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4030a AM, 4739 JP, 26 AD

6280. The 30th jubilee happened in the 30th year of our Lord Jesus Christ and the beginning of his gospel. It was now proclaimed by the voice of one crying in the wilderness:

``Prepare ye the way of the Lord make his paths straight, {Mr 1:1-3}

6281. and the start of the acceptable year of the Lord or the time of his divine pleasure in which the good God showed the great one to the world. {Isa 61:2 Lu 4:19}

6282. It was in the 15th year of the reign of Tiberius Caesar, (which was the 13th of his empire which began after the death of Augustus) when Pontius Pilate was governor of Judea, Herod (Antipas), the tetrarch of Galilee and his brother Philip, tetrarch of Ituraea and the region of Trachonitis and Lysanias, tetrarch of Abylene, under the priesthoods of Annas and Caiphas. The word of the Lord came to John, the son of Zacharias in the desert. {Lu 3:1,2} He by God's authority was a Nazarite who was both a priest and prophet of the Lord and baptized in the desert of Judea. (These cities were mentioned in {Jos 15:1-6}) He preached the baptism of repentance for the remission of sins. {Mt 3:1 Mr 1:4 Lu 3:3} By his ministry, he announced and made known to Israel, Christ who would come after him. {Joh 1:7,8,13} So John would certainly know who he was, God gave him this sign. Whomever he saw the Holy Ghost descending on and remaining, he would know that it was he that should baptize others with the Holy Ghost. {Joh 1:33}

6283. It is most probable that his ministry began on that most suitable day, the tenth day of the seventh month, (about the 19th day of our October.) This was the solemn fast in which whoever did not afflict his soul was to be cut off from his people. It was the day of atonement in which the high priest went into the holy of holies to expiate the sins of the people with blood that was offered. On the same day a trumpet was sounded announcing the start of the year of jubilee in the land. {Le 25:9}

6284. Hence John the Baptist was the preacher of repentance and remission of sins to be attained by the blood of Christ who was to come. John went into every region around Jordan, lifting up his voice like a trumpet proclaiming:

``Repent ye for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.

6285. Many came to him from Jerusalem, all Judea and the regions around the Jordan River. (This would be especially true of that huge multitude who returned from Jerusalem after the feast of tabernacles was over about the beginning of November.) Many were baptized by him in the Jordan and confessed their sins. {Mt 3:2,3,5,6 Mr 1:5}

6286. John had his garment of camel's hair and a leather belt about his waist like Elijah. {2Ki 1:8} He ate locusts (which was a clean inexpensive food {Le 11:22}) and wild honey. {Mt 3:4 Mr 1:6}

6287. John sharply rebuked the Pharisees who came to his baptism. {Lu 3:10,13} When people wondered if John was the Christ, John answered:

``I indeed baptize you with water, but there cometh one who is stronger than I, whose shoe latchet I am not worthy to unloose, he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost and with fire, whose fan is in his hand, and he will throughly purge his floor, and gather his wheat in his barn, and will burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire. {Lu 3:15-17 Mt 3:11,12 Mr 1:7,8}

4030b AM, 4740 JP, 27 AD

6288. When all the people were being baptized, Jesus came from Nazareth of Galilee to the Jordan to be baptized of John. {Lu 3:21 Mt 3:13 Mr 1:9} John denied that Jesus needed any baptism from him but the Lord urged him and said that it was needful that all righteousness be fulfilled. Then John baptized him. {Mt 3:14,15} Jesus was about 30 years old. {Lu 3:23}

6289. There was made a most obvious manifestation of the trinity. The Son of God in the human nature which he assumed ascended out of the water and was praying. The heavens were opened and the Spirit of God was seen in a bodily shape like a dove and descended on him. The voice of the Father was heard from heaven and said:

``This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased. {Mt 3:16,17 Mr 1:10,11 Lu 3:21,22}

6290. Jesus was full of the Holy Ghost and returned from the Jordan. He was driven by the Spirit into the desert. He was tempted for forty days and nights, by Satan while he remained among wild beasts. He ate nothing and after this was over, he was hungry. {Lu 4:1,2 Mt 4:1,2 Mr 1:12,13}

6291. Satan then presented the Lord with a threefold temptation. When this was over, Satan left him for a time {Mt 4:3-11 Lu 4:3-13} and the angels came and ministered to him. {Mt 4:11 Mr 1:13} Jesus returned in the power of the Spirit into Galilee. {Lu 4:14}

6292. Herod Agrippa, the son of Aristobulus, had by Cyprus, the daughter of Phasaelus Agrippa the younger, the last king of the Jews. He is mentioned in Acts. {Ac 25:1-26:32} He was 17 years old when his father died. {Josephus, Antiq., l. 18. c. 7. <c.5. 1:485> l. 19. c. ult. <c. 9. 1:524>}

4031 AM, 4741 JP, 28 AD

6293. Berenice his sister of whom likewise mention is made in Acts was born and later married to Herod, the king of Chalcis and was sixteen years old when her father died. {Josephus, Antiq., l. 18. c. 7. <c.5. 1:485> l. 19. c. ult. <c. 9. 1:524>}

4033a AM, 4742 JP, 29 AD

6294. The fourth year of John the Baptist's ministry started. His ministry of preparing the people for Christ was drawing to a close, for this was his primary purpose. The Lord himself, whose way John had prepared, entered into his ministry. He executed his prophetic office and sealed his ministry with famous miracles, for John did no miracles. John's ministry of preparation was so celebrated by Isaiah and Malachi so many ages before. None will wonder that so long a period of time was assigned to it by us when they consider that a shorter time for so great a work would be too short especially without the help of miracles to accomplish as much as the angel Gabriel confirmed to his father Zacharias that John should do. {Lu 1:16,17}

``Many of the children of Israel shall he turn to the Lord their God, and he shall go before him in the spirit and power of Elijah, that he may turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the disobedient to the wisdom of the just, and to prepare a people ready for the Lord,

6295. Those words of Paul argue that not a short period of time but a full course of preaching was to be finished by John before the coming of the Lord. {Ac 13:24,25}

``When John had first preached before his coming the baptism of repentance to all the people of Israel, and as John fulfilled his course, he said, whom think ye that I am? I am not he, but behold there cometh one after me whose shoes of his feet I am not worthy to loose.

4033b AM, 4743 JP, 30 AD

6296. The next day after Christ came, the Jews from Jerusalem sent some priests and Levites of the sect of the Pharisees to John when he was baptizing at Bethabara by the Jordan. They asked him to plainly tell them if he was the Christ or not. He denied that he was Elijah or that prophet (foretold by Moses, {De 18:15} and was indeed the Christ, {Ac 3:22 7:37} but by the Jews thought to be another.) He said he was:

``The voice of one crying in the wilderness, make straight the way of the Lord:

6297. Then he added that testimony about Christ which Paul so praised:

``I baptize with water, but there standeth one among you, whom ye know not, he it is, who cometh after me, who is preferred before me, whose shoe latchet I am not worthy to unloose. {Joh 1:19-28 5:33}

6298. The next day John saw Jesus coming to him and said:

``Behold the Lamb of God that taketh away the sins of the world. This is he of whom I spoke, there cometh one after me, that is preferred before me, for he was before me, &c. and I saw him, and testify that this is the Son of God. {Joh 1:29-34}

6299. The next day John stood with two of his disciples. John saw Jesus walking and said, "Behold the Lamb of God." When his two disciples heard that they followed Jesus and stayed with him that day for it was about the tenth hour (4 o'clock). Andrew was one of these two and brought his brother Simon to Jesus. When Jesus saw Simon he said, "You are Simon, son of Jona, you shall be called Cephas." {Joh 1:35-42}

6300. The next day Jesus went into Galilee and asked Philip (who was from Bethsaida, the city of Andrew and Simon Peter) to follow him. Philip found Nathanael under a fig tree and brought him to Jesus. Jesus said that he was truly an Israelite in whom there was no guile. Jesus said he was that ladder of heaven, (foreshadowed by Jacob's dream, {Ge 28:12}) upon which the angels of God were seen ascending and descending. {Joh 1:42-51}

6301. On the third day, there was a marriage in Cana of Galilee, to which Jesus was invited along with his mother and his disciples. There he turned the water into wine which was his first miracle. His glory was thus shown and his disciples believed on him. {Joh 2:1-11}

6302. Now we are come to the public ministry of Christ, whose acts we do record according to the four distinct passovers we can gather from the harmony of the four gospels as written by that learned man and much laboured in the studies of the Holy Scriptures, John Richardson, Dr. of Divinity and worthy Bishop of Ardah, in our province of Armagh. In this record it is note worthy that only Matthew neglected the order of time which is constantly observed by the other three gospels (if you will exclude the parenthesis when John was cast into prison by Herod.) {Lu 3:19,20}

