus Damascene answered in his defence. When he had finished his discourse, Archelaus fell down at Caesar's feet, whom he courteously raised up and pronounced that he was worthy of the kingdom. Caesar said pretending that he would do nothing unless it was prescribed in his father's will or that should be profitable for Archelaus. When Caesar saw the young man confirmed in some hope by his promise, he determined nothing more at that time. {Josephus, Antiq. l. 17. c. 11. <c. 9. 1:466>}
6093. Varus came from Antioch to repress the seditions that were raised in Judea after Archelaus' departure. He punished the instigators of the sedition and after the sedition was mostly settled, he returned and left one legion in Jerusalem to prevent further seditions. As soon as he was gone, Sabinus, Caesar's agent came there and took control of those troops. He thought he was more than a match for the people and tried to seize the citadels. He forcibly searched for the king's money for his own private wealth and covetousness sake. {Josephus, Antiq. l. 17. c. 11. <c. 10. 1:468>}
6094. Many thousands came to the feast of Pentecost not so much for religion's sake but to revenge Sabinus. They came not only from Judea which was more grievously afflicted but from Galilee, Idumaea, Jericho and from the towns that were beyond the Jordan River. They fiercely attacked Sabinus and divided their troops into three brigades. The Roman soldiers valiantly opposed them and killed many of them. The soldiers entered the treasure house of the holy treasure and stole most of it. 400 talents of that money was openly brought to Sabinus. A company of the most warlike Jews besieged the palace but Rufus and Gratus, who had under their command 3000 men of the most warlike and best of Herod's soldiers, allied themselves with the Romans. In spite of this, the Jews zealously continued the assault and undermined the walls. They exhorted their adversaries to depart and promised them safe conduct. Sabinus did not trust them and would not withdraw his soldiers. He expected help from Varus. {Josephus, Antiq. l. 17. c. 11. <c. 10. 1:468,469>}
6095. In this state of things, there were various other seditions raised in Judea and in other places because the country did not have a king of their own who might restrain the multitude and compel obedience to the law. For 2000 men, who had served under Herod, were disbanded to live at home. They got together and attacked the king's faction who were under Archiabus, Herod's nephew, and general for the king. He dared not attack the old soldiers on equal terms and so he defended himself and his side as well as he could by retreating to the mountainous regions that were hard to get at. {Josephus, Antiq. l. 17. c. 11. <c. 10. 1:469>}
6096. Judas (the son of Ezekias who headed a robber band and in previous times tried to overthrow Herod,) gathered a band of desperate men at Sepphoris, a city of Galilee and made incursions into the king's dominion. He captured the king's armoury and he armed all his soldiers and seized the king's treasure in those places. Thereupon he began to terrorise the inhabitants. He spoiled all that fell into his hands. He aspired also to the kingdom, not by lawful means, of which he was wholly ignorant, but by force. {Josephus, Antiq. l. 17. c. 11. <c. 10. 1:469,470>} For whereas hdwhy of the Hebrews, is the same with hdwt of the Syrians, from which comes Judas and Thaddaeus. {Lu 6:16 Mr 3:18} The name is Theudas since this Judas seems to be no other than Theudas, of whom {Ac 5:36} Gamaliel spoke:
``Before these times rose up Theudas, boasting himself to be some body, to whom a number of men, about 400, joined themselves, who were slain, and all as many as obeyed him, were scattered and brought to nought.
6097. Simon also, a servant of King Herod's was a wise man esteemed among all men, for his handsomeness, height and strength. He dared assume the kingdom. He was attended by a large company and proclaimed king by them. These were an unbridled multitude and persuaded him that he was more fit to be the king than anyone else. He began his kingdom by plundering and burning the king's palace at Jericho. Then he burned other palaces and gave their plunder to those who followed him. He would also have done more licentious deeds if he had not been quickly stopped. Gratus, the captain of the king's soldiers, who then followed the Roman side, marched with his forces against Simon. There was a fierce conflict on the other side of Jordan. Simon's men fought in disorder and more from courage than skill and were defeated. Gratus captured Simon, as he was fleeing through a narrow valley and cut off his head. {Josephus, Antiq. l. 17. c. 11. <c. 10. 1:470>} Tacitus refers this rather to Varus {Tacitus, History, l. 5. c. 5} and wrote this about Simon:
``After the death of Herod, Simon made himself king, without so much as looking for Caesar's consent, but he was punished by Varus, the governor of Syria.
6098. At Amatha, also by the Jordan River, a royal palace of the king, was burnt by the rabble of men that Simon had. Athronges who was an obscure shepherd and only famous for his great height and strength, made himself king. He had four brothers that were just as tall and strong whom he made his lieutenants over the multitude that came flocking to him in this time of unrest. He wore a crown and although he consulted others, he kept the sole command in his own hands. The power of this man lasted long, (for he was not a king for nothing) until he was brought under the power of Archelaus when he returned from Rome. {Josephus, Antiq., l. 17. c. 12. <c. 10. 1:470>}
6099. Athronges' cruelty affected especially the Romans and the king's side for he hated them both alike. His forces surprised a cohort near Emmaus as it was carrying food and weapons to the army. He killed with their arrows, Arius, a centurion along with 40 of his best foot soldiers. The rest would have been killed had not Gratus arrived with the king's soldiers and rescued them but left the dead bodies. {Josephus, Antiq., l. 17. c. 12. <c. 10. 1:470>}
6100. Quintilius Varus knew the danger that Sabinus was in by his letters and feared the utter destruction of the third legion. He left with two other legions, (for at the most there were but three legions in all Syria) and four troops of cavalry and the auxiliaries of the king and tetrarchs. He hurried into Judea to help the besieged and ordered those who were sent ahead, to meet him at Ptolemais. On his way past the city of Berythus, he received 1500 auxiliaries from them. Antus was a Petrean and a friend to the Romans. In spite of his hatred of Herod, he sent him good a number of cavalry and foot soldiers. {Josephus, Antiq., l. 17. c. 12. <c. 10. 1:470,417>}
6101. After all the army came to Ptolemais, Varus turned part of it over to his son and to one of his friends. They were to march against the Galilaeans who bordered on Ptolemais. When they entered the country, they put all to flight who dared oppose them. They took the city Sepphoris and sold all the inhabitants and burned the city. {Josephus, Antiq., l. 17. c. 12. <c. 10. 1:471>}
6102. Varus went toward Samaria with the army but did no harm to the city because he knew it had not been involved in the sedition. He pitched his camp in a certain village which was called Aras and was in the possession of Ptolemy. The Arabians had burnt it because they hated Herod's friends because they hated Herod as well as anyone who was Herod's friend. He marched and came to Sampho which the Arabians first plundered and then burnt even though it was well fortified. On all that march, they burned everything and killed anyone they met. Emmaus was burnt by the order of Varus, in revenge of his soldiers who were killed there. However, the inhabitants had first abandoned it. {Josephus, Antiq., l. 17. c. 12. <c. 10. 1:471>}
6103. Then when they came near to Jerusalem, the Jews who besieged the Romans on that side, were terrified as soon as they saw the army coming. They abandoned the attack they had begun. Those of Jerusalem were grievously reproved by Varus. They excused themselves and said that the people indeed were gathered together for the feast but that the sedition was not started with their consent. It was caused by the boldness of the strangers who came there. Varus was met by Joseph, a nephew of King Herod's, Gratus and Rufus with their soldiers and the Romans that had endured the siege. Sabinus would not come but stole away secretly and hurried to the seaside. {Josephus, Antiq., l. 17. c. 12. <c. 10. 1:471>}
6104. Then Varus sent part of his army throughout all the country to capture the instigators of this sedition. When he found them, he punished the most guilty and some were let go free. About 2,000 were crucified for this sedition. After this he dismissed his army who were disorderly and disobedient and committed many outrages for mere money's sake. When he heard that there were 10,000 Jews gathered together, he hurried to apprehend them. They dared not withstand him and surrendered themselves by advice of Achiabus. Varus pardoned the common people for their sedition but sent the ring leaders to Caesar. So all things were made peaceful again and he left the same legion in Jerusalem in the garrison. He returned to Antioch. {Josephus, Antiq., l. 17. c. 12. <c. 10. 1:471>}
6105. Malthace, the mother of Archelaus, died of a sickness at Rome.
6106. When Caesar had received Varus' letter about the revolt of the Jews, he pardoned the rest of the captains of the seditions and only punished some of King Herod's relatives who with no regard for justice had fought against their own relatives. {Josephus, Antiq., l. 17. c. 12. <c. 10. 1:471>}
6107. At the same time, with the permission of Varus, an embassy of the Jews came who desired that they might live according to their own laws. There were about 50 ambassadors who were joined by about 8000 Jews who lived at Rome. Caesar had convened a council of his friends and chief citizens into the temple of Apollo which he had built at great expense. The ambassadors and a multitude of the Jews who following them also went there. Archelaus came also with his company. Philip was also there who came by Varus' advice from Syria so that he might be an advocate for his brother to whom Varus wished well. He also wanted a share in the division of Herod's kingdom. The ambassadors were given permission to speak and they began with accusations against Herod and Archelaus and then desired that they might have no more kings. They wanted the government to be annexed to Syria and that they would obey the governors sent to them from Rome. When Nicolaus Damascene had answered the objections for Herod who was dead and for Archelaus who was present, Caesar dismissed the council. {Josephus, Antiq., l. 17. c. 12. <c. 11. 1:471-473>}
6108. A few days later, Caesar declared Archelaus not to be king but made him lord of half part of that dominion that was left him by his father, Herod. He promised him a kingdom if he behaved himself so as to merit a kingdom. A fourth part of their tribute was remitted because they did not join the sedition. These cities were included in his government, the tower of Strato, Sebaste, Joppe, and Jerusalem. The cities Gaza, Gadara, and Hippos were cities which followed the laws of Greece. For this reason Caesar annexed them to Syria. There accrued to Archelaus 600 talents annually from his own dominion. {Josephus, Antiq., l. 17. c. 13. <c. 12. 1:473>}
6109. Caesar divided the other half of Herod's dominion into two parts, one for each of Herod's sons. Herod Antipas was given Galilee with the little country of Petraea. (It was a most fertile country and lies beyond Jordan between the two lakes of Tiberias and the Dead Sea.) This generated 200 talents a year in revenue. Philip received Batanea with Trachonitis as well as Auranitis, with a certain part of the palace of Zenodorus, (as they call it) which paid annually 100 talents. Salome received in addition to the cities which were left her by her brother, Jamnia, Azotus and Phasaelis and 500,000 drachmas of silver. Caesar gave her a palace in Askelon and she also received from those places which were subject to her, 60 talents. Her residence was within the dominion of Archelaus. The rest of Herod's relatives received what was bequeathed by his will. Also two of Herod's daughters who were virgins, received in addition to what was bequeathed them, 250,000 drachmas of silver from the bounty of Caesar and they were married to the sons of Pheroras. Caesar gave his portion of the king's estate which amounted to the sum of 1500 talents to his sons. He kept only a few vessels not so much for their value but as keep sakes for the memory of his friend. {Josephus, Antiq., l. 17. c. 13. <c. 12. 1:473>}
6110. Thus the children of Herod governed the country and were now restrained by a threefold division. {Tacitus, l. 5. c. 9.} Strabo added this about his children:
``Some of them Herod put to death himself under the charges of treachery, others at his death he left as his successors and assigned to everyone his portion. Caesar also highly honoured Herod's children and his sister Salome and Berenice the daughter of Salome.
6111. A certain young man, a Jew of lowly parentage, was brought up in Sidon, with a Roman freed man. He resembled Alexander the son of Herod in his face and pretended to be Alexander who was saved from death with his brother Aristobulus by means of a certain friend of his keeper. This man took on an accomplice who was very well acquainted about Herod's palace and well instructed by this fellow's cunning and deceits. When he had sailed into Crete, he persuaded all the Jews that came to meet him this thing was so. He got money from them and he sailed to the island of Melus, where he got a huge amount of money under pretence that he was of the king's family. He now hoped that he should recover his father's kingdom and he hurried to Rome with his friends. When he had sailed to Puteoli, he was there likewise well received and deceived the Jews. As he was coming to Rome, all the Jews who lived there came out to meet him. When this news was brought to Caesar, he sent there Celadus, one of his freemen who was previously very well acquainted with the young men. Caesar ordered him that if he was Alexander, he should bring him to him. He likewise was deceived and brought him to Caesar. However, he did not deceive Caesar who sent this false Alexander when he had confessed his imposture to the galleys as a rower because he had a strong body. He executed the one that put him up to this fraud. {Josephus, Antiq., l. 17. c. 14. <c. 12. 1:473,474>}
4002a AM, 4711 JP, 3 BC
6112. When Archelaus returned to his government in Judea, he removed the priesthood from Joazar, the son of Boethus (or his grandchild by his son Simon) accusing him that he had favoured the seditions and gave that office to Joazar's brother, Eleazar. {Josephus, Antiq., l. 17. c. 15. <c. 13. 1:474>}
4002b AM, 4712 JP, 2 BC
6113. Augustus brought his son Lucius (in his 13th consulship) into the court. {Suetonius, Octavian, c. 26.} He conferred the same honours on him which he had conferred three years earlier on his brother Caius shown by the inscriptions on the coins. They show ensigns of Caius and Lucius with bucklers and spears with this inscription, "C. L. Caesares, Augusti. F. Cos. Des. Principes. Juvent." This means "Caius and Lucius Caesar, the sons of Augustus, designed consuls, princes of youth."
6114. In the same 13th consulship, he wrote on a monument of Ancyra, that he:
``gave 60 denarii to the common people that received public grain. (welfare)
6115. He added:
``there were more than 200,000.
6116. This very thing is also found in Xyphiline, in his writings from Dio, {Xyphiline, ex Dio} except that for 60 denarii, which the Greeks called drachmas, the Latin author wrote 240 denarii. We do not know the basis for the change.
6117. When Augustus and Gallus Coninius were consuls, they satisfied the desires of the Roman people with gladiatorial shows and a sham naval battle. {*Velleius Paterculus, l. 2. c. 100. 1:257} {Jerome, in Chronicle} For these shows, he brought water into the circus. Thirty crocodiles were killed. {Xyphiline, ex Dio}
6118. He also held a naval fight and hollowed the ground around the Tiber River. That place was later called Caesar's Grove. {Suetonius, in Octavian, c. 43.} The hollowed place was 1800 feet long and 200 feet wide. He had 30 warships and many galleys and smaller boats fight. This is recorded in the breviary of his doings which was engraved in the marble of Anoyra. Augustus wrote that this was a novelty in Rome. Ovid makes mention of this: {Ovid, Art, l. 1.}
What, Caesar when, like a sea-fight by land, Made the Persian and Cecropian beaks the sand To ride? He brought both men and maids from the main, And made the city all the world retain.
6119. When Augustus was preparing his games in Rome, there was trouble in Armenia. Only Pompey had exposed the Armenians to the government of Roman governors. They had expelled Artarasdes (or Artabazes) whom Augustus had set over them as governor and had substituted Tigranes in his place. To support this revolt, they called the Parthians for help. So Armenia yielded to the Parthians and the Parthians broke their alliance with Rome and seized Armenia. {*Florus, l. 2. c. 32. 1:341,343} {*Velleius Paterculus, l. 2. c. 101.} {Tacitus, Annals, l. 2. c. 3.} {Zenaras, ex Dio} {excerptis a Fulv. Ursino Edit. legat. 39.} {Sextus Rufus, in Breviary}
6120. Augustus brought Caius and Lucius who were yet very young into the government service. He sent them around the provinces and armies and they had the title of consuls. {Suetonius, in Octavian, c. 64.} Hence we read in Velleius Paterculus, {Velleius Paterculus, l. 2. c. 101.} that Caius went about the provinces to settle them. Beatus Rhenanus thinks it should read "to quiet them." Justus Ligsius thinks it should read, "to visit them." This is the best reading as that place of Dio shows in the collections recorded by Henricus Valesius, (p. 665.)
``Caius Caesar went about as they usually do in peace, viewed the legions that were encamped by the Ister River for he had never any command in the wars not that there was not any war at that time. This was because he had learned the arts in peace and security while the dangers of the war were committed to others to manage.
6121. At Rome in the very year that Augustus held the shows of the combatants on land and sea, there was a filthy and horrible disaster in his own house. His daughter Julia who was altogether unmindful either of the greatness of her father or husband, left no disgraceful deed untried that it was possible for a woman to do or happen to her. She measured the greatness of her fortune by her liberty in sinning and considered everything lawful if it pleased her. {*Velleius Paterculus, l. 2. c. 100. 1:259} She came to such height of lasciviousness that she kept her mighty feasting in the very courts of justice. She abused those courts with lascivious acts in which her father had made the law against adultery. Thereupon her father was so enraged that he could not contain his anger within his own house. He published these things and told them to the senators. {Seneca, de Beneficiis, l. 6. c. 32.} {Xyphiline, in Dio} {Excerptis, Valesii, p. 665.} He was not present but he had a quaestor read a note to them telling everything that happened. He kept himself also from any company for a very long time for very shame. He was thinking also of putting his daughter to death. {Suetonius, in Octavian} At last, she was banished to Pandataria, an island of Campania and her mother, Scibonia voluntarily accompanied her into exile. {Velleius Paterculus, l. 2. c. 100. 1:259} {Xyphiline, in Dio} Her mother was divorced from Caesar on that very day she was born. L. Martius and C. Sabinus, were consuls at that time {*Dio, l. 48. 1:291} in 39 BC or 4675 JP. Hence Julia was 38 years old at that time. Macrobius confirms she was at least that old. {Macrobius, Saturnal, l. 2. c. 5.}
6122. Tiberius was in Rhodes and heard that his wife Julia was condemned for her lusts and adulteries and that a divorce was sent to her in his name by the order of Augustus. Although he was glad, yet he thought it his duty as much as lay in him to frequently write to Augustus. He begged him that he would forgive his daughter and would give her, although she did not deserve it, whatever he had given her. {Suetonius, in Tiberius, c. 11.}
4003a AM, 4712 JP, 2 BC
6123. When Augustus heard that the Armenians had revolted and they were helped by the Parthians, he was grieved and did not know what to do. He could not manage the war himself because he was too old. Tiberius had withdrawn himself and he dared not trust any of the more powerful citizens. Caius and Lucus were too young and unfit for such matters. From necessity, he sent Caius and made him a proconsul. To give him more honour, he had him get married. He would have more friends to give him wise counsel. {Zenaras, ex Dio} He married Lollia Paulina, {Suetonius, in Claudius, c. 26.} who was either the daughter or niece of Marcus Lollius. {*Pliny, l. 9. c. 35. 3:243} {Solinus, c. 53.} Augustus wanted him to be an adviser for his young son. {*Velleius Paterculus, l. 2. c. 102. 1:261} {Suetonius, in Tiberius, c. 12.}
6124. When Caius was prepared for this expedition, Ovid wrote mataioqecnian, in his first book. He mentioned the recent naval battle which had ended.
Caesar prepares with courage to subdue Of the whole world the only unconquered crew, Now must the Parthian by him overcome, Receive chastisement and observe his doom. Rejoice yon buried Crassians, what you lost, Revengefully is taken to their cost, By one, though captain young, yet shows the world, Such high achievements cannot be controlled.
6125. He added a little latter:
With father's fate and gravity renowned, Thou fighting shalt with victory be crowned: Such expectation doth thy name obtain, Though now of young, a prince of old thou let reign.
6126. Ovid was a very good prophet in trying to predict the outcome of this expedition. He recorded Caius' age correctly. His father Augustus was nineteen years old when he gathered his army as it has been shown before from the Ancyran Marble. Caius just turned nineteen, when he prepared for the Armenian and Parthian war. He was a commander in war just at the same age that his father had been.
6127. The Emperor Augustus sent ahead Dionysius who was a most excellent geographer into the east to note the geography of the land for his older son who was to go into Armenia. Pliny records information about Parthia and Arabia. {*Pliny, l. 6. c. 27-32. 2:421-459} We do not know whether it was that famous Dionysius whose records of geography are extant in Greek poetry or Dionysius, the son of Diogenes, of whom Marcianus Heracleota in his first book of journeys stated that he measured the dimension of the earth.
6128. Caius Caesar was assigned Armenia for his province. {Tacitus, Annals, l. 2. c. 3. l. 3. c. 48.} He was sent into Syria. {*Velleius Paterculus, l. 2. c. 101. 1:259} He was made the governor of the east. {Suetonius, in Tiberius, c. 12.} He was sent by Augustus to order the provinces of Egypt and Syria. {Orosius, l. 7. c. 3.} Pliny cites the letters of King Juba written to the same Caius concerning the expedition into Arabia. {Pliny, l. 6. c. 31. 2:445.} Caius had only seen Arabia but never made any expedition there. {Pliny, l. 6. c. 32. 2:459}
6129. As soon as Phraates, the king of the Parthians, heard of the war preparations that Caius made against the barbarians, he sent an apology for those things that were done and desired peace. Caesar replied by letters and ordered him to leave Armenia. Tigranes, at that time, sent no embassy to him. {Dio, in Excerptis, ab Ursin. edit. legat. 39.}
4003b AM, 4713 JP, 1 BC
6130. When the time of his tribuneship was over, Tiberius finally confessed that he went into his retirement only to avoid all suspicion of envy between himself and Caius and Lucius. There was no danger concerning that now because they were grown men and next in authority to the emperor. Tiberius requested that Augustus would give him permission to see again his relatives whom he had a great desire to see. This was not granted and he was warned that he should forget about those whom he so willingly left. {Suetonius, in Tiberius, c. 11.}
6131. Therefore Tiberius stayed at Rhodes against his will. He was not able to obtain that through his mother's request that he should remain there as a lieutenant to Augustus to cover his ignominy. He only lived as a private citizen and was in danger and fear. He hid in the middle of the island to avoid seeing those who sailed by. {Suetonius, in Tiberius, c. 12.}
6132. When Caius went to the Armenian war, Tiberius crossed over to Chios to present his service to him. He removed all suspicions about himself and was very humble to Caius and to his followers. {Xyphiline, ex Dio} {Zonaras, ex Dio} Although Velleius flattered Tiberius, as he did always and wrote that Caius gave all honour to Tiberius as his superior. {Velleius Paterculus, l. 2. c. 101. 1:259,261} Suetonius wrote that Tiberius went not to Chios, but Samos, to see his son-in-law, Caius. He was poorly received through the false accusations of Marcus Lollius. {Suetonius, in Tiberius, c. 12.}
6133. Tiberius came also into suspicion through gifts he gave to some centurions. (??) They went from meeting him to the camp again and seemed to have given dubious commands to many which might tempt them to a revolt. When Augustus knew of this suspicion, Tiberius continually desired that Augustus would send one to him of any rank to be a witness to his words and deeds. He stopped his usual riding and his other martial exercises. He went in his coat and shoes and laid aside his country living. In that fashion he lived at Rhodes for the next two years and every day he was more despised and hated. {Suetonius, in Tiberius, c. 12.}
6134. Caius passed through Judea and scorned to worship at Jerusalem. As soon as Augustus knew this, he highly commended him for this. {Suetonius, in Octavian, c. 93.} {Orosius, l. 7. c. 3.} Orosius added that Caius came from Egypt and passed by the borders of Palestine.