1st Passover


From which the first year of the seventieth and last week of Daniel begins in which the covenant is confirmed with many. {Da 9:27 cf. Mt 26:28}

6303. Jesus went to Jerusalem for the passover. {Joh 2:13}

6304. Jesus went into the temple, he scourged those who bought and sold there and drove them out. As a sign of his authority, he told them how the temple of his body would be destroyed by the Jews and be raised again by himself. {Joh 2:13-22}

6305. He performed miracles and many believed on him but he did not commit himself to them because he knew what was in man. {Joh 2:23-25}

6306. He instructed Nicodemus the disciple who came to him by night about the mystery of regeneration, in faith, in his death and in the condemnation of unbelievers. {Joh 3:1-21}

4034a AM, 4743 JP, 30 AD

6307. Jesus left Jerusalem and went into the land of Judea with his disciples. {Joh 3:22}

6308. Jesus stayed there and baptized people. (That is his disciples baptized people who had been baptized before either by himself or John.) John baptized in Aenon for he was not yet cast into prison. {Joh 3:22-24}

6309. John's disciples and the Jews had a discussion about purifying. {Joh 3:25}

6310. John instructed his disciples who were envious of Jesus. John told them about Jesus and his office and of the excellence of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. He gave this notable and last testimony of him before his imprisonment. {Joh 3:26-36}

6311. Herod the tetrarch cast John into prison for reprehending his incest with his brother Philip's wife and his wickedness. {Mr 6:17-20 Mt 14:3-5}

6312. Jesus heard that John was cast into prison and that the Pharisees had heard that Jesus had made and baptized many disciples (that is, by the hand of his disciples.) He left Judea after he had stayed there about eight months and went into Galilee. {Joh 4:1-3 Mt 4:12}

6313. Jesus needed to go through Samaria where he converted the Samaritan woman near the city of Sychar and the citizens of Sychar. It was four months before the harvest, (or the passover, about the middle of the ninth month, called Ab.) {Joh 4:4-42}

6314. After he had stayed two days in Sychar, he continued on to Galilee. (This is his second return from Judea to Galilee after his baptism.) {Joh 4:43,44}

6315. Jesus was received by the Galileans who had seen the great things which he had done at Jerusalem. He preached with great fame in their synagogues. {Joh 4:45 Lu 4:14,15 Mr 1:14,15}

6316. In Cana, Jesus healed the sick son of a nobleman. This was the second miracle that Jesus did when he left Judea and came to Galilee. {Joh 4:46-54}

4034b AM, 4744 JP, 31 AD

6317. He did miracles in Capernaum and later came to Nazareth where he was raised. He entered the synagogue, as his custom was, he expounded the prophesy of Isaiah about himself. The citizens first wondered at this but later were filled with wrath. They thrust him out of the city and tried to throw him down headlong from a hill. However, he passed through the crowd and went his way. {Lu 4:16-30}

6318. He left Nazareth and lived at Capernaum. He taught them on the sabbath days and they were astonished at his doctrine. Lu 4:31,32 Mr 1:21,22 Mt 4:13-17

6319. In the synagogue of Capernaum, he cast out an unclean spirit and ordered the spirit that he should not tell who he was. {Lu 4:33-37 Mr 1:23-28}

6320. He arose from the synagogue and went into the house of Simon and Andrew and healed Simon's wife's mother who lay sick with a fever. {Lu 4:38,39 Mr 1:29-31 Mt 8:14,15}

6321. About sunset, he healed all the sick folk who were brought to him and cast out devils. He ordered them not to speak. {Lu 4:40,41 Mr 1:32-34 Mt 8:16,17}

6322. In the morning, he went into a deserted place to pray. When Simon and others sought for him and would have prevented him from leaving, he replied that he must preach to other cities also. {Lu 4:42-44 Mr 1:35-39}

6323. He went through all Galilee and taught in their synagogues and cast out devils. {Lu 4:44 Mr 1:39}

6324. As he stood by the lake of Gennesaret, a great multitude pressed upon him. Therefore he entered into Simon's ship and taught the multitude from there. {Lu 5:1-4}

6325. When he had finished speaking, at his command, the disciples went fishing and caught a large number of fish. Simon Peter, Andrew, James and John were astonished. Jesus commanded them to follow him and he would make them fishers of men. {Lu 5:4-11 Mr 1:16-20 Mt 4:18-22}

6326. Jesus went through all Galilee and taught in their synagogues and healed every disease. His fame went into all Syria and a great multitude followed him. {Mt 4:23-25}

6327. In a certain city, he healed a leper. Jesus forbid him to tell anyone but he told everyone he met. People came to him from every place to hear him and to be healed. So many came that he could not publicly enter the city and he went into deserted places and prayed. {Lu 5:12-16 Mr 1:40-45 Mt 8:1-4}

6328. After some days, he again returned to his own city of Capernaum and he taught them at home. In the presence of the scribes, Pharisees and a large crowd, he forgave the sins of one who was sick with the palsy. The sick man was let down through the roof of the house and Jesus healed the disease also to the astonishment of all. {Lu 5:17-26 Mr 2:1-12 Mt 9:1-8}

6329. Jesus went out again by the seaside and all the multitude came to him and he taught them. As he passed by he saw and called Levi or Matthew who was sitting at the receipt of custom. Lu 5:27,28 Mr 2:13,14 Mt 9:9

6330. In the house of Levi, Jesus defended himself and his disciples for they ate with publicans. He excused and vindicated them against the Pharisees because his disciples did not fast. {Lu 5:29-39 Mr 2:15-22 Mt 9:10-13}

6331. And it came to pass on the second sabbath after the first, (that is, the first sabbath of the new year which was instituted after the Jews left Egypt and began from the month Nisan or Abib,) Jesus went through the grain fields. He cleared his disciples from the reproach of the Pharisees because they plucked the ears of grain. He explained the doctrine of the sabbath. {Lu 6:1-5 Mr 2:23-28 Mt 12:1-8}

2nd Passover

The SECOND PASSOVER of the MINISTRY of CHRIST. {Joh 5:1} cf. {Joh 4:3,5} From which begins the second year of the 70th week of Daniel.

6332. After these things, the feast of the Jews was coming and Jesus went up to Jerusalem. On the sabbath day, he healed a man who had been infirmed for thirty eight years and lay at the pool of Bethesda. He answered the Jews who were seeking to kill him because he said that God was his Father. {Joh 5:1-47}

6333. He went from there and entered again into a synagogue and taught the people. He healed one that had a withered hand. The Pharisees went out and immediately with the Herodians took counsel how they might destroy him. {Lu 6:6-11 Mr 3:1-6 Mt 12:9-14}

6334. When Jesus knew this, he withdrew himself to the sea and healed the multitudes who followed him. He strictly charged them that they should not make him known. He ordered his disciples to have a small boat to wait on him because of the multitude who thronged him. {Mr 3:7-12 Mt 12:15-21}

6335. It came to pass in those days, that he went into a mountain to pray and continued in prayer all night. When it was day, he chose the twelve whom he called apostles. {Lu 6:12-16 Mr 3:13-19}

6336. Jesus went down with them and stood in a plain and a great multitude came to him and he healed them all. {Lu 6:17-19}

6337. They went into a house and the multitude came together again so that they could not so much as eat a meal. When his friends heard of this, they went to lay hold on Jesus for they said that he was beside himself. {Mr 3:20,21}

6338. When he saw the multitude, he went up into a mountain. When he sat down, his disciples came to him. He then preached that long and excellent sermon, first to the apostles and later to all the people. {Lu 6:20-49 Mt 5:1-7:29}

6339. When he had finished speaking to the people, he went into Capernaum and healed the centurion's servant who lay sick with the palsy and was almost dead. {Lu 7:1-10 Mt 8:5-13}

6340. The next day, he went into the city of Nain and raised one who was dead and being carried out for burial who was the only son of a widow. Thereupon, his fame spread abroad. {Lu 7:11-17}

6341. When John was in prison, he was told by his disciples about the fame and deeds of Jesus. John sent two of them to him to ask to ask if Jesus was the one they should expect or should they look for someone else. After they returned to John with Jesus' answer, Jesus gave a great testimony about John. Then he upbraided some cities for their ingratitude. He rested in the fact of the divine sovereignty of his Father who hid these things from some and revealed them to others. {Lu 7:18-35 Mt 11:2-30}

6342. And Simon, the Pharisee wanted Jesus to dine with him. As they were eating, Simon criticized the actions of a women because she was a great sinner. Jesus defended the woman who washed his feet with her tears and wiped them with the hairs of her head and kissed and anointed them. {Lu 7:36-50}

6343. It came to pass later that he went from the city and preached. His disciples were with him and certain women ministered to him. {Lu 8:1-3}

6344. They brought to him one who had a demon and who was blind and dumb. Jesus healed him and eagerly defended himself against the Pharisees and scribes that came down from Jerusalem who blasphemed him said that he cast out devils through Beelzebub. {Mr 3:22-30 Mt 12:22-37} Some of the scribes and Pharisees asked for a sign. When Jesus had sharply rebuked them, he gave them no other sign than that of Jonah. {Mt 12:38-45}

6345. And while he spoke to the people, he was told that his mother and brethren, stood outside and wanted to see and speak with him. Jesus replied and showed them whom he counted for his mother and brothers and sisters. {Lu 8:19-21 Mr 3:31-35 Mt 12:46-50}

6346. The same day Jesus left the house and sat by the seaside. Great multitudes came to him so that he went into a boat and sat and taught them many things through the parable of the sower and many other parables. {Lu 8:4-18 Mr 4:1-34 Mt 13:1-53}

6347. The same day at evening, he told his disciples to sail across the lake. When he had given an answer to some who wanted to follow him, he sent away the multitudes. As they were sailing, a strong storm of wind came up. He rebuked the wind and calmed the sea and saved his disciples. {Lu 8:22-26 Mr 4:35-41 Mt 8:18-27}

6348. They came to the other side into the country of the Gadarenes, or Gergesenes which was on the opposite shore from Galilee. When he was come to land, he was met by two fierce men who were possessed with demons. (Mark and Luke mention only one man.) He cast out the demons and allowed them to enter into a herd of swine. The Gadarenes asked him to leave their country. The possessed persons begged Jesus to stay with them. This request was denied and Jesus sent them back to proclaim around Decapolis what great things Jesus had done for them. Jesus sailed across the lake again to his own city of Capernaum. {Lu 8:27-39 Mr 5:1-20 Mt 8:28-34}

6349. It came to pass that when Jesus was returned, the people received him gladly for they waited for him. He was by the seaside. {Lu 8:40 Mr 5:21}

6350. The disciples of John came to him and asked why do we and the Pharisees fast often but your disciples do not fast? He answered their question. {Mt 9:14-17}

6351. While he was speaking, Jairus, one of the rulers of the synagogues came and begged him to heal his only daughter. She was about twelve years old and lay at the point of death. As he was going and almost at Jairus' house, a woman who had an issue of blood twelve years, was suddenly healed by touching the hem of Jesus' garment. The dead daughter of Jairus was restored to life by his word only. He strictly ordered them to tell no one about it. {Lu 8:41-56 Mr 5:22-42 Mt 9:18-26}

6352. When he departed from there, two blind men followed him whom he healed. He strictly ordered them to tell no one but they told everyone they met. {Mt 9:27-31}

6353. As they went out, they brought to Jesus a dumb man who was possessed with a demon. When the demon was cast out, the dumb man spoke and the multitude marvelled but the Pharisees blasphemed. {Mt 9:32-34}

6354. He went all around their cities and villages. He taught them and healed their diseases. When he came into his own country with his disciples, he taught in their synagogue on the sabbath day. He was again despised by them and called the carpenter. However, they were astonished at his doctrine. {Mr 6:1-6 Mt 13:54-58}

6355. He went around their villages and taught them. {Mr 6:6}

6356. He was moved with compassion toward the multitude when he saw how great the harvest was and how few labourers there were. He told his disciples that they should pray the Lord that he would send forth more labourers. {Mt 9:35-38}

6357. Jesus sent out the twelve apostles, by two and two. He instructed them to preach and gave them power to heal diseases. {Lu 9:1-5 Mr 6:7-11 Mt 10:1-42}

6358. It came to pass when Jesus had made an end of commanding his disciples, he departed from there to teach and to preach in their cities. {Mt 11:1,12-16}

6359. After the twelve had departed, they went through the towns preaching the gospel and healing everywhere. {Lu 9:6}

4035a AM, 4744 JP, 31 AD

6360. The seventeenth of November, Sejanus was killed. {Tacitus, Annals, l. 6. c. 25.} After his death, Tiberius immediately knew that all the crimes that Sejanus had accused the Jews of were imagined by himself. Therefore Tiberius commanded the governments of all provinces that in every town they should spare this nationality. Only a very few who were guilty persons should be punished. They should not alter their customs but should take note that these men were lovers of peace and their customs were for the public peace. {Philo, Embassy to Caius}

4035b AM, 4745 JP, 32 AD

6361. After Severus, the governor of Egypt had died, Tiberius appointed Flaccus Avillius, one of his friends, as his successor for six years. He governed the province well for the five first years as long as Tiberius lived. {*Philo, Flaccus, 1:724}

6362. John Baptist was beheaded.

6363. When his disciples heard this, they came and took up the body and buried it and came and told Jesus. {Mr 6:27-29 Mt 14:6,11,12}

6364. Herod the tetrarch and others heard of the fame of Jesus and Herod desired to see him. {Lu 9:7-9 Mr 6:1-4}

6365. When the apostles returned, they told Jesus the things they had done. {Lu 9:10 Mr 6:30}

6366. When Jesus had heard of the death of John and of the deeds of the apostles, he told them to depart into a deserted place and rest for a while. The multitude had kept them so busy they did not have time to eat. He sailed with the twelve with him and privately went into a deserted place near Bethesda. When the multitude heard it, they followed him on foot from all cities and came to him. Jesus taught and healed them. {Lu 9:10,11 Mr 6:31,32 Mt 14:13,14}

6367. Jesus went up into a mountain and sat there with his disciples. The passover was close at hand. At evening, he fed with five barley loaves, and two little fishes more than 5000 men in addition to women and children. There were twelve baskets full of the left overs. When they wanted to make him a king, Jesus constrained his disciples to go before him to the other side, opposite to Bethesda toward Capernaum. He went alone into a mountain. When the disciples had gone about 3 or 4 miles, Jesus walked out to them on the sea in the fourth watch of the night. He told them not to be afraid. Peter asked to join him and he walked out to Jesus. Jesus rebuked Peter for his little faith when Peter began to sink. They were all amazed. They landed and came to the country of Gennesaret. When he left the boat, as soon as it was known, they brought their sick that they might touch the hem of his garment and they were made whole. {Joh 6:1-21 Lu 9:12-17 Mr 6:35-56 Mt 14:15-36}

6368. The next day after Jesus had crossed over, the people who stood on this side of the sea sailed to Capernaum to look for Jesus. He preached to them in the synagogue of Capernaum of the bread of life and affirmed to the Jews that murmured that he was the bread of life. From that time many of his disciples went back but the apostles would not go away. However, he called one of them a devil. {Joh 6:22-71}

3rd Passover

The THIRD PASSOVER of the MINISTRY of CHRIST {Joh 6:4} From which began the third year of the 70th week of Daniel.

6369. The scribes and Pharisees who came from Jerusalem, went to Jesus. When they saw some of his disciples eat with unwashed hands, they found fault with them that they did not follow the traditions of the elders. Jesus answered them concerning their traditions. He said that they frustrated the commands of God that they might keep the traditions of men. He taught the people and also told his disciples at home that nothing which entered into a man, defiles him but that which comes from within defiles a man. {Mr 7:1-23 Mt 15:1-20}

6370. Jesus left and went into the country of Tyre and Sidon. He could not escape the crowds. A Canaanitish woman, a Gentile of the Syrophenician nationality, came to him and earnestly begged him for her daughter who was possessed by a demon. Jesus praised her great faith and cast out the demon from her daughter. {Mr 7:24-30 Mt 15:21-28}

6371. After he left the country of Tyre and Sidon, he came to the Sea of Galilee through the middle of the country of Decapolis. A deaf man was brought to him who also had a speech impediment. Jesus healed and in vain ordered him to tell no one. {Mr 7:31-37}

6372. When he went up into a mountain, he sat there and healed many and the multitude wondered. {Mt 15:29-31}

6373. In those days when a very great multitude had stayed with him for three days in the desert, he fed 4000 men in addition to women and children, with only seven loaves and a few little fishes. They gathered seven baskets full of left overs. {Mr 8:1-9 Mt 15:32-38}

6374. Immediately, Jesus with his disciples, sailed over to the country of Dalmanutha or Magdala. {Mr 8:10 Mt 15:39}

6375. The Pharisees came and required a sign from him from heaven. After Jesus had sighed deeply, he refused to give them any sign but that of Jonah. He called them hypocrites because knew how to tell the weather from the appearance of the sky but could not discern the times. He left them and sailed to the other side. {Mr 8:11-13 Mt 16:1-4}

6376. When he and his disciples came to the other side, they had forgotten to take food with them and they had but one loaf of bread with them in the ship. Jesus warned them to beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and Sadducees and the leaven of Herod. They reasoned among themselves that because they had forgotten to take bread, Jesus had said this. Jesus rebuked them that they had forgotten the miraculous multiplication of the loaves and helped them understand that he spoke not of the leaven of bread but of doctrine. {Mr 8:12-14 Mt 16:5-12}