6135. Zonaras {Zonaras, ex Dio} stated that Caius came from there into Syria and did nothing praiseworthy. Velleius Paterculus stated that he behaved himself with such versatility that there was much he could be praised for as well as critical of. {Velleius Paterculus, l. 2. c. 110.} Through the greatness and majesty of the Roman name, he settled all things. {Sextus Rufus, in Breviary}
6136. When Quirinus returned to Rome, he married that generous woman Lepida, who was intended for sometime to be the wife for Lucius. (??) She was the daughter-in-law to Augustus. After twenty years when C. Marcus Valerius Messala and Marcus Aurelius Cotta were consuls in 20 AD, he divorced her and accused her of trying to poison him. {Suetonius, in Tiberius. c. 49.} {Tacitus, Annals, l. 3. c. 22, 23.}
6137. When Augustus wrote the letters to Phraates, he did not call him king. Phraates was not intimidated but proudly wrote back again and called himself "king", and called Augustus nothing but "Caesar." {Dio, in Xephiline} {Legat. 39. Ursin. deit.} When he knew that Caius came into Syria, Phraates suspected that his subjects would not be quiet because they hated him. Hence he made a peace with Caius on this condition that he would lay aside all claims to Armenia. {Xyphiline, ex Dio} From this we read: {Eutropius, l. 7.}
``Augustus received Armenia from the Parthians.
6138. We read also {Eusebius, Chronicle} that Caius Caesar made peace with the Parthians.
6139. When Artabazes or Artavasdes had died of a disease, Tigranes sent presents to Augustus for joy that his enemy was gone. He did not address himself as king and begged the kingdom of him. Augustus was troubled by these things and feared a Parthian war. He accepted his presents and offered him some hope if he went to Syria. He said:
``The Armenians who were then stronger than the Parthians, are subdued by Caius. The Armenians allied themselves with the Parthians and are easily overcome by Caius Augustus. The Armenians thought it better to be reconciled to the friendship of the Romans and to live in their own country than to join with the Parthians and loose their country and have the hostility of the Romans.
4004 AM, 4714 JP, 1 AD
6140. This is the first year of the common Christian account of which we now calculate to be 1663 (when Ussher wrote this paragraph.) Caius Caesar was now twenty years old and this was five years after he was brought into the forum. He was consul in the east, as Pighius showed from a marble table of Naples and Anagna. {Pighius, Annals}
6141. Also this year, Tiberius lived at Rhodes as a banished man, under the pretence of leading a anxious life, for thus Tacitus rightly terms it. {Tacitus, Annals, l. 1. c. 4.} Thereupon when his name was mentioned in a banquet, a man promised Caius, that if he would allow him, he would sail immediately to Rhodes and bring him the head of that banished man. Tiberius was compelled more from danger than fear to desire his return by his own and his mother's (of Livia) most earnest requests. However, Augustus was determined to do nothing concerning this matter except what pleased Caius. {Suetonius, in Tiberius, c. 13.}
6142. After his climax year is past, Augustus celebrated his 64th birthday. On October 23rd (9th calends), he wrote this letter to Caius.
``All hail my Caius, my best delight whom in good faith I always desire when you are from me but especially on such days as this is. My eyes always long for Caius, whom wherever you are, I hope that you are merry and in health and celebrated my 64th birthday. For you have seen that we have past the 63rd, the common climax of all old men. I pray the gods that for the rest of my life that remaines, I may lead it in an happy estate for the government and that you are healthy and behaving yourself like a man and will succeed in my place.
6143. This is from a book of the letters of Augustus to Caius that Aulius Gellius has preserved. {Aulius Gellius, Noctibus Atticis, l. 15. c. 7.}
4005a AM, 4714 JP, 1 AD
6144. Caius went to a conference with the king of the Parthians on an island in the Euphrates River. Each side had an equal sized retinue. The Roman and the Parthian army faced each other on either side of the river. First the Parthians was feasted by Caius on the Roman side and then Caius by the Parthians on the Parthian side. Velleius Paterculus witnessed this event. He was paymaster for the troops since he was a tribune for the soldiers. {Velleius Paterculus, l. 2. c. 101. 1:262}
6145. At that time, the Parthians told Caius Caesar of the perfidious, subtle and cunning councils of Marcus Lollius. {Velleius Paterculus, l. 2. c. 102. 1:262} He was notorious for taking bribes from the kings and for robbing all the countries of the east. Caius excluded him from his friends although his own wife, the daughter or niece of this Lollius, was said to have been given a gown by Lollius that was covered with pearls and valued at 40,000,000 sesterniums. (Some say this was a third of a million pounds of gold!) {*Pliny, l. 9. c. 38. 3:243} {Solinus, c. 55.} The more Caius was offended with Lollius, the more he showed himself gentle and kind to his father-in-law, Tiberius. {Suetonius, in Tiberius, c. 13.}
6146. Velleius did not know if the death of Lollius which happened a few days later was accidental or a suicide. Pliny and Solinus stated that he died by taking poison. Velleius stated that all men rejoiced as heartily over this man's death as the city mourned the death of Censorinus. He died a little later in that province and was very well liked by everyone. {Velleius Paterculus, l. 2. c. 102. 1:259,261} It seems that Caius Marcius was this Censorinus who represented the Jews of Cyrene and of Asia to Augustus. {Josephus, Antiq. l. 16. c. 10. <c. 6. 4:436>}
4005 AM, 4715 JP, 2 AD
6147. Quirinius was made adviser to Caius Caesar to replace Lollius who served Tiberius when he lived at Rhodes. Tiberius acknowledged this in the senate after the death of Lollius (??) and commended the services of Quirinius to Caius. He accused Lollius as the author of the ill will and differences between him and Caius Caesar. {Tacitus, Annals, l. 3. c. 48.}
6148. With Caius' consent, Tiberius was recalled but on the condition, that he should hold no office in the government. {Suetonius, in Tiberius, c. 13.}
6149. Tiberius was very skilful in astrology. He had Thrasyllus, a mathematician with him, who saw a ship sailing toward them in the distance which brought the news from Livia and Augustus of his return from exile. Tiberius said he was happy when in fact these things had recently happened to him before Thrasillus' predictions. Tiberius had intended at that very time as they walked together to throw him headlong into the sea since he was not honest with him and knew his secrets. {Suetonius, in Tiberius, c. 14.} {Xyphiline, ex Dio}
6150. Tiberius had stayed seven years at Rhodes. In the eighth year after his departure, he returned into his country when Publius Vineius was consul and Lucius and Caius were still alive. {Suetonius, in Tiberius, c. 14.} {*Velleius Paterculus, l. 2. c. 99. 1:255 c. 103. 1:263} When he returned to Rome, his son Drusus was in the forum. Tiberius presently went from Pompey's house in the street Carinae to Mecaenas, his gardens in Esquiliae. He wholly gave himself to ease, doing some private entertaining but did not meddle with the government. {Suetonius, in Tiberius, c. 15.}
6151. As Lucius was about to go to the armies in Spain, he died at Marseilles of a sudden death, who was not famous for anything, twenty two months before his brother Caius' death. {*Florus, l. 2. 1:343} {*Velleius Paterculus, l. 2. c. 102. 1:263} {Tacitus, Annals, l. 1. c. 3.} {Suetonius, in Octavian, c. 65.} {Zonaras, ex Dio}
6152. After Lucius' death, Augustus would have adopted Tiberius but he vehemently refused it for he feared the envy of Caius. {*Velleius Paterculus, l. 2. c. 103. 1:263}
4006 AM, 4716 JP, 3 AD
6153. Caius entered into Armenia and at first had good success. A little later Addo or Adduus, (he was called also Ador by Strabo) the governor of Artagera, persuaded the citadel to revolt. He enticed Caius to the wall, as though he would tell him some secret business, and wounded him. Caesar's captains took the citadel by continual assault and dismantled it. {*Velleius Paterculius, l. 2. c. 103. 1:263} {*Strabo. l. 11. 5:327} {Zonaras, ex Dio}
6154. In Florus {*Florus, l. 2. 1:343} this story is thus related. Dones or Domitus whom the king had made governor of Artaxatis or Artagerae pretended to betray the king. He wounded Caius as he was looking over a scroll which he had given him that contained a record of the treasures. Caius was indeed wounded, but in a short time recovered from his wound. The barbarians were attacked on every side by the army with the swords. Domitus was wounded and hurled himself upon a burning pyre. Thus he made atonement with his life to Caesar who outlived him. Sextus Rufus also followed Florus in his breviary. {Sextus, in Breviary}. However he relates this as it had been concerning the Parthians and not concerning the Armenians. He without any reason adds:
``The Parthians to give satisfaction for such a bold attempt, first gave hostages to Octavian Caesar and restored the ensigns that were taken away under Crassus.
6155. This is the account of all those things to this history of Caius (incorrectly called Claudius, both here and by Jornandes, and in that writing of the Latins, that Georgius Syncellus transferred into his Greek Chronicle) which Suetonius {Suetonius, Octavian, c. 21.} had written about the Parthians. He confuses the two accounts and combines them into one:
``The Parthians easily yielded up Armenia to (Octavian) who claimed it. They restored the military ensigns to him that he demanded which were taken from M. Crassus and M. Antony. Moreover, they offered hostages.
6156. Caius made Ariobarzanes governor over the Armenians at their request. He was a Mede and was very handsome and intelligent. {Tacitus, Annals, l. 1.}
6157. Caius was less useful because of his wound and he was less energetic and his mind was less profitable to the state. He never lacked the company of men who by their flattery fomented his vices. By this it happened that he would rather spend all his time in any corner of the world than to return to Rome. He became less astute through sickness and more retiring and he desired that he might live a private life. Augustus was grieved by this and advised him that he should return into Italy He sailed to Lycia and died of sickness in the city Limyra. {Velleius Paterculus, l. 2. c. 102. 1:259} Tacitus notes that he died as he came from Armenia and was sick from his wound. {Tacitus, Annals, l. 1 c. 3.} Sextus Rufus affirmed that he died from his wound after he returned to Syria. Suetonius confirmed that he died in Lycia as does also Dio and Velleius (who was a tribune of soldiers and then served under Caius.) {Suetonius, in Octavian, c. 65.}
6158. Augustus was very grieved by the death of Caius. In his letters, he complained to Asinius Pollio who was his dear friend when eating a large supper when his grief was too fresh and great. Pollio wrote back:
``I supped after the same fashion when I lost my son Aterius. Would any exact more grief from a friend than from a father?
6159. Marcus Seneca relates this in the poem of the 4th book of his controversies. {Seneca, Controversiae Suasoriae. l. 4.}
6160. The bodies of Caius and Lucius were brought to Rome by the captains, armies and commanders of every city. The golden (or silver) shields and spears which they received from the equestrians when they came to manhood, were hung up in the senate house. {Xyphiline, ex Dio} Although Bellonius related in the second book of his observations that the epitaph of G. Caesar may be seen at Hama or Emesa in Syria. However, his bones were buried at Rome as this epitaph showed which is seen before the temple of the gods behind the temple of Minerva. "OSS A C. CAESAR IS AVGVSTIF. PRINCIPIS JUVENTUTIS." This means the bones of G. Caesar the son of Augustus, prince of youth. {Gruter, Inscriptions, p. 235. 4.} There was a suspicion that both these brothers were taken out of the way by the deceit of their stepmother Livia, to make way for her son, Tiberius for the empire. {Tacitus, Annals, l. 1. c. 3.} {Zonaras, ex Dio}
6161. Augustus was made a god by the people. He did not approve and forbid it by an edict. {Xyphiline, ex Dio} {Zonaras, ex Dio} {Suetonius, in Octavian, c. 53.}
4007a AM, 4716 JP, 3 AD
6162. After the thirteen years of his government had expired, he took upon himself the empire for another ten years. He did this as if it were upon compulsion. He had now become more mild and was loath to exasperate the senators and would not offend anyone any more. {Xyphiline, ex Dio}
6163. Augustus made Tiberius Nero his partner in the tribuneship. Tiberius eagerly refused both privately and in the senate. {Velleius Paterculus, l. 2. c. 103. 1:265} Suetonius stated that the tribuneship was given to him for five years {Suetonius, in Tiberius, c. 16.} and Dio said for ten years. {Dio, l. 55. 6:425}
4007b AM, 4717 JP, 4 AD
6164. The Julian calender was now correct. The third intercalary day which was superfluous and added by the carelessness of the Roman priests, was omitted this year in the month of February. Later Augustus, who was the high priest, ordered that one day in the beginning of every fifth year should be intercalated according to the edict of Caesar. To ensure the perpetual keeping of this order, he ordered that it should be engraved in a brass table. {Macrobius, Saturnal. l. 1. c. 14. fin.} From the institution the records of all times after this are calculated. {Solinus, c. 3.} It was no marvel, for it was constantly observed after this until the change of the calender made by Pope Gregory 13th in the year 1579. Yet lest the fairs that were kept by the Romans at the beginning of every ninth day, should fall on the first of January, one day was added often at the end of the previous year and was removed again in the following year. This would keep the time in agreement with Julius Caesar's edicts. {Dio, l. 48. p. 377.} {Dio, l. 60 p. 681.}
6165. After five years Augustus brought his daughter Julia from the island to the continent and gave her some more gentle conditions of exile. However, he could not bring himself to recall her altogether. When the Roman people intreated him for her and were very urgent with him, he used this curse publicly on them that they should have such daughters and such wives. {Suetonius, Octavian, c. 65.}
6166. When Aelius Catus and Sentius (Saturninus) were consuls on June 27th (5th calends of July), Augustus adopted Tiberius Nero. {Velleius Paterculus, l. 2. c. 103. 1:265} He swore before the people that he adopted him for the commonwealth's sake.{Velleius Paterculus, l. 2. c. 104. 1:265} {Suetonius, in Tiberius, c. 21.} Marcus Agrippa, the brother of Caius and Lucius was adopted the same day whom Julia bore after the death of Agrippa. {Velleius Paterculus, l. 2. c. 104. 1:265} {Suetonius, in Tiberius, c. 15.} Augustus feared lest Tiberius should grow proud and make a rebellion. Before he adopted him, he made Tiberius adopt Germanicus, the son of his brother Drusus, although Tiberius had a son of his own. {*Dio, l. 55. 6:425} {Suetonius, in Tiberius, c. 15.} {Tacitus, Annals, l. 1. c. 3.}
6167. Immediately after his adoption, Tiberius was sent into Germany, with whom Paterculus went and served as a colonel of the cavalry. He was an eye witness of all that Tiberius did for nine years. {*Velleius Paterculus, c. 104, 105. 1:265-269}
6168. When Tiberius was sent into Germany, the ambassadors of the Parthians, came with their embassy to Rome. They were ordered to go into the province to him. {Suetonius, in Tiberius, c. 16.} There were many contending for the Parthian kingdom and ambassadors came from the noblemen of Parthia and desired to have a king of one of the three sons of Phraates who remained as hostages at Rome. Vonones was preferred before his other brothers and was helped by Caesar. He was joyfully received by the Parthians for some time. {Suetonius, in Octavian, c. 21.} {Josephus, Antiq., l. 18. c. 3. <c. 2. 1:478,479>} {Tacitus, Annals, l. 2. c. 2.}
6169. Augustus accepted the proconsular power so that he might raise a tax in Italy. {*Dio, l. 55. 6:427}
4008 AM, 4718 JP, 5 AD
6170. The sun was partially eclipsed {*Dio, l. 55. 6:451} on March 28 about five o'clock in the afternoon according to the astronomical tables.
6171. Toga Virilis which was the gown that the Roman men wore at age 18, was given to Marcus Agrippa Posthumous, (e.g. born after the death of his father) who had never had those honours that his brothers (Caius and Lucius) had. {*Dio, l. 55. 6:451}
4009 AM, 4719 JP, 6 AD
6172. The rulers of the Jews as well as of the Samaritans could no longer put up with the tyranny of Archelaus and accused him to Caesar. They knew that he had acted contrary to Caesar's command by whom he was commanded to govern his subjects with justice and equity. When Caesar heard this, he was very angry and sent for his agent who lived at Rome. He did not write anything to Archelaus but ordered his agent to go to Judea and immediately to bring his master to him. {Josephus, Wars, l. 2. c. 6.} {Josephus, Antiq., l. 17. c. ult. <c. 13. 1:474,475>}
6173. Archelaus claimed to have had a dream foretelling this misfortune. He saw nine ears of grain which were eaten up by oxen. Simon, an Essean, interpreted those ears to be nine years of his kingdom and said that now the end of his government was at hand. The fifth day after this, the agent of Archelaus is said to have come to Judea. He found Archelaus banqueting with his friends and told him Caesar's pleasure was that he must come and answer the accusations. {Josephus, Antiq., l. 17. c. ult. <c. 13. 1:475>}
4010a AM, 4719 JP, 6 AD
6174. About our November, on the seventh day of the Jewish month Cisleu, began the tenth year of the reign of Archelaus. (What Augustus called an ethnarchy the Jews called a kingdom.) Joseph the priest had a son named Matthias, in the tenth year of the reign of Archelaus as it is in the public registers. Flavius Josephus, the historian, was the son of this Matthias. {Josephus, Life, 1:1} For this very reason, Josephus thought it best to change what he had written formerly in his books of the wars of the Jews about the nine years of Archelaus. In his books of antiquities he substituted in the ten years in his kingdom and ten ears in the dream. No such amendment was needed. He only reigned a few days in his tenth year of his ethnarchy or kingdom. He was sent into banishment at the end of that year when M. Aemilius Lepidus and L. Aruntius were consuls. Under their consulship:
``Herod of Palestine (who was indeed none other than this Archelaus) was accused by his countrymen and was banished beyond the Alps and his government was confiscated. {*Dio, l. 55. 6:465,467}
6175. When Caesar heard the accusations and the defence of Archelaus, he banished him to Vienna of France and confiscated his country and his treasure. {Josephus, Wars, l. 2. c. 6.} {Josephus, Antiq., l. 17. c. ult. <c. 13. 1:475>} This is that son of Herod, whom Strabo noted to have lived in exile among the Allobroges of France. {*Strabo, l. 16. 7:299}
4010b AM, 4720 JP, 7 AD
6176. Augustus proscribed his only nephew Marcus Agrippa who was born after the death of his father. He was ignorant and foolishly fierce from a pride of his strength. He was found innocent but Augustus confiscated all his goods into the military treasury and banished him to Planasia, an island near Corsica. {Tacitus, Annals, l. 1. c. 3.} {*Dio, l. 55. 6:475}
6177. The government of Archelaus, that is, Judea, (containing the tribe of Judah and Benjamin) Samaria and Idumea, was organised into a province and annexed to Syria. Quirinius was sent by Caesar, to be the governor of Syria so that he might tax both it and all Syria. He was sent to evaluate the wealth of the Jewish estates and to sell Archelaus' property and bring its money into his own country. {Josephus, Antiq, l. 17. c. fin l. 18. c. 1. <c. 13. 1:475,476>}
6178. Although the Jews could barely tolerate even the mention of a tax, however, Joazar the son of Boethus the high priest convinced them. He was either restored by Archelaus or else took the priesthood again in his absence. Without much opposition, they allowed themselves to be taxed. {Josephus, Antiq. l. 18. c. 1. <1:476>}
6179. At the time of this taxing, Judas a Galilean arose and drew away many people after him. After he died, all that followed him were dispersed according to Gamaliel. {Ac 5:37} Josephus calls him a Gaulonite. {Josephus, Antiq. l. 18. c. 1. <1:476>} He was born in the town of Gamala but in another place Josephus agrees with Gamaliel and he calls him a Galilean and wrote that he instigated the people to revolt from the Romans when Quirinius taxed Judea. {Josephus, Antiq. l. 18. c. 2. <c. 1. 1:476> l. 20 c. 3. <c. 5. 1:531>}
6180. Sadduc, a Pharisee was his associate and tried to stir up the people to rebel. He said that this taxing was nothing else but an obvious sign of their servitude. He exhorted all the country to stand for their liberty and gave them the hope that by this they should better enjoy their lives. They would be confirmed in the possession of their estates and would be considered valiant. They could not expect any help from God if they did not help themselves. The people readily received these speeches and were encouraged to do something. These men troubled the country for they filled all places with murders and robberies. They plundered without any respect of friend or foe and murdered many noble personages. All this was done under the pretext of defending the public liberty but indeed it was for their private profit. Judas and Sadduc were the instigators of all these calamities and the example for all who were desirous of seditions. This not only disturbed the country now but were the seeds of all the future calamities. {Josephus, Antiq., l. 18. c. 1. <1:476>}
6181. To the three ancient sects of the Jews, (that is the Pharisees, Sadducees and Essenes), Judas the Galilean founded a fourth one. Its followers agreed with the Pharisees and affirmed that God only is to be accounted Lord and master of all. They would more easily endure any most horrible torture together with their friends and children than call any mortal man, Lord. {Josephus, Antiq., l. 18. c. 2. <c. 1. 1:477>}
6182. Quirinius sold and confiscated Archelaus' goods and went through the land with the tax. (This happened in the 37th year after the victory at Actium beginning in September of the previous year.) There was a sedition of the common people made against Joazar the high priest. Quirinius removed him from his office and substituted Ananus (or Annas) the son of Seth in his place. {Josephus, Antiq., l. 18. c. 3. <c. 2. 1:478>}
6183. Quirinius was accompanied by Coponius, who was of the equestrian order and Coponius was sent by Augustus to be the first governor of Judea, after it was organised into a province. {Josephus, Antiq., l. 18. c. 2. <c. 1. 1:477>} {Josephus, Wars, l. 2. c. 7.} The term of the governors seems always to have expired after three years.