6377. Then he came to Bethsaida and a blind man was brought to him. The blind man was led out of town and Jesus anointed his eyes with spittle and his sight was restored. Jesus forbade him to tell anyone about it. {Mr 8:22-26}

6378. Jesus and his disciples went into the towns of Caesarea Philippi. It came to pass as he was alone praying and was now on his way, he asked his disciples who the people though he was. When they had answered, he asked them their opinion. When Peter answered that he was the Christ, Jesus declared him happy and gave him promises. He forbade his disciples to tell any man that he was the Christ. He foretold his death and resurrection and called Peter, "Satan", because he rebuked Jesus for talking about his death. Then he preached to his disciples and the multitude about the cross that everyone must bear who will follow him. Finally, he foretold his transfiguration. {Lu 9:18-27 Mr 8:27-38 Mt 16:13-28}

6379. It came to pass about eight days after these sayings, (or six intermediate days) Jesus was transfigured on an high mountain. When they came down from the mountain, he charged them that they should tell no man what they had seen until he was risen from the dead. They kept this private and asked one another what the rising from the dead should mean. They asked him why did the scribes say that Elijah must first come? Jesus replied and by this they understood that Jesus spoke of John the Baptist who was Elijah. {Lu 9:28-36 Mr 9:1-13 Mt 17:1-13}

6380. After this on the next day when they were came down from the hill, Jesus came to his disciples. He saw a great multitude about them and the scribes asking questions. When all the multitude saw him, they immediately were greatly amazed and ran to greet him. As he was asking about their questions, the father of a lunatic child told him, that it was about his child that had an unclean spirit and was deaf and dumb. His disciples could not cast him out. Then Jesus cast out the spirit and restored the child whole to his father. When Jesus went home, he showed his disciples the reason why they could not cast out this demon. {Lu 9:37-42 Mr 9:14-29 Mt 17:14-21}

6381. They departed from there and passed through Galilee and he did not want any man to know it. He taught his disciples about his death and resurrection but they did not understood this. They were exceedingly sorry and were afraid to ask him. {Lu 9:43-45 Mr 9:30-32 Mt 17:22,23}

6382. When they came to Capernaum, they asked Peter about Jesus' tribute money. When Jesus came into the house, he anticipated Peter and told him that he should find a piece of money in a fish's mouth and told him to pay the tribute for both of them. {Mt 17:24-27}

6383. At Capernaum, Jesus asked his disciples what they were discussing on the way. At first they were silent and then they said that it was about who would be greatest in the kingdom of heaven. Jesus took a child and placed him in the midst of them and taught that they should have humility even as a child. He warned them in the world were offences and that they must take heed that neither hand, foot nor eye cause them to offend. Little children were not to be despised. If our brother sinned against us, he was to be reproved. He told of the power of the church to bind and loose. They were to forgive one that asked forgiveness until seven times seventy times as he showed in the parable of two debtors to the king. {Lu 9:46-48 Mr 9:33-37 Mt 18:1-35}

6384. John replied and said that they saw one casting out devils through Christ's name. Jesus taught that he was not to be forbidden and again warned them of not offending little ones and to take heed again, that neither hand, foot or eye cause them to offend. {Lu 9:49,50 Mr 9:38-50}

6385. Junius Gallio, who was trying to win Tiberius' favour, proposed that Tiberius' soldiers, when their time of service was expired, should sit in the same benches with the equestrians to see the plays. Tiberius banished him under the pretence that Gallio would seem to persuade the soldiers to be loyal to the state rather than to Tiberius. When it was written that he would easily endure his banishment in so pleasant an island as Lesbos was, he was brought back to Rome and handed over to the custody of the magistrates. {Tacitus, Annals, l. 6. c. 3.} {*Dio, l. 58. 7:233}

6386. Cassius Severus, the orator died in the 25th year of his banishment on the island of Sephone. He was reduced to such poverty that he had scarcely had a cloth to hide his privates. {Jerome, Chronicles}

6387. At Rome it was proposed in the senate by Quintilian, the tribune of the people, concerning a Sibyl's book. Caninius Gallus, one of the Fifteen for Religious Ceremonies, had requested that it might be received among other books of the same prophetess and passed a decree of the senate to ratify it. When this was done by joint vote, Tiberius sent letters and rebuked the tribune mildly as not being well versed in the old customs because he was young. He attacked Gallus very smartly, who was a man of years and well experienced in the ceremonies and in spite of this had introduced the business into the senate at such a time when many of the senators were absent. The author of the poem was uncertain and the college had not delivered their opinion, or had the poem been revised and adjusted by the masters (of the priests) according to the usual custom. Thereupon the book was referred to the cognizance of the fifteen. {Tacitus, Annals, l. 6. c. 11.}

6388. After these things Jesus walked in Galilee, for he would not walk in Judea because the Jews sought to kill him. The feast of tabernacles was approaching and Jesus did not go up to the feast at that time as his brothers wished. They as yet did not believe on him. Jesus went up after them, not publicly but as it were in secret. {Joh 7:1-10}

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6389. It came to pass, when the time was come that he should be received up, he set his face to go to Jerusalem. He sent messengers ahead to prepare a place for them to stay. The city would not accept him and they went into another city. He rebuked his disciples who wanted fire to come down from heaven upon them. {Lu 9:51-56}

6390. It came to pass as they went on the way, Jesus answered some who wanted to follow him. {Lu 9:57-62}

6391. After these things, Jesus sent 70 disciples two by two into every city and place where he was going to proclaim that the kingdom of God was at hand. He gave them power to authenticate their message. {Lu 10:1-16}

6392. The multitude enquired after him and murmured concerning him. Jesus taught in the temple in the middle of the feast. They wondered at his doctrine and he answered that his doctrine was not his own but his who sent him. He answered many things to those who reproached and objected against him. Officers were sent to apprehend him. In the last and great day of the feast, Jesus cried out concerning faith in him. There was a division concerning him among the people but the officers who were sent and Nicodemus defended Jesus and his cause before the Pharisees who spoke against Jesus. {Joh 7:11-53}

6393. Jesus went to the mount of Olives and early in the morning he sat and taught in the temple. He was not willing to condemn, as a judge, the woman taken in adultery and warned her to sin no more. He taught in the treasury of the temple and he affirmed that he is the light of the world and defended his bearing record of himself. He taught many things concerning the Father and himself, where he goes, who he is, about their father Abraham, about the servitude of sin and the devil. He denied that he had a demon as the people thought. He said whoever kept his sayings, would not taste of death. He concluded and said he was before Abraham. Thereupon they took up stones to throw at him but Jesus hid himself, and went out of the temple and went through the midst of them and so passed by. {Joh 8:1-59}

6394. As Jesus passed by, he saw one begging who was blind from his youth and he healed him. The beggar and his parents were examined by the authorities and he was expelled from the synagogue. He found and worshipped Jesus. {Joh 9:1-41}

6395. Jesus preached that he is the door of the sheepfold and that good shepherd. He taught about thieves and hirelings. There was a division again among the Jews because of these sayings. {Joh 10:1-21}

6396. The 70 returned with joy, whom he further warned and instructed. In a rejoicing spirit, he tells them privately that they are blessed because their names are written in heaven. {Lu 10:17-24}

6397. A certain lawyer asked him what he must do to inherit eternal life. Jesus instructed him from the law and taught him who his neighbour was by the parable of the man who fell among thieves. {Lu 10:25-37}

6398. Now it came to pass as he went on his way, he came to a certain town and was received into the house of Martha. She herself ministered to them while Mary heard the words of Jesus. Jesus said Mary had chosen the better part. {Lu 10:38-42}

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6399. It came to pass that he was praying in a certain place. When he stopped, one of his disciples asked him to teach them to pray as John taught his disciples. Therefore he for the second time prescribeed to them the Lord's prayer. He used arguments also to stir them up to constancy in prayer and for obtaining the confirmation of their faith. {Lu 11:1-13}

6400. Jesus cast out a demon from one who was dumb and the multitude marvelled. He rebuked some blasphemers and said that he did not cast out the demons through Beelzebub. {Lu 11:14-26}

6401. It came to pass as he spoke these things, that a certain woman of the company said to him that his mother was blessed. He replied to her that blessed are those who hear the word of God and keep it. {Lu 11:27,28}

6402. When the multitude had gathered thickly together, he said that this generation sought a sign but they shall have no sign except that of Jonah. He added that the queen of the south and the Ninevites shall condemn this generation. They were to take heed that the light that is in them was not really darkness. {Lu 11:29-36}

6403. When he had spoken these things, a certain Pharisee invited him to dine with him. He wondered that Jesus had not first washed. Jesus severely reprehended him along with the rest of the Pharisees for their apparent outward holiness with hypocrisy but inwardly was wickedness, covetousness and pride. He pronounced a woe on the lawyers also. {Lu 11:37-54}