4011 AM, 4721 JP, 8 AD
6184. When Coponius was governor of Judea, in the passover of this or the following year, the priests (as it was the custom always at this feast) had opened the gates of the temple about midnight. Certain Samaritans secretly entered Jerusalem and scattered men's bones amidst the porch and over all the temple. After this, the priests watched the temple much more diligently than before. {Josephus, Antiq., l. 18. c. 3. <c. 2. 478>}
6185. At the passover of this year, Christ in the twelfth year of his age was brought to Jerusalem by Joseph and Mary. After the seven days of unleavened bread were over, his parents returned home and he stayed behind. They did not know where he was and looked for him for three days. They found him in the temple, sitting in the midst of the teachers. He was listening to them and asking them questions. All who heard him, were astonished at his understanding and answers. {Lu 2:41-47}
6186. Jesus went down with his parents to Nazareth and was obedient to them. {Lu 2:51} He followed his father's trade as a carpenter and ate his bread by the sweat of his brow. From this, his fellow citizens of Nazareth stated: "Is not this the carpenter, the son of Mary?" {Mr 6:3}
4012 AM, 4722 JP, 9 AD
6187. Ovid was banished to Tomas in Pontus because, he saw some dishonest act of Augustus which he did not want to be seen. About this misfortune, we read him complaining: {*Ovid, Tristia, l. 2. 1:63}
Why saw I ought? Why did I guilty make My eyes? This sin why did I, wretch, partake?
6188. He was exiled also for his love of books he himself confirms and is recorded by Sidonius Apollinaris and others. {*Ovid, Tristia, l. 2. 1:61} We have shown before, that he was born in the consulship of Hirtius and Pansa, and was at this time fifty one years old but the current year was not complete. The poet records his age: {*Ovid, Tristia, l. 2. e. 10. 1:203}
When twice five times with olive girt the knight. Had bore away the prize (his virtues right) When by my princes rage I had command Of the Euxine Tomitae to seek the land.
6189. That is, as it is more clearly expressed by him, in his book in Iben, (he wrote against his accusers when he first arrived at Tomos.) {*Ovid, Tristia, l. 2. e. 8. 1:193}
When to this time ten lustrals I had seen.
6190. For he did not confuse the Olympiads which were every four years with the lustrals of the Romans which were every five years.
4013 AM, 4723 JP, 10 AD
6191. Ovid signified this that he had passed the first winter in Pontus, and with that the first year of his banishment, (for he had spent the former winter on his journey.) {*Ovid, Tristia, l. 3. e. 12. 1:147}
Now zephyr tames the cold; the years run round, A longer winter the Maeotae found. The sign in Aries, the night did make Her equal hours with the day partake.
6192. He noted the second year of his banishment. {Ovid, Tristia, l. 6. e. 4.}
Since I my country left the barns twice filled And presses, grain and wine did to them yield.
6193. Marcus Ambivius was sent by Augustus, as the second governor into Judea. During his stay, Salome died who was the sister of Herod. She bequeathed to Julia (Livia, Augustus' wife) Jamnia, with its government, Phasealis which was located in the plain and Archelaus which was very well planted with date palm trees which is a most excellent fruit. {Josephus, Antiq., l. 18. c. 3. <c. 2. 1:478>}
4015 AM, 4725 JP, 12 AD
6194. Ovid recalls the beginning of his third winter that he spent in Pontus. {*Ovid, Tristia, l. 5. e. 10. 1:245}
Since I to Pontus came thrice Ister stood With frost, and thrice lay glazed the Euxine flood.
6195. The senate and people of Rome, at Augustus' request, made a decree that Tiberius might have the same power in all the provinces and armies as he himself had. {*Velleius Paterculus, l. 2. c. 121. 1:307} Suetonius stated that this law was propounded by the consuls {Suetonius, in Tiberius, c. 21.} that Tiberius should govern the provinces in common with Augustus. Germanicus was consul all that year, whom the aged Augustus used to commend in writing to the senate just as the senate itself did also commend him to Tiberius. {*Dio, l. 56. 7:59} It was no wonder that the senate should receive the commendation from Augustus:
``to his son his colleague of the empire and partner in the tribuneship.
6196. as Tacitus stated. {Tacius, Annals, l. 1. c. 3.} Tiberius was also made censor and he committed the care of the city to Lucius Piso because he had continued two days and two nights in drinking with him since Tiberius was now made a prince. {*Pliny, l. 14. c. 38. 4:281} Tacitus confirmed that Piso was the prefect of the city for twenty years and did his job well. He died when Domitius Aenobarbus and Aulus Vitellius were consuls in 32 A. D. and was honoured with a public funeral. {Tacitus, Annals, l. 6. c. 11.} From this it is gathered that Tiberius was now prince or viceroy in 12 A. D. two whole years before Augustus' death. Therefore there must be a distinction noted between the beginning of Tiberius' first being a prince or viceroy and his later becoming emperor.
4016 AM, 4726 JP, 13 AD
6197. Ovid noted his fourth winter which he lived in exile. {*Ovid, Pontus, l. 1. e. 2. ad Maximus 1:291?}
Here the fourth winter wearied me doth hold, Resisting adverse fate, weapons, sharp cold.
6198. Annius Rufus was sent as the third governor to Judea by Augustus. {*Josephus, Antiq., l. 18. c. 3. <c. 2. 1:478>})
4017a AM, 4726 JP, 13 AD
6199. When Lucius Munacius and Caius Silius were consuls, the fourth ten year term of Augustus' empire was about to expire. Against his will, he accepted the government of the state for another ten years and continued Tiberius' tribuneship. {*Dio, l. 56. 6:63}
4017b AM, 4727 JP, 14 AD
6200. When Sextus Pompeius and Sextus Apuleius were consuls, Augustus wrote in a breviary of his acts which was engraved in marble of Ancira that he with his colleague Tiberius, numbered the people of Rome for the third time. In this census, the Roman citizens totalled 4,137,000. {Gruter, Inscriptions, p. 230} Eusebius {Eusebius, Chronicle} is incorrect where he said that there were numbered 9,370,000. Jornandes followed Eusebius in this error in his book {Jornandes, Succession of Kingdoms and Times} and gave and even larger number. He added that Augustus had:
``commanded all the world to be numbered since there was peace at the birth of Jesus Christ.
6201. Both he and Eusebius in that place conjecture that the birth of the Lord happened in the 42nd year of Augustus' empire.
6202. When Augustus made this great muster in Mars field, there were a number of people there. An eagle often fluttered about Augustus and then went and sat on a nearby temple on the first letter of Agrippa's name. When Augustus saw this, he commanded his colleague Tiberius to make those vows that were usually made for the next year. For although all things were ready for the solemnities of those vows, yet he refused to make those vows which he should not live to perform. (??) {Suetonius, Octavian, c. 97.}
6203. About the same time the first letter of his name, that was on the inscription of his statue which was set in the capitol, fell down after it was struck with a flash of lightning. The soothsayers said that he would live only an hundred days after that because the letter "C" denoted 100 in Roman numerals. Also he should be canonized as a god, because "AESAR", which was the rest of his name, in the Etruscan language, meant "a god". {*Dio. l. 56. 7:67} {Suetonius, Octavian, c. 97.}
6204. In the meanwhile, Augustus wrote a summary of his doings which he wanted to have engraved in tables of brass and placed over his tomb. {Suetonius, in Octavian, c. ult.} {*Dio, l. 56. 7:73} An example of this which was written in the marble of Ancyra, so often mentioned by us, in which that former census that he took so recently was described.
6205. So Augustus ended his days at Nola in Campania, when those two Sexti were consuls and were named on his tomb. {*Velleius Paterculus, l. 2. c. 123. 1:311} {Suetonius, in Octavian, c. 100.} {Tacitus, Annals, l. 1. c. 5. & 7.} {*Dio. l. 56. 7:71} He died in the same house and chamber, where his father Octavian had died, {Suetonius, in Octavian, c. 100.} {Tacitus, Annals, l. 1. c. 9.} on August 19th, which was the same day he was first made consul. {Suetonius, in Octavian, c. 100.} {*Dio, l. 56. 7:69}
6206. Tiberius did not announce the death of Augustus before he had killed Agrippa Posthumous. He replied to the captain who killed him and brought back word that he had done as Tiberius had ordered that he had not ordered it and that he should give an account of it to the senate. He was willing at the present to avoid its reproach. {Suetonius, in Tiberius, c. 22.} {Tacitus, Annals, l. 1. c. 6.} {*Dio, l. 57. 7:119,121} After preparing all things according to the time, the same news came together that Augustus was dead and that Tiberius Nero was emperor. {Tacitus, Annals, l. 1. c. 5.}
6207. Although he had every intention of taking over the empire, yet he for a long time most imprudently refused it and held the senate in suspense. They begged him and fell on their knees to him. He replied with doubtful and delaying answers so that some upbraided him to his face for his indecision. {Suetonius, in Tiberius, c. 24.} {*Velleius Paterculus, l. 2. c. 124. 1:311,313} {Tacitus, Annals, l. 1. c. 7.} {*Dio, l. 57. 7:117}
6208. Between this new principality, as Tacitus calls it, {Tacitus, Annals, l. 1. c. 6,7.} and the former which he had 2 years before Augustus' death, was this difference. The former extended only to armies and provinces of the Roman Empire but this to the head city itself in which Tiberius only had the authority of censorship and tribuneship. He had the Augustal Principality, that is, of governing after his own will and being freed from all bonds of laws. For Tiberius had not equal power with Augustus as Lucius Varus had with Antony the philosopher who governed the state with equal authority according to Spartianus. {Spartianus, in Hadrian, Aelio Vero, & M. Aurelio.} His power was like Antoninus Pius had with Hadrian who was adopted by him and made colleague with his father in the proconsular power (in respect of the other provinces) and in the tribuneship (at home) as Julius Capitolinus stated. Thereupon Tiberius did not issue the edict by which he called the senators into the senate by the authority of his new principality but by the power of the tribuneship which he had under Augustus. However, he controlled the Praetorian cohorts as emperor. {Tacitus, Annals, l. 1. c. 7.}
4018a AM, 4727 JP, 14 AD
6209. The legions of Pannonia rebelled and were frightened by a sudden eclipse of the moon and so submitted themselves to Tiberius. {Tacitus, Annals, l. 1. c. 28.} {*Dio, l. 57. p. 7:123} This total eclipse happened on September 27th at five hours after midnight so that the moon set even in the very eclipse.
6210. Ovid {*Ovid, Pontus, l. 4. e. 5. 1:439} wrote about Sextus Pompeius who was consul this year and {*Ovid, Pontus, l. 4. e. 6. 1:441} the next poem about Brutus, in which he mentions the death both of Augustus and Fabius Maximus. (It is obvious from Tacitus, {Tacitus, Annals, l. 1. c. 5.} that Maximus died this year under Tiberius.) Ovid showed in these verses that he was more than five years into his banishment and that then he was entering the sixth, (of the beginning of which we are certain.)
Now one quinquennial Olympiad's run, In Scythia I, and the second Lustral gun.
6211. In this sixth year he remembered also: {*Ovid, Pontus, l. 4. e. 10. 1:463}
This is the sixth summer on the Cymmerian shores That I must spend amongst these Getic boors.
4018b AM, 4728 JP, 15 AD
6212. Ovid mentioned in his eulogy to Caras of the sixth winter, (from which he counts the beginning of the seventh year of his banishment.) {*Ovid, Pontus, l. 4. e. 13. 1:477}
This the sixth winter (my dear friend) Must I in this cold climate spend.
6213. Where also he tells of a poem at this time written by him in the language of the Getes of the canonization of Augustus. {*Ovid, Pontus, l. 4. e. 13. 1:477}
Ah shame, in Getic language then did I Compile a book, fancy my Posey; Yea gloried in it, and estsoon began Amongst these barbars to be the only man.
6214. An Hebrew woman that had been bound by Satan eighteen years from this date, was restored by Christ to health. {Lu 13:1-16}
6215. Valerius Gratus is sent by Tiberius as governor to Judea to replace Annius Rufus. Gratus held the government for eleven years. {Josephus, Antiq. l. 18. c. 3. <c. 2. 1:478>}
6216. When the governor of Crete died, for the rest of his term the island was committed to the charge of the quaestor and his assessor. {Dio, l. 57. 7:147}
4019 AM, 4729 JP, 16 AD
6217. The Armenians had received Vonones into their kingdom who was expelled from his own by the threats of Artabanus the king of the Parthians and Medes. Vonones solicited in vain for help from Tiberius through his ambassadors whom he sent to Rome. Since the most powerful of the Armenians followed the faction of Artabanus, Vonones gave up all hope of recovering the kingdom. He retired with an huge amount of treasure to Antioch and submited himself to Creticus Silanus, the governor of Syria. Because Vonones was educated at Rome, the governor kept him with him in Syria and set a guard over him but allowed him to maintain the pomp and name of a king. Artabanus set Orodes, one of his sons, to be king over the Armenians. {Josephus, Antiq., l. 18. c. 3. <c. 2. 1:>} {Tacitus, Annals, l. 2. c. 4.} {Suetonius, Tiberius, c. 49.}
4020 AM, 4730 JP, 17 AD
6218. Ovid the poet died in banishment and was buried near the city Tomos. {Jerome, Chronicles}
6219. Tiberius had Archelaus, the king of Cappadocia tricked into coming to Rome through the letters of Livia. Tiberius hated him because he had not offered him any help all the while he lived at Rhodes. She did not hide her son's displeasure with him but offered him mercy if he would come and ask for it. Archelaus did not know of the treachery or possible hostility and hurried to Rome. He was churlishly entertained and not long after he was accused of feigned crimes in the senate. {Tacitus, Annals, l. 2. c. 42.} He was accused as though he planned a sedition. The old king was worn out with extreme old age and gout and was believed to dote on the people. He defended himself in his letter in the senate and pretended that he was not well at that time in his mind and escaped danger for the time being. {*Dio, l. 57. 7:157} However, not long after this he died from other causes because he was tired with grief and with old age. Then Cappadocia was organised into a province and committed to the government of an equestrian. {*Dio, l. 57. 7:159} {Tacitus, Annals, l. 2. c. 42.} {Suetonius, in Tiberius, c. 37.}
6220. Tiberius stated that by the profits of that kingdom of Cappadocia, the tribute of one in the hundred might be stopped and appointed the tribute of one in two hundred to be raised. (??) {Tacitus, Annals, l. 2. c. 42.} He ordered that its chief city called Mazaca, a most noble city, should be called Caesarea. {Jerome, Chronicles}
6221. At the same time after Antiochus, the king of the Commangenes had died, there arose a contention between the nobility and the common people. The nobility desired that the kingdom should be made into a province and the common people wanted another king. {Tacitus, Annals, l. 2. c. 42.} {Josephus, Antiq., l. 18. c. 3. <c. 2. 1:479>} In similar manner also the country of the Cilicians was in a turmoil when their King Philopator died. Many wanted it to become a Roman province and many wanted a kingdom. The provinces of Syria and Judea were oppressed with taxes and made a petition that their tribute might be lessened. {Tacitus, Annals, l. 2. c. 42.}
6222. Tiberius discussed these things with the senate and persuaded them that these problems in the east could only be settled by the wisdom of Germanicus. Thereupon by the decree of the senate, Germanicus was given the charge of all the provinces east of Italy. This was a greater command than anyone before him had. {Tacitus, Annals, l. 2. c. 43.} Under the pretence of problems in the east, Tiberius intended to take him from the legions that he usually commanded and gave him charge over new provinces which exposed him more to treachery and hazards. {Tacitus, Annals, l. 2. c. 45.??}
6223. Because the governor of Syria, Creticus Silanus was related (??) to Germanicus, Tiberius appointed Cn. Piso as his successor. He was a head strong and rebellious man and was well aware that he was made governor of Syria to thwart Germanicus. Some believed that he had secret orders from Tiberius to do so. Without a doubt, his wife Plancina was advised by Augusta through female jealousy to quarrel with Agrippina (the daughter of M. Agrippa) and Julia, the wife of Germanicus {Tacitus, Annals, l. 2. c. 43.}
6224. In the same year twelve famous cities of Asia were destroyed in one night by an earthquake. These were Ephesus, Magnesia, Sardis, Mosthene, Aegae, Hiero-Caesarea, Philadelphia, Temnus, Cyme, Myrina, Apollonia, and Hyrcania. They stated also that huge mountains were laid flat and plains raised up into hills and fire flashed out of those ruins. The disaster was most serious among the Sardians and created much sympathy for them. Tiberius promised them 1,000,000 Sesterces and to release them for five year's time of all that they were to pay to the common treasury. The Magnetes near the mountain Sypilus were the next worst damaged. They were given relief from taxes for five years also as well as the Temnians, Philadelphians, Aegetians, Apollonienses, and such as are called Mosthenians, or Macedonians of Hyreania, and those who lived at Heiro-Caesarea, Myrina and Cyme. Tiberius sent some of the senators to them to see the situation and help them. This charge was committed to M. Aletus who was once a praetor. If one who had been consul over Asia had been sent, there might have been some envy between equals (e.g. the governor of Asia) and the business would have been hindered. {Tacitus, Annals, l. 2. c. 43.} {*Strabo, l. 12. 5:515,517 l. 13. 6:179} {*Pliny. l. 2. c. 84. 1:329} {*Dio. l. 57. 7:159} {Eusebius, Chronicles} {Orosius, l. 7. c. 4.}
6225. For this magnificent generosity to the public, a large statue of Tiberius was erected in the forum at Rome by the temple of Venus. Each of the cities which was rebuilt, also erected a statue of Tiberius according to Phlegon Trellianus in his book of wonders stated from Apollonius the Grammarian. Scaliger also adds that there were silver medals coined to commemorate these things. On one side of the coin was the face of Tiberius and on the reverse side was the picture of Asia in a woman's clothing sitting with these words CIVITATIBUS ASIAE RESTITUTIS meaning, "for the cities of Asia restored."
4021 AM, 4731 JP, 18 AD
6226. Germanicus was sent out to settle the affairs of the east. {Suetonius, Caligula, c. 1.} He sailed into the isle Lesbos where his wife Agrippina had previously given birth to Julia. He desired to see the places of antiquity and fame, he went to the confines of Asia, Perinthus and Byzantium, cities of Thrace. Then he entered the straits of Propontis and the mouth of the Pontic Sea. Likewise he relieved the provinces which were oppressed with civil discord or oppressive magistrates. He sailed to Colophon and consulted the oracle of Clarius Apollo. The oracle told him in dark speeches (as the manner of oracles was) that his death was near. {Tacitus, Annals, l, 2. c. 54.}
6227. Cn. Piso sailed as quickly as possible by the Cyclades and using the shortest routes by sea, he overtook Germanicus at Rhodes. Piso was saved from danger of shipwreck by Germanicus but yet was not placated. He left Germanicus and went ahead of him to Syria. When he came to the legions with gifts and bribes, he tried to win them over to him. He reached such an height of corruption that among the common people, he was called the father of the legions. Both he and his wife Plancina as well by herself were involved in this. She instigated some of the soldiers to obey her base commands and spoke disrespectfully against Agrippina and Germanicus. It was all the easier because it was secretly whispered that this was done with the emperor's consent. {Tacitus, Annals, l. 2. c. 55.}
6228. Although Germanicus knew about those things, the affairs of Armenia required his attention first. At that time, the Armenians had expelled Vonones and had no king. (This is if we can believe Tacitus for Suetonius {Suetonius, Caligula, c. 1.} stated that the king of Armenia was conquered by Germanicus. This was Orodes, the son of Artabanus, king of the Parthians, as it was stated from Josephus.) The good will of the country was inclined more towards Zeno, the son of Polemon, the king of Pontus. From his childhood, he had imitated the customs and clothing of the Armenians in hunting and feasting and other exercises which were greatly esteemed by the barbarians. He had won to him the good will of the nobles and common people. Germanicus intended to make him king in the city of Artaxatis. The noble men approved of this and the multitudes flocked around him. The rest reverenced him as their king and greeted him by the name of Artaxias after the name of their city. {Tacitus, Annals, l. 2. c. 56.}
6229. Then the Cappadocians were organised into a province and Q. Veranius was made its governor. {Tacitus, Annals, l. 2. c. 56.} To encourage them that the Roman government would be mild, some of the tributes that they used to pay to their kings, were reduced. Q. Servaeus was made governor over the Commagenians. This province was ruled by a praetor. (??) {Tacitus, Annals, l. 2. c. 56.}
4022a AM, 4731 JP, 18 AD
6230. After all the affairs of the allies were successfully settled, Germanicus was still uneasy about Piso's arrogance. Germanicus had ordered that either he himself or his son, should lead some of the legions into Armenia and neither did anything. Finally, they both met at Cyrrhum, a city of Syria, where the tenth legion wintered. In the presence of a few families, Caesar had a heated discussion with Piso and and Piso answered with a proud submission. Hence they departed with grudges against each other. After that Piso was seldom at Caesar's tribunal, and if at any time he assisted, he showed himself froward and obviously dissented from him. This speech of his was told at a banquet made by the king of the Nabateans, where large crowns of gold were given to Germanicus and Agrippina and small ones to Piso and the rest. This feast was made for the son of a Roman prince and not for the son of the Parthian king. The son threw away his crown, and spoke many things against the generosity of the host. (??) Although Germanicus could hardly digest this, yet endured it all patiently. {Tacitus, Annals, l. 2. c. 57.}
6231. Ambassadors came from Artabanus, the king of the Parthians, to Germanicus to renew the friendship and league between them. The king said that he would give so much to the honour of Germanicus that he would come to the banks of the Euphrates River. He desired in the meantime that Vonones might not stay in Syria, lest by secret messengers he might make a rebellion among the noble men of the country around there. Germanicus answered agreeably to the alliance between the Romans and the Parthians. Concerning the king's coming and the honour done to himself, he answered politely and with modesty. Vonones was moved to Pompeipolis, a sea town of Cilicia. This was not done so much at Artabanus' request, as to spite Piso to whom Vonones was most acceptable for many services and gifts which he had given to Plancina, Piso's wife. {Tacitus, Annals, l. 2. c. 58.}
4022b AM, 4732 JP, 19 AD
6232. When M. Silanus and L. Norbanus were consuls, Germanicus went into Egypt to learn its history but pretended a concern for the province. He opened the granaries and brought down the price of grain and did other things to win the favour of the people. He went about without soldiers, wore open shoes and dressed like a Greek. Tiberius lightly blamed him for his behaviour and apparel and sharply rebuked him that contrary to Augustus' order he had entered Alexandria without the permission of the prince. However, Germanicus did not yet know that his journey was frowned on and sailed up the Nile River starting at the town Conopus. Later he visited the great ruins of Thebes where the Egyptians' letters could still be seen in the old buildings which contained their ancient wealth. He intended to see other marvels of which the main attraction was the stone image of Memnon. When it is illuminated by the sun, it makes a sound like a man's voice. He also saw the pyramids as high as mountains built by the former kings to show their riches. He saw the impassable sands and the hand made ditches to hold the flooding of the Nile River. They were so narrow in same places and so deep in other places that the bottom could not be determined. Then he came to Elephantine and Syene. So that summer was spent by Germanicus in seeing various provinces. {Tacitus, Annals, l. 2. c. 59-62.}
6233. At the same time Vonones bribed his guards and tried by all means to escape to the Armenians and from there to the Albanians and Heniochians and to his relative, the king of Scythia. Under the pretence of going hunting, he left the seacoasts and took the byways. His fast horse brought him quickly to the Pyrimus River, whose bridges the inhabitants had broken down when they heard of the king's escape. The river was too deep to ford across. Therefore on the bank of the river, he was captured and bound by Vibius Fronto, captain of the cavalry. Then as it were through anger, he was run through by Remmius Evocatus, to whose keeping he was first committed. {Tacitus, Annals, l. 2. c. 68.}
6234. The daughter to Jairus, the ruler of the synagogue, was born. She was his only child and died when she was twelve years old. Christ restored her to life. During this year also, the woman became sick of the flux of blood. Twelve years later she was healed by touching the garment of Jesus. {Lu 8:42,43 Mr 5:42}
6235. There were many vain oracles that went about as though they had been the Sibyls concerning the destruction of Rome which was to happen in the year 900 from its founding. Tiberius reproved them and saw all the books which contained any prophesies. He rejected some as of no importance and he received others into the number of those which were to be approved. {*Dio, l. 57. 7:161,163}
6236. The senate debated about elimination of the Egyptian and Jewish religion. An act was made that those who observed them must depart from Italy if within a certain day they did not stop those practices. {Tacitus, Annals, l. 2. c. 85.} They were compelled to burn all their religious garments with all things belonging to them. {Suetonius, in Tiberius, c. 36.} This may also be what Seneca refers to. {Seneca, ep. 108.}
``When I was a young man in the government of Tiberius, the foreign rites of the countries were removed. It was thought superstitious to abstain from some kinds of food.