6404. In the meantime, when there were gathered together an innumerable company, Jesus warned to his disciples to beware of the leaven of the Pharisees, which was hypocrisy and not to be afraid of those who kill the body. {Lu 12:1-12}

6405. One of the company asked Jesus to talk to his brother so that he divide the inheritance with him. Jesus replied and said that who made him a judge? On this occasion, he preached against covetousness using the parable of the rich man who wanted to build larger barns. He warned them against an anxious distrustful and unprofitable carping about the necessary things of this life and urged that they rather seek the kingdom of God. They should be like those who wait for the coming of their Lord as it becomes a faithful and wise steward. Jesus said that he shall send the fire of division on the earth and upbraided them that they did not know that this was the appointed time. {Lu 12:13-59}

6406. At that time there were some who told him of the Galilaeans, whose blood Pilate had mingled with their sacrifices. From this, Jesus preached about repentance and propounded the parable of the fig tree not having fruit. {Lu 13:1-9}

6407. He taught in one of the synagogues on the sabbath day. There was a woman who had a spirit of infirmity eighteen years and was bent over. He healed her on the sabbath and defended the deed against the indignation of the ruler of the synagogue. Then he likened the kingdom of heaven to a grain of mustard seed and to leaven. {Lu 13:10-21}

6408. He went through all the cities and villages teaching and journeying toward Jerusalem for the feast of dedication. {Lu 13:22}

6409. One asked him if there would be only a few who would be saved. He replied that they must strive to enter in at the narrow gate. {Lu 13:23-30}

6410. On the same day, some of the Pharisees came to him and warned him to leave the area for Herod wanted to kill him. He gave that resolute answer. {Lu 13:31-35}

6411. It came to pass that he went into the house of one of the chief Pharisees to dine with him. There was one there who had the dropsy, whom he healed. He defended the deed, although done on the sabbath. He spoke a parable to them that were bidden to a feast and Jesus instructed the Pharisee who had invited him to dine. {Lu 14:1-14}

6412. When one of them who dined with him, heard these things, he said to him that blessed is he who shall eat bread in the kingdom of God. Jesus replied to him and propounded the parable of the great supper and of each excuse that those made who were invited. {Lu 14:15-24}

6413. There was a great multitude that went with him and he turned and preached to them, that life itself is to be surrendered for Christ. He propounded to them the parables of the man who was about to build a tower and of the king going to war. {Lu 14:25-35}

6414. There came to him all the publicans and sinners to hear him but the scribes and Pharisees murmured. He spoke to them the parables about the lost sheep, the lost coin and the prodigal son. {Lu 15:1-32}

6415. He told the disciples the parable of the unjust steward who was accused to his master and made a practical application from it. The Pharisees heard all these things and they were covetous and derided him. He then preached against them and taught many other things and told about the rich man who fared sumptuously and of Lazarus the beggar. {Lu 16:1-31}

6416. Jesus warned his disciples of those who cause offences. He taught that their brother who sinned against them, was to be forgiven. {Lu 17:1-9}

6417. Then the apostles asked Jesus to increase their faith. He replied about the power of faith and by the parable of the servant who came in after working, immediately ministered to his master. He showed them that they were unprofitable servants when they had done all that they were commanded for they had have done no more than what was their duty. {Lu 17:5-10}

6418. It came to pass as he went to Jerusalem, that he passed through the middle of Samaria and Galilee. He entered a certain village and ten lepers met him. After they were healed and were going to the priest as Jesus commanded, only one of them came back to Jesus to thank him and he was a Samaritan. {Lu 17:11-19}

6419. The Pharisees asked Jesus when the kingdom of God will come. Jesus replied that the kingdom of God will not come with observation but was within. He told his disciples that according to the days of Noah and Lot, so shall be the day in which the Son of Man shall be revealed, but he must first suffer many things. {Lu 17:20-37}

6420. He spoke to them a parable that they should always pray. He used the example of a widow who interceded with an unjust judge and contrasted this with God who is a just avenger. {Lu 18:1-8}

6421. He spoke also to some who thought that they were just and despised others. He told the parable about the Pharisee and publican praying in the temple. {Lu 18:9-14}

6422. At Jerusalem in the feast of the dedication in the winter time, Jesus walked in the temple in Solomon's porch. The Jews came around him and asked how long he would keep them in suspence as to who he really was. He pointed to his miracles and said that he and his Father are one. Again they took up stones to stone him. He defended himself to be God, by the scriptures and by his works. They tried again to take him but he escaped from their hands. {Joh 10:22-39}

6423. He went again beyond the Jordan River into the place where John first baptized and stayed there and many came to him. As was his custom, he taught them and healed them and many believed on him there. {Mr 10:1 Mt 19:1,2}

6424. The Pharisees came to him and tempted him and asked if it was lawful for a man to put away his wife for any reason. Jesus denied it and replied to the Pharisees who objected and said the bill of divorce was commanded by Moses. Jesus taught them the true meaning of marriage. When his disciples heard this, they said it was better for a man not to marry. {Mr 10:2-12 Mt 19:3-12}

6425. They brought to him little children that he should lay his hands on them and pray. His disciples forbid them and Jesus rebuked them. After he had laid his hands on the children and blessed them, he departed from there. {Lu 18:15-17 Mr 10:13-16 Mt 19:13-15}

6426. As Jesus was leaving on the way, a rich young ruler met him and asked him what he had to do to inherit eternal life and he called Jesus, Good Master." Jesus spoke concerning the title he gave him and pointed him to the commandments. He replied that he had kept them all and observed them and Jesus loved him. However, he told him to sell all that he had and give to the poor. He sent him away very sorry. Jesus inveighed bitterly against covetous rich men. Peter replied that they left everything to follow him. Jesus made notable promises to all who followed him especially to his twelve apostles. He added that many who were first would be last. He instructed them by a parable of labourers going into a vineyard for many were called but few were chosen. {Lu 18:18-30 Mr 10:17-31 Mt 19:16-30}

6427. Lazarus of Bethany was sick. Therefore, his sisters sent to Jesus to tell him of his sickness. As soon as he heard that he was sick, he stayed two more days in the place where he was but later he told his disciples to go again into Judea. They reminded him that just recently the Jews tried to stone him there and and did he really want to go back again. Jesus replied that Lazarus sleeps, (speaking of his death, not of his sleep.) and that they should go to him. Thomas added that we may die with him. {Joh 11:1-16}

6428. When Jesus came near Bethany, he found that Lazarus had been buried four days in the grave. Martha came to meet him, they talked about the resurrection. Mary heard of it and came quickly to him. When Jesus saw her weep, he also wept and went to the grave. He asked them to remove the stone and thanked his Father for hearing him. Jesus called Lazarus from his grave. Thereupon many believed on him and some went to the Pharisees and told them what things Jesus had done.

6429. Therefore the Pharisees convened a council in which Caiaphas prophesied about Jesus. From that day on, they consulted together how they might put him to death. They ordered that if anyone knew where he was, he should tell them so they could take him. Therefore Jesus did not walk publicly among the Jews but went into a city called Ephraim and stayed there with his disciples. {Joh 11:17-54}

6430. As they were on the way up to Jerusalem, Jesus went ahead of them and they were afraid. He again took the twelve and began to tell them what things should happen to him but they did not understand. {Lu 18:31-34 Mr 10:32-34 Mt 20:17-19}

6431. James and John, the sons of Zebedee, and their mother came to him and asked that they might sit in the kingdom, one on the right hand and the other on the left of Jesus. Jesus rebuked them and the rest were upset with those two disciples. Jesus admonished them all that he who would be great and first among them, must be the minister and servant of all. {Mr 10:35-45 Mt 20:20-28}

6432. It came to pass when he came near Jericho, a certain blind man sat begging by the way side. When he asked who it was that passed by and he was told it was Jesus of Nazareth, he earnestly implored his mercy even though the crowd rebuked him. Jesus called to him and he received his sight and followed him glorifying God. {Lu 18:35-43}

6433. Jesus entered and passed through Jericho and saw Zacchaeus in a sycomore tree and told him he needed to stay at his house that day. {Lu 19:1-10}

6434. As they left the city of Jericho, a large crowd following him. He restored the sight to two blind men (of which one was Bartimaeus,) and they followed him. {Mr 10:46-52 Mt 20:29-34}

6435. When they heard these things and because they were near Jerusalem, they thought that the kingdom of God should immediately appear. As they went, Jesus spoke the parable of the noble man that went into a far country who gave his ten servants ten pounds to invest until he returned. When he returned, he determined who had gained the most by trading. He rewarded each of them according to the proportion of their gain. {Lu 19:11-27}

6436. The passover was near and many went from the country up to Jerusalem before the passover to purify themselves. {Joh 11:55-57}

6437. Therefore six days before the passover, Jesus came to Bethany. They prepared a supper for him and Lazarus sat with him. Mary anointed his feet and wiped them with the hairs of her head. Jesus rebuked the criticism of Judas against her. Many people came there not only for Jesus' sake, but that they might see Lazarus. However, the chief priests consulted how they might put Lazarus to death also because many of the Jews believed on Jesus because of him. {Joh 12:1-11}

6438. When he had thus spoken, he went ahead and ascending up to Jerusalem. It came to pass when he was near Bethphage and Bethany, at the mount called the Mount of Olives (the 29th day of March) he sent two of his disciples for an ass colt that was tied. (Matthew makes mention of the she ass also.) {Lu 19:28-35 Mr 11:1-7 Mt 21:1-7}

6439. Therefore, they brought the colt to Jesus and put their garments on the colt and set Jesus on the colt. Many people met him who came to the feast. Many cast their garments in the way and others cut down branches of trees and spread them in the way. When he came to the descent of the Mount of Olives, the crowd who went before him and those who followed behind cried, hosanna to the son of David. Some of the Pharisees told him to rebuke his followers. He replied he would not. Therefore, the Pharisees said among themselves that the whole world was gone after him. {Joh 12:12-19 Lu 19:36-40 Mr 11:8-10 Mt 21:8,9}

6440. When he came near and saw the city, he wept over it. he predicted her utter destruction. When he entered into Jerusalem all the city was stirred and asked who he was. {Lu 19:41-44 Mr 11:10,11}

6441. Jesus went into the temple of God and cast out those who bought and sold in it and healed the blind and the lame in it. He justified the children who cried hosanna in the temple against the objections of the Pharisees and scribes. He taught daily in the temple they who heard him, were very attentive. However, the chief priests and elders of the people tried to destroy him. {Lu 19:45-48 Mr 11:11 Mt 21:12-16}

6442. Some Greeks who came to worship at the feast wanted to see him. He told those that told him about these Greeks about his passion. He called on his Father and received an answer from heaven. Some thought it was thunder and others thought an angel spoke to him. He again spoke of the lifting of the Son of Man from the earth. He answered those who asked him who was the Son of Man? After he left there, he hid himself from them. When it was evening, he went with the twelve to Bethany. Although he had done so many miracles among them, they still did not believe on him that the word of Isaiah might be fulfilled. However, many of the rulers believed on him but did not confess him publicly for fear of the Pharisees. Jesus preached concerning faith in himself. Joh 12:20-50 Mr 11:17

6443. The next morning when he came from Bethany, he was hungry and saw a fig tree which only had leaves on it. He cursed it and it immediately withered. They came to Jerusalem and entered into the temple. He again expelled those who bought and sold and did not want anyone to carry a vessel through the temple. He taught them concerning faith in himself. However, the chief priests sought how they might destroy him for they feared him because all people were astonished at his doctrine. When evening came, Jesus left the city. {Mr 11:12-19 Mt 21:18,19}

6444. The next morning as they passed by the fig tree, they saw that it was dried up from the roots which Peter noted. Jesus preached to them about the power of faith especially in prayers. They again came to Jerusalem and as he walked in the temple and taught the people, the chief priests, elders and scribes came to him and asked by whose authority he did these things. Jesus replied by asking them about John's baptism. He spoke to them the parable of the two sons and asked them which of the two did the will of the father and then applied it to them. He also told the parable of the vineyard that was rented out to husbandmen and of their killing of the heir of the vineyard and made an application of this also. Therefore, from that hour, they sought to take him but they feared the people for the people thought he was a prophet. Again he propounded to them the parable of the king's son and the refusals and excuses of some that were bidden and the wickedness and punishments of others, especially of him who was not wearing a proper wedding garment. Then the Pharisees went and took council how they might entangle him in his talk. Therefore they sent out to him their disciples with the Herodians who asked if it was lawful to pay tribute to Caesar. They were astonished at his answer and left him and went their way. {Lu 20:1-26 Mr 11:13-12:37 Mt 21:19-22:46}

6445. The same day the Sadducees came to him and asked about a woman who had the seven brothers for her husband. They wanted to know who would be her husband in the resurrection. When the multitude heard his answer to prove the resurrection, they were astonished at his doctrine. Then a Pharisee, a lawyer, tempted him and asked which is the greatest commandment in the law? After Jesus had replied he asked the Pharisee whose son Christ is? No man was able to answer him a word neither dared any man from that day on ask him any more questions. {Lu 20:27-44}

6446. Then Jesus spoke to the multitude and to his disciples about the scribes and Pharisees. He pronounced a woe eight times against them and spoke to the city of Jerusalem and accused her of cruelty and obstinacy and foretold her desolation. {Lu 20:45-47 Mr 12:38-40 Mt 23:1-39}

6447. As Jesus sat opposite the treasury, he commended a widow who cast in two mites more than those who cast in much more. {Lu 21:1-4 Mr 12:41-44}

6448. When he went out of the temple, his disciples showed him the buildings and its stones and he predicted its utter destruction. {Lu 21:5-36 Mr 13:1-37 Mt 24:1-51}

6449. As Jesus sat on the Mount of Olives opposite the temple, his disciples asked him when would these things happen and what would be the sign of his coming and the end of the world? He gave a lengthy reply concerning the sign and his coming. He warned them to watch and to be ready for they did not know the hour when the Lord would come. {Mr 13:1-37 Lu 21:1:36 Mt 24:1-51}

6450. He taught the same things by the parable of the ten virgins as by the parable of the talents given to the servants to invest. He described the judgment of this world (perhaps as a type of that) by setting the sheep on the right hand and the goats on the left and passing sentence on each of them. By day, he taught in the temple but at night he went to the Mount of Olives. All the people came to him early in the morning and he taught them in the temple. {Lu 21:37,38 Mt 25:1-46}

6451. When Jesus had finished these sayings, he told his disciples that after two days was the passover and the Son of Man would be betrayed to be crucified. The Jewish leaders consulted together in the palace of the high priest about how they might kill Jesus. They agreed that it should not be done on the feast day, lest there by a riot. {Mr 14:1,2 Mt 26:1-5}

6452. When he was in the house eating with Simon the Leper, he defended a woman who poured an alabaster box of ointment on his head because his disciples murmured about this. He foretold his burial. {Mr 14:3-9 Mt 26:6-13}

6453. Then Satan entered into Judas who was to betray Jesus to the Jewish leaders. {Lu 22:1-13 Mr 14:10,11 Mt 26:14-16}

4th Passover

The FOURTH PASSOVER in which CHRIST, our PASSOVER, was sacrificed, {1Co 5:7} and so put an end to all the legal sacrifices prefiguring this one. The beginning of the fourth or middle year of the last week of Daniel. {Da 9:27}

6454. On the first day of unleavened bread, when the passover was slain (April 2nd) his disciples asked Jesus where they should prepare it. He sent Peter and John into the city and told them that they would meet a man carrying a pitcher of water. They should follow him to his house and ask the owner of it for the use of the guest chamber. They would find the guest chamber already furnished by the good man of the house. {Mr 14:12-16 Mt 26:17-19}

6455. In the evening Jesus went with the twelve disciples and ate supper. Jesus said that he had greatly desired to eat this passover with them before his sufferings. He took the cup and asked them to divide it among themselves. He said that he would no more eat of the passover or drink of the fruit of the vine until the kingdom of God would come. He also said that one of them would betray him. They began to be sorrowful and asked one by one, if it was he. Jesus replied that it was the man who dipped his hand with him in the dish. When Judas asked if it was him, Jesus said it was. {Lu 22:14-18 Mr 14:17-21 Mt 26:20-25}

6456. While they were eating, he instituted the sacrament of his body and blood which were symbolised by the bread and the wine. After he had drank the wine, he said that he would not drink of the fruit of the vine after this until he would drink it anew with them in the kingdom of his Father. He stated that the one who would betray him was eating with them. Then they began to enquire among themselves if anyone among them would do this. {Lu 22:19-23 Mr 14:22-25 Mt 26:25,26}

6457. There was also a dispute among them of who would be the greatest. After supper, Jesus arose and laid aside his garments. He took a towel and girded himself and began to wash and to wipe his disciple's feet. At first Peter refused to have this done to him but later he consented. After this, Jesus sat down and said that he had given them an example. Just as he had done, they should likewise wash one another's feet. Whoever would be the greatest among them, must become the least. He added moreover that he was not speaking about everyone for he knew whom he had chosen. When he had said these things, he was troubled in the spirit and said that one of them would betray him. Therefore his disciples looked at each other and were uncertain of whom he referred to. Peter beckoned to the beloved disciple that he should ask who it was. Jesus answered that it was the one to whom he gave the sop after dipping it. He gave it to Judas and told him to quickly do what he had to do. When Judas had received the sop, he went out immediately and it was night. {Joh 13:2-38 Lu 22:24-30}