6237. An horrible crime was committed against Paulina, a noble woman by the Egyptian religion. When it was known, Tiberius commanded the temple of Isis to be thrown down and Isis' statue to be drowned in the Tiber River. {Josephus, Annals, l. 18. c. 4. <c. 3. 1:481>} A certain imposter was the reason for the expulsion of the Jews. He fled his country for fear of being punished, according to their laws. He then lived at Rome and made himself as though he were an interpreter of Moses' law. He had also three associates like himself. A noble woman, Fulvia, embraced the Jewish religion and became their scholar. They persuaded her that she should send purple and gold to the temple of Jerusalem. When they had received this, they used it for themselves. Tiberius was informed of this by his friend Saturninus, the husband of Fulvia who complained of the wrong to his wife. Tiberius ordered all the Jews to get out of the city. {Josephus, Antiq., l. 18. c. 5. <c. 3. 1:481>}
6238. The consuls enlisted 4000 of the youth for soldiers from the Jews who were the sons of free men. They were sent into Sardinia to suppress the robbers. They thought it no great loss if they should perish through the intemperance of the air. Many who refused to be enlisted because of the religion of their country, were grievously punished. The rest of that nationality or any that followed their religion, were turned out of the city under the penalty of perpetual slavery if they did not obey. {Josephus, Antiq., l. 18. c. 5. <c. 3. 1:481>} {Suetonius, in Tiberius, c. 36.} {Tacitus, Annals, l. 2. c. 85.}
6239. Rhascupolis or Rhascoporis, the king of Thracia, killed Cotys his brother's son, who also was his partner in the kingdom. He was betrayed by Pomponius Flaccus. (Ovid mentions Flaccus {*Ovid, Pontus, l. 4. . e. 9.} as governor of Moesia.) He was brought to Rome and there condemned and taken to Alexandria. He was killed as though he had made an attempt to flee from there. {Tacitus, Annals l. 2. c. 67.} {*Velleius Paterculus, l. 2. c. 126. 1:311} {Suetonius, Tiberius, c. 37.}
4023a AM, 4732 JP, 19 AD
6240. When Germanicus returned from Egypt, he found that everything he had ordered about the legions or cities was not done or done exactly opposite to what he ordered. Thereupon, he had very harsh words with Piso as if Piso had disobeyed the emperor directly. Hence Piso decided to leave Syria, but was then detained by reason of Germanicus' sickness. When he heard he was getting better and that the vows were to be made for his health, he thought his sergeants, drove away the beasts brought to the altar and disturbed the preparation for the sacrifices and the solemn meeting of the people of Antioch where Germanicus was. {Tacitus, Annals, l. 2. c. 69.} When Germanicus was sick, he used him most harshly in words and deeds without any moderation. {Suetonius, Caligula, c. 2.}
6241. Then Piso went to Seleucia and expected Germanicus to become sick again. {Tacitus, Annals, l. 2. c. 69.} In the house where Germanicus lived, they found pieces of human bodies dug out, verses and charms, his name engraved on lead sheets, ashes half burned and mingled with corrupt blood and other sorceries. It was believed that by this the souls are dedicated to the infernal powers. {Tacitus, Annals, l. 2. c. 69.} {*Dio, l. 57. 7:163}
6242. Germanicus was very angry and renounced by letters Piso's friendship according to the ancient custom. Some add that he ordered him to leave the province. Piso did not stay but weighed anchor. However he sailed slowly so that he might return the sooner if news of Germanicus' death should open a way for him into Syria. {Tacitus, Annals, l. 2. c. 70.} {Suetonius, Caligula, c. 3.}
6243. Germanicus was greatly weakened by his sickness and knew his end was near. He accused Piso and his wife Plancina and desired his friends to revenge it. He died to the great regret of the province and the neighbouring people. {Tacitus, Annals, l. 2. c. 71,72.} He died at Antioch from a disease that had no respite when he was 34 years old. He was suspected to have been poisoned that was given to him through the treachery of Tiberius and Piso. {Suetonius, Caligula, c. 1, 2.}
6244. The day that Germanicus died, the temples were battered with a storm of stones, altars were overturned, the household gods by some were thrown into the streets and children laid out to die. They report also that the barbarians consented to a truce for public mourning with whom there was civil war or war against the Romans. Some governors among them cut off their beards and shaved their wives' heads, as a sign of their greatest mourning. The king of kings did no hunting or feasting with the nobles, which is a kind of holiday among the Parthians. {Suetonius, Caligula, c. 5.}
6245. His funeral was without any images or pomp and was solemnized with the praises and memory of his virtues. Before his body was burnt, it lay naked in the forum of Antioch where it was to be buried. It was uncertain, if he showed any signs of poison for there was a difference of opinion. Those who favoured Germanicus thought he was and those who favoured Piso did not think so. {Tacitus, Annals, l. 2. c. 73.} In addition to the marks which were all over his body and the froth which came from his mouth, the heart did not burn with the rest of his body. It was thought that it would not be consumed with fire if the man died from poison. {Suetonius, Caligula, c. 1.} In a speech Vitellius later made, he tried to prove Piso guilty of this villainy and used this argument and publicly testified that the heart of Germanicus could not be burned because of the poison. Piso used the defence that the hearts of those who die of the disease called Cardiaca Passio cannot be burned. {*Pliny, l. 11. c. 71. 3:549}
6246. Cneus Sentius was chosen as the governor for Syria, by the lieutenants and senators who were there. They sent Martina to Rome, a woman infamous in that province for poisoning but very much liked by of Piso's wife, Plancina. This was done at the request of Vitellius and Veranius who alleged crimes and accusations against them as if they were already found guilty. {Tacitus, Annals, l. 2. c. 74.} Although Agrippina was worn out with grief and sickness, she was impatient of anything which might hinder her revenge. She sailed with Germanicus' ashes and her children. {Tacitus, Annals, l. 2. c. 75.}
6247. Piso received the news of Germanicus' death at the isle of Cos and expressed his joy most intemperately. Plancina was more insolent, who then first of all stopped her mourning for the death of her sister. {Tacitus, Annals, l. 2. c. 75.} The centurions came flocking about him and told him that the legions were already at his command and he should return to the province which was wrongfully taken from him and now had no governor. {Tacitus, Annals, l. 2. c. 76.} He sent letters to Tiberius and accused Germanicus of riotousness and pride and that himself was driven out to make way for a revolt Germanicus was planning. Piso said that he had taken the charge of the army again with the same fidelity he had governed it before. He had ordered Domitius Celer with a galley to sail to Syria as quickly as possible by the open sea and avoid the longer coastal route. Piso then marshalled and armed renegades and his rascal companions. He sailed over to the continent and intercepted an ensign of new soldiers who were going to Syria. He wrote to the leaders of Cilicia to send him help. {Tacitus, Annals, l. 2. c. 78.}
6248. Piso and his companions sailed by the coast of Lycia and Pamphilia and met with the ships which conveyed Agrippina. They each hated one another and prepared to fight. They were equally afraid of each other and only exchanged harsh words. Marsus Vibius told Piso that he should come to Rome and answer for himself. He scoffingly replied that he would come when the praetor who was to inquire into the poisonings would appoint a day for the plaintiff and defendant. {Tacitus, Annals, l. 2. c. 79.}
6249. In the meanwhile, Domitius went to Laodicea, a city of Syria, and came to the winter quarters of the sixth legion. It was the best one to corrupt but he was prevented from this by the lieutenant Pucureius. Sentius warned Piso by letters that he should not go about to corrupt the army nor raise any war in the province. He immediately marched with a strong force and was ready to fight. {Tacitus, Annals, l. 2. c. 79.}
6250. Piso seized the strong citadel of Celenderis in Cilicia. He had intermixed the renegades and the new soldiers that he had intercepted, with his own troops, Plancina's slaves (??) and the forces which the leaders of the Cilicians had sent him. He marshalled them into the form of a legion and then he drew out his companies before the citadel walls on a steep and craggy hill. All the other sides were surrounded by the sea. When the Roman cohorts came, the Cilicians fled and the Romans occupied the citadel. {Tacitus, Annals, l. 2. c. 80.}
6251. In the meantime, Piso tried in vain to attack the navy that was not far off. He then returned to the citadel again. He tormented himself on the walls and called every soldier by name. He offered bribes and tried to raise a rebellion. He succeeded so well that the standard bearer of the sixth legion defected to him with his ensign. Then Sentius commanded the cornets and trumpets to sound and made an assault on the rampart. He raised the ladders and ordered the ablest men to follow him and others to shoot from engines, arrows, stones and firebrands. In the end, Piso was overcome and entreated that since he had laid down his arms he wanted to stay in the citadel until Caesar was consulted as to who should be the governor of Syria. These conditions were rejected and nothing was granted to him except naval escort and safe conduct to Rome. {Tacitus, Annals, l. 2. c. 81.}
6252. When the rumour of Germanicus spread, it was exaggerated by the distance it travelled to Rome. The people were deeply grieved by his death {Tacitus, Annals, l. 2. c. 82.} as much as it pleased Tiberius and Livia. {*Dio, l. 57. p. 615.} No consolations or edicts could restrain the public mourning which lasted all the festival days of the month of December. {Suetonius, Caligula, c. 6.}
6253. Germanicus was decreed every honour which love or imagination could conceive. Arches were erected at Rome and on the bank of the Rhine River. On the Amanus mountain in Syria, an inscription was placed of what he had done and that he died for the country. A sepulchre at Antioch was made for his burial. A funeral monument was made at Epidaphne where he died. {Tacitus, Annals, l. 2. c. 83.}
6254. Although it was winter, Agrippina still continued her voyage by sea and arrived at the island Corcyra opposite the coast of Calabria. She rested a few days to settle her mind and then sailed to Brundusium. After she landed with her two children and held the funeral urn in her hand, there was a general mourning among them all. {Tacitus, Annals, l. 3. c. 1.}
4023b AM, 4733 JP, 20 AD
6255. Drusius, the son of Tiberius, went as far as Tarracina to meet her with Germanicus' brother Claudius and the children of Germanicus who had remained in the city. The new consuls M. Valerius and M. Aurelius, the senate, and a large number of the people lined the way. {Tacitus, Annals, l. 3. c. 2.}