6458. After Judas left, Jesus said that now was the Son of Man glorified and God was glorified in him. He admonished them of his sudden departure and of their mutual love one for another. He also said to Simon that Satan had desired to sift him as wheat. However, Jesus said he had prayed for him and that when he was converted, he was to strengthen his brethren. Peter too confidently replied that he would die for Jesus. Jesus replied that he would deny him three times before the cock crowed. Then Jesus told them all that he who has a purse let him take it and he who did not have a sword, go and buy one. They said they had two swords to which Jesus replied that it was enough. {Lu 22:31-38}

6459. Jesus anticipated their sorrow for his death and comforted them as he usually did. He answered the questions raised by Thomas, Philip and Judas, (who is also Lebbaeus, surnamed Thaddaeus, another of the sons of Alphaeus, and brother of James.) He promised them that the Holy Ghost would be their teacher and left his peace to them. Again he admonished them of his approaching death and of its joyful fruit. Then he said they should now leave. After they sang a hymn, they left for the Mount of Olives. {Joh 14:1-31 Mr 14:26 Mt 26:30}

6460. On their way, he told them the parable of the vine and the branches and exhorted them to bring forth fruit and to remain in the love of God toward them. They should have mutual love one toward another and to endure patiently the hatred of the world which also hated Christ himself. They should not be offended by persecution. Again he comforted them for the sorrow they had about his approaching death, by the promise of sending them the Comforter. He would be the Spirit of Truth and witness against the world and help them. He warned them that in a little while, they would not see him. They did not understand what he meant. He explained it to them and said that their predicted sorrow would be turned into joy just as a woman rejoices who gives birth to a son. He predicted his return to them and told them of the love of the Father toward them and by his willingness to hear their petitions that they would make in his name. He said that he came from the Father into the world and he would again leave the world to return to the Father. His disciples said they now understood what he meant and believed that he came from God. Jesus replied that the time was now come when they all would be scattered and Christ would be left alone. At last he concluded with a most divine prayer to the Father for the mutual benefit of his own and the Father's glory, for the apostles and the whole company of believers. {Joh 15:1-17:26}

6461. When Jesus had spoken these things, he went with his disciples as was his custom and crossed over the brook Kidron to the Mount of Olives. Then Jesus told them that all of them would be offended because of him that night. However, after he was risen again, he would go ahead of them into Galilee. Peter replied that although everyone would be offended, yet he would not be. Jesus told Peter that before the cock crew, he would deny him three times. To this both he and all the disciples replied that although they would die with him, they would never deny him. {Joh 18:1 Lu 22:39 Mr 14:27-31 Mt 26:31-36}

6462. Then they came into a place called Gethsemane where there was a garden. After Jesus had entered with his disciples, he told them to pray lest they fall into temptation. They were to sit there while he went away to pray. He took Peter and the two sons of Zebedee with him and began to be very sorrowful. He told them to stay there and watch. He went a little further about a stone's throw and kneeled down and prayed that this cup might pass from him. And there appeared an angel from heaven who strengthened him. Then he returned and found his disciples sleeping. He reprehended and admonished them and went the second time and prayed more earnestly. He was in an agony and he began to sweat as it were drops of blood. He came again and found them sleeping for sorrow for their eyes were heavy. He again admonished them and they did not know what to say. He then left them and went away again and prayed the same words. Then he returned to his disciples and told them to sleep and take their rest. The Son of Man was betrayed into the hands of sinners. He told them to get up and go for the man who betrayed him was close by. Lu 22:40-46 Mr 14:32-42 Mt 26:36-46

6463. While he was speaking, Judas arrived who knew the place, (because Jesus often went there with his disciples.) He brought with him the chief priests, Pharisees, captains of the temple, elders of the people, officers and a band sent from them. They came there with lanterns and torches and a large number with swords and staves. Judas had given a sign and said the one they were after would be the one he kissed. Judas immediately kissed Jesus. Jesus asked Judas why he came and would he betray the Son of Man with a kiss. Jesus who knew all things that would happen to him, went out to them and asked who they were after. They said they wanted Jesus of Nazareth and Jesus told them he was the one. They went backwards and fell to the ground. He asked them again and answered them as he did the first time and added that if they were only after him, to let the disciples go their way. They took him. When those who were around him saw what would happen they asked him if they should fight for him. Peter struck off the right ear of Malchus, a servant of the high priest's. Jesus told Peter to put away his sword and if he wanted to, he could call down more than twelve legions of angels. He said that he should drink of the cup that his Father had given him and they should allow it to happen. Jesus touched Malchus' ear and healed him. Jesus asked the crowd why they came to him as if he were a thief with swords and staves. He told them that this was their hour and the power of darkness. Then all his disciples left him and fled. A certain young man (of their company) was laid hold on and left his linen cloth and fled naked from them. {Joh 18:3-11 Lu 22:47-53 Mr 14:43-52 Mt 26:47-56}

6464. They bound Jesus and brought him first to Annas, the father-in-law of Caiaphas. Annas sent him bound to Caiaphas, the high priest, who had previously prophesied that it was expedient that one man should die for the people. All the chief priests, elders and scribes of the people were gathered together. Caiaphas asked Jesus concerning his disciples and his doctrine. Jesus said he had spoken publicly and to ask those that heard him. Therefore one of the officers struck him with a staff. Jesus asked him that if he had answered well, why did he hit him? Then all the council looked for false witnesses against him and could not find any. Finally two false witnesses came but their testimony disagreed with each other. Caiaphas asked Jesus to reply to what these witnesses said against him but Jesus said nothing. Then Caiaphas adjured him that he should say whether he was the Christ. Jesus answered that he was and they would see the Son of Man sitting at the right hand of the power of God and coming in the clouds of heaven. Therefore they judged him guilty of death for this blasphemy. Then they mocked and spat on him. They cruelly beat him with buffets and staves. They covered his eyes and asked him who had hit him. They did many other things and they spoke reproachfully against him.

6465. Peter followed afar off to see the end of the matter. Another disciple accompanied him who was known to the high priest. He went with Jesus into the palace but Peter stood outside at the door whom that other disciple (who spoke to her who kept the door) had brought in. As Peter was warming himself at the fire that burned in the courtyard, (for it was cold) the maid who kept the door asked him and affirmed that he was one of his disciples. Peter denied it and claimed that he did not know him or what the maid spoke about. A little later, he went out into the porch and the cock crew. As he was going out another maid saw him and said to those that were there that Peter was with Jesus of Nazareth. Another person said to him that he was one of the disciples. Then Peter again denied it with an oath. About an hour later, those who stood by came and said to him that his accent gave him away. The cousin of Malchus who was among the rest said that he had seen Peter in the garden. While he was speaking, the cock crowed the second time. Then Jesus turned around and looked at Peter. Peter remembered the words of Jesus and went out and wept bitterly. {Joh 18:12-27 Lu 22:54-65 Mr 14:53-72 Mt 26:57-75}

6466. As soon as it was day, the elders of the people, chief priests and the scribes came together and led him into their council and asked Jesus if he was the Christ? He replied that they would not believe him nor answer his questions nor let him go. Jesus said he was the Son of God and they replied that they did not need any more witnesses. {Lu 22:66-71}

6467. Immediately in the morning, the whole multitude arose and led him bound to Pontus Pilate the governor, from Caiaphas to the hall of judgment. (April 3rd) They did not go into the judgment hall lest they would be defiled and unable to eat the passover. When Jesus stood before the governor, Pilate asked the crowd what was his crime. They said that if he was not a criminal, they would not have brought Jesus to him. They accused Jesus of perverting the country and forbidding any to pay tribute to Caesar. They also said that Jesus claimed to be Christ a king. Jesus refused to answer them and Pilate asked him why he did not defend himself against their many accusations? Jesus did not answer Pilate even so much as a word so that Pilate marvelled. Then Pilate told the crowd to take him and judge him according to their law. They replied that they did not have the power to kill him. Then Pilate entered into the judgment hall again and called for Jesus. He asked Jesus if he were the king of the Jews? Jesus asked Pilate if he asked the question of his own accord or did others tell that to him. Pilate retorted that he was not a Jew and that his own people and the chief priests had brought him to him. He asked Jesus what had he done. Jesus stated that his kingdom was not an earthly kingdom. Pilate asked if he were a king to which Jesus said that this was the reason he came into the world so that be might witness to the truth. Pilate asked him what was truth and then went out again to the Jews and said Jesus was innocent. The crowd was more hostile and said he had stirred up the people and taught through all the country of the Jews starting at Galilee to this place.

6468. When Pilate heard about Galilee, he asked Jesus if he were a Galilaean. When he knew that he belonged to Herod's jurisdiction, he sent him to Herod who was at Jerusalem in those days. Herod was exceedingly glad and hoped to see some miracle. Jesus would not answer Herod or the chief priests and scribes who vehemently accused him. After Herod had set Jesus at naught and mocked him, he sent him back to Pilate arrayed in a gorgeous robe. Both the governors became friends that same day.