6256. The day that the remains of Germanicus were placed in Augustus' tomb in Campus Martius, there was a desolate silence that was sometimes broken by their weeping. Everyone honoured Germanicus and had great sympathy for his widow, Agrippina and railed against Tiberius. {Tacitus, Annals, l. 3. c. 4, 5.}
6257. When Piso came to Rome, he landed at Caesar's tomb. That day, the shore was full of people. Piso with a large company of followers after him and Plancina with a number of women in her train went ashore. They both looked very cheerfully and solemnizing their happy return in an house that overlooked into the forum which was decked out for feasts and banquets. {Tacitus, Annals, l. 3. c. 9.} The next day Fulcinius Tiro accused Piso before the consuls. Tiberius referred the whole case to the senate. {Tacitus, Annals, l. 3. c. 10.} The day the senate met Drusius, Tiberius made a prepared speech and tried to accommodate and moderate the defendant's offence. {Tacitus, Annals, l. 3. c. 12.} The accusers were given two days to bring in their accusations and after six day's time, the defendant had three days to answer for himself. {Tacitus, Annals, l. 3. c. 13.}
6258. As the case was pleaded, the outcry of the people could be heard before the court. They said they would tear him in pieces if the senate found him innocent. They had dragged his images into the Gemonian Steps and began to break them in pieces. (These steps descended from the capitol to the forum and were used to expose the bodies of executed criminals.) However, by Tiberius' orders they were restrained from their actions. {Tacitus, Annals, l. 3. c. 14.} They showed the same hatred against Plancina but she was protected by Tiberius (through the influence of his wife.) Piso knew he was finished when his wife separated her defence from her husband's. Thereupon he killed himself with his own sword. {Tacitus, Annals, l. 3. c. 15.}
6259. Suetonius writes that he was almost torn in pieces by the people and was condemned to death by the senate. {Suetonius, Caligula, c. 2.} Dio related this account. For the death of Germanicus, Piso was brought into the senate by Tiberius himself. Piso desired that he might have time to defend himself and he committed suicide. {*Dio, l. 57. 7:165} Cornelius Tactius says that he had often heard from the old men, {Tacitus, Annals, l. 3. c. 16.} that there was often seen a little book in Piso's hand which he kept to himself. His friends said it contained Tiberius' letters and commission against Germanicus. Piso planned to disclose it to the senators and to accuse Tiberius, had he not been deluded by Tiberius' vain promises. Piso did not kill himself but someone was sent to murder him. Tacitus said:
``I will not confirm either of these things although I ought not to conceal it to have been said by those who lived until I came to a man's age. {Suetonius, Tiberius, c. 52.}
4025 AM, 4735 JP, 22 AD
6260. Licences for ordaining sanctuaries increased greatly throughout the cities of Greece. These places became havens for debtors against their creditors and those that were suspected of capital crimes. Hence the wickedness of men was protected by the ceremonies of the gods. Tiberius ordered that the cities should sent their charters and ambassadors to the senate to Rome for confirmation. The Ephesians were first heard concerning this business. Then came the Magnetians, Aphrodisians, Stratonicenses, Hiero-Caesarians, Cypriots, Pergamenians, Smyrnians, Tenians, Sardians, Milesians, Cretians, and others. An honourable standard was prescribed. They were commanded to erect altars in the very temples for a sacred memory yet so that under pretence of religion, they should not fall into rivalries. {Tacitus, Annals, l. 3. c. 60-63.}
6261. Caius Silvanus was accused of bribery by his companions and banished into the Isle Cythera. {Tacitus, Annals, l. 3. c. 66-69} Caesius Cordus was also accused of bribery by the Cyrenenses, by the suit of Ancharius Priscus and was condemned. {Tacitus, Annals, l. 3. c. 70.}
4026 AM, 4736 JP, 23 AD
6262. Aelius Sajenus killed Drusius (the son of Tiberius and his partner in the tribuneship after Sajenus committed adultery with Drusius' wife, Livia) by poison given him by Lygdus, an eunuch. {Tacitus, Annals, l. 4. c. 8. 10.} Sajenus also accused the Jews who lived at Rome to Tiberius of pretended crimes so that he might wholly destroy that nationality. He knew they were the main ones who opposed his wicked practices and he said they conspired against the life of the emperor. {Philo, de legat. ad Caium} {Flaccus, in initio.}
6263. After Drusius' funeral was over Tiberius returned to his accustomed business and took no extra time off. He jeered the ambassadors of the Illenses that came too late to comfort him, as though the memory of grief had been blotted out. He replied that he also was forty when they had lost so gallant a citizen as Hector was. {Suetonius, Tiberius, c. 52.}
6264. The senate passed the decrees of Tiberius that the city Cibyra in Asia and Aeginum in Achaia that were badly damaged by an earthquake should not have to pay tribute for the next three years. {Tacitus, Annals, l. 4. c. 13.}
6265. The Samians and the men of Cos sent their ambassadors to Rome and desired the confirmation of their ancient right of sanctuaries. One temple was for Juno and the other for Aesculapius. {Tacitus, Annals, l. 4. c. 13.}
6266. Lucilius Longus died who was the companion of the fortunes of Tiberius whether good or bad and who only of all the senators, was Tiberius' companion when he exiled himself to Rhodes. {Tacitus, Annals, l. 4. c. 15.}
6267. Lucilius Capito, the governor of Asia, was condemned by the accusation of the province. In the previous year, they had brought C. Silanus to justice and the cities of Asia decreed a temple dedicated to Tiberius, his mother, and the senate. They received permission to build it. {Tacitus, Annals, l. 4. c. 15.}
6268. Valerius Gratus the governor of Judea, removed Ananus or Annas from the high priesthood and made Ismael, the son of Fabus, the high priest. He soon removed him also. {Josephus, Antiq., l. 18. c. 3. <c. 2. 1:478>}
4027 AM, 4737 JP, 24 AD
6269. Ismael was removed from the high priesthood and Eleazar, the son of Annas, (or Ananus who was previously removed,) was made high priest by Valerius. {Josephus, Antiq., l. 18. c. 3. <c. 2. 1:478>}
6270. Cassius Severus the orator, seventeen years earlier, was banished into Crete for his vicious tongue by the decree of the senate. He behaved just as poorly there and had all his estate taken from him. He was forbidden both water and fire and was banished into the stony island of Seriphos. Eight years later, he died in extreme poverty. {Tacitus, Annals, l. 4. c. 21.} {Jerome, Chronicles}
6271. P. Dolabella, the proconsul of Africa, summoned to help him and his country men, Ptolemy, the son of Juba, King of Mauritania. He killed Tacfarinas and put an end to the Numidian war. The king of the Garamantes had helped Tacfarinas with light cavalry whom he sent from a long way off. When Tacfarinas was killed, Garamantes sent ambassadors to give satisfaction to the people of Rome. {Tacitus, Annals, l. 4. c. 23-26.}
6272. Vibius Serenus a banished man, was falsely accused by his son of treason and was condemned for an old grudge that Tiberius had against him. Gallus Asinius was of the opinion that he should be confined, either to Gyaros or Donusa. Tiberius set aside his grudge and said that he disagreed with that sentence. He said that both those islands lacked water and that to whom life was granted, things necessary for life were also to be granted. Thereupon, Serenus was banished to Amorgos, (one of the islands of the Sporades.) {Tacitus, Annals, l. 4. c. 28-30.}
6273. The ten year term of Tiberius' empire had expired and he made no plans of resuming it by any decree for another ten years longer neither did he want to have it divided by ten year periods as Augustus had done. He just continued on by his own authority. However, the decennial plays were held. {*Dio, l. 57. 7:181}
4028 AM, 4738 JP, 25 AD
6274. Valerius Gratus removed Eleazar from the high priesthood after one year and gave the office to Simon, the son of Camithus. {Josephus, Antiq., l. 18. c. 3. <c. 2. 1:478>}
6275. The citizens of Cyzicum imprisoned some Roman citizens and had not completed the temple for Augustus that they had started. They had their liberty again taken from them that they had earned by being besieged in the war of Mithridates. {Tacitus, Annals, l. 4. c. 36.} {*Dio, l. 57. 7:183}
6276. Fonteius Capito, who had governed Asia as proconsul, was acquitted because it was found that he was falsely accused by Vibius Serenus. (Tacit. Annal. 4. c. 36.)
4029a AM, 4738 JP, 25 AD
6277. Eleven cities in Asia strove with great rivalry to see in which of them would build the temple that was appointed for Tiberius and the senate. Tiberius heard their ambassadors disputing for many days concerning this matter in the senate. The Hypepenians and Trallians, as also the Laodiceans and Magesians were eliminated as not having enough strength to do this. The Ilians related how Troy was the mother of Rome and they had a good argument but the glory of antiquity was doubted and they were eliminated. The Halicarnassians affirmed that their city had not been shaken with an earthquake for 1200 years and that the foundation of their temple was upon a natural rock. The Pergamenians were excluded because they already had a temple to Augustus. The senators thought one temple was enough for them. The Ephesians and Milesians were excluded because their cities were already involved with the ceremonies of Apollo and Diana. The decision was between the Sardians and Smyrnaeans. Each presented their case. The senate preferred the Smyrnaeans and Vobius Marius was of the opinion that M. Legidus who governed that province, should be placed in charge of the new temple as well as his other duties. Legidus refused through modesty and the senate selected by lot Valerius Naso who had been praetor, for the job. {Tiberius, Annals, l. 4. c. 55, 56.}
4029b AM, 4739 JP, 26 AD
6278. When Simon had held the high priesthood for one year Valerius Gratus appointed Joseph as his successor in that office. He was surnamed Caiphas, the son-in-law of Annas or Ananus who was formerly removed from the priesthood. {Joh 18:13} After the annual changes of the high priest were completed, Gratus returned to Rome after he had been eleven years in Judea. {Josephus, Antiq., l. 18. c. 3. <c. 2. 1:478>} By this action, we are rather inclined to refer these changes to the end of his government than to the beginning.
6279. Pontius Pilate was sent as the successor to Valerius Gratus. {Josephus, Antiq., l. 18. c. 3. <c. 2. 1:478>} Philo documents Pilate's actions in his government. {Philo, Embassy to Caius} Philo wrote that he was afraid lest the embassy which was sent by the Jews to take away the bucklers that were dedicated to him within the Holy City, would find out about his other crimes:
``sale of judgments, repines, slaughters, rackings, condemning innocent men to death, savage cruelty &c.
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