6469. When Pilate had called the chief priests and the rulers and the people, he told them that both he and Herod found Jesus innocent. Therefore he would chastise Jesus and release him. It was the custom on every feast day, for the governor to free any prisoner the people wanted. The crowd cried out aloud and began to desire that he would do for them as he had always done. Therefore, Pilate called them and asked whether they wanted him to release the king of the Jews or Barabbas. Pilate knew that the chief priests had delivered him for envy. However, they stirred up the people that Pilate should release Barabbas to them instead of Jesus. Barabbas was an infamous thief who was imprisoned for insurrection and murder in the city. When Pilate sat in the judgment seat, his wife sent him a message saying that he should have nothing to do with that just man because she had suffered may things in a dream because of him that day.

6470. Therefore, Pilate asked the crowd again whom they wanted to have released because he really wanted to release Jesus. However, they all cried out and said they did not want Jesus but Barabbas. Therefore Pilate asked them what he should do with the one they called the king of the Jews. They all cried out again and said he should be crucified. Pilate asked a third time what was his crime and he found him innocent. He would chastise him and let him go free. Then they cried more earnestly in loud voices that he should be crucified. Then Pilate took Jesus and scourged him. The soldiers made a crown of thorns and placed it on his head and clothed him with purple. They mocked him and greeted him as the king of the Jews and beat him with staves. Therefore, Pilate went out again to them and said that he brought Jesus out to them whom he found innocent. Jesus was led out wearing the crown of thorns and the robe. Pilate told them to look at Jesus. When the chief priests and officers saw him, they cried out and said to crucify him. Pilate told them to take and crucify him but that he was innocent. The Jews replied that he should die because he said he was the Son of God. When Pilate heard that, he was more afraid and went again into the judgment hall and asked Jesus where he came from. Jesus did not reply. Then Pilate admonished him to answer and bragged that he had the power to crucify him. Jesus answered that he could have no power unless it was given to him from above.

6471. From that time on, Pilate tried to release him but the Jews replied that if he did he was not Caesar's friend. When Pilate heard this, he brought out Jesus and sat in the judgment seat in the place called "the Pavement". It was the preparation for the passover and about the sixth hour (noon). He told the Jews that here was their king. They cried out that he should be crucified. Pilate asked if he should crucify their king but the chief priests said that they had no king but Caesar. When Pilate saw he was getting nowhere and that he had a potential riot on his hands, he took some water and washed his hands before the crowd. He said that he was innocent of the blood of this just person. All the people replied that his blood would be on them and their children. Then to placate the multitude, Pilate released Barabbas. After he had scourged Jesus, he did as the crowd wanted and ordered Jesus to be crucified. {Joh 19:1-30 Lu 23:1-25 Mr 15:1-37 Mt 27:11-31}

6472. When the soldiers of the governor had led Jesus into the hall called Praetorium, they called together the whole band. When they had stripped him, they put a scarlet robe on him. They made a crown of thorns and put it on his head and put a reed in his right hand. They bowed down and mocked him and greeted him as the king of the Jews. When they had spat on him, they took that reed and hit him on the head. After they had mocked him, they took off the purple robe from him and put his own clothes on him and led him out to be crucified.

6473. When Judas who had betrayed him, saw that he was condemned, he repented and brought the thirty pieces of silver to the chief priests. He confessed his sin to them and after he cast the silver pieces into the temple, he went and hanged himself. They used the money to buy the potter's field that the prophesy might be fulfilled.

6474. Jesus went out carrying his cross. As they were leading him, they found Simon of Cyrene, who came from the country. They took him and compelled him to carry the cross after Jesus. There were two thieves that were led out with him to be crucified. There followed a great multitude of people and of women who lamented him. He turned to them and foretold the terrible destruction of Jerusalem. When they came to the place called Calvary, but in the Hebrew it is called Golgotha, they gave wine to him to drink which was mingled with myrrh and vinegar mingled with gall. When he had tasted it, he refused to drink it. They crucified him and the two thieves there, about the third hour (9 am). One thief was on each side of him. Jesus prayed to his Father to forgive them because they did not know what they were doing.

6475. Pilate wrote a superscription in Hebrew, Greek and Latin, and put it on the cross. The chief priests asked Pilate to change it and he refused. After they had crucified him, they divided his garments into four parts, one piece for each soldier who worked on the execution. They cast lots for his seamless coat rather than divide it up so that the scripture might be fulfilled. They sat down and watched him there and the people stood and watched.

6476. Those who passed by reviled him and shook their heads. They told him to come down from the cross because he said he could destroy the temple and raise it up again in three days. Likewise, the chief priests and rulers with the people, mocked and scoffed him along with the scribes and elders. They said that he could save others but he could not save himself. If he really was the king of Israel and that Christ, the chosen of God, then he should come down from the cross and then they would believe him. They said he trusted in God to save him for Jesus claimed to be the Son of God. The soldiers also mocked him and came to him. They offered him vinegar and said that if he was really the king of the Jews, he should save himself.

6477. Also the thieves who were crucified with him, threw the same in his face. While one of them continued in his railing against him, the other was converted and rebuked the other thief. He asked Jesus to remember him when he came into his kingdom. Jesus promised him that today he would be with him in paradise.

6478. His mother stood by his cross, as well as his mother's sister, Mary, the wife of Cleophas and Mary Magdalene. When Jesus' mother and the disciple whom he loved was standing beside her, he said to his mother to behold her son and to the disciple to behold his mother.

6479. When the sixth hour (noon) was come, there was darkness over all the land until the ninth hour (3 pm). In the ninth hour (3 pm), Jesus cried out with a loud voice, "Eli Eli", or, " Eloi Eloi Lamia sabachthani." Some who stood by said that he called for Elijah. After this, when Jesus knew that all things were accomplished so that the scripture might be fulfilled, he said he was thirsty. Beside the cross there was a vessel full of vinegar. They filled a spunge with vinegar and put it upon hyssop or a reed. They put it to his mouth and said with the rest that they would wait and see if Elijah would come and take him down from the cross. When Jesus had received the vinegar, he said that it was finished. He again cried with a loud voice and commended his spirit to his Father. Jesus bowed his head and gave up the ghost. When the centurion saw that he had so cried out and died, he glorified God and testified that certainly this was an innocent man and the Son of God. {Lu 23:26-46 Mr 15:38-42 Mt 27:32-50}

6480. The vail of the temple was ripped in two from the top to the bottom and there was an earthquake and the rocks were split. The graves were opened and many bodies of the saints who had died, arose, and came out of the graves after his resurrection and went into Jerusalem and appeared to many. When the centurion and those who stood around Jesus saw the earthquake and the things that were done, they were terrified and testified that certainly this was the Son of God. Then all the people who came to watch the crucifixion beat their chests and returned home. His acquaintances and the women who followed him from Galilee, stood a far off and saw these things. Among them was Salome, Mary Magdalene and Mary, the mother of James the Less and Joses. When he was in Galilee, these followed and ministered to him along with many other women who came up to Jerusalem with him. {Lu 23:47-49 Mt 27:51-56}

6481. The Jews did not want the bodies to remain on the cross on the sabbath because it was the preparation, (for that sabbath was an high day. They asked Pilate that their legs might be broken and that they might be taken down. Therefore the soldiers came and broke the legs of the two thieves but not of Jesus because he was already dead. One of the soldiers pierced his side with a spear and there immediately came out blood and water. These things were done so that the scripture might be fulfilled. {Joh 19:31-37}

6482. When evening came, because it was the preparation, that is, the day before the sabbath, Joseph of Arimathea came to Pilate. Joseph was a rich man and an honourable councillor who also looked for the kingdom of God. He was a good and just man and had not consented in the council to their plans. He was a secret disciple for fear of the Jews but he came boldly to Pilate and begged the body of Jesus. Pilate marvelled that Jesus was already dead and questioned a centurion about Jesus. When Pilate knew it, he gave the body to Joseph. Nicodemus (who first came to Jesus at night) brought a mixture of myrrh and aloes about an hundred pound weight. Therefore they took the body of Jesus and wound it in a linen cloth with the spices as the manner of the Jews was in burying a body. When Joseph had wrapped it in a clean linen cloth, he laid it in his own new sepulchre which he had hewn from a rock which was never used previously. The sepulchre was in a garden in the place where Jesus was crucified. Joseph rolled a large stone to the door of the sepulchre. Mary Magdalene, and Mary the Mother of Joses, who came with Jesus from Galilee saw where they had laid him and sat opposite the sepulchre. They returned and prepared spices and ointments and rested on the sabbath day according to the commandment.

6483. The next day (April 4th) the Pharisees asked Pilate that he secure the sepulchre until the third day because Jesus said he would arise on the third day. When Pilate agreed, they went and secured the sepulchre. They sealed the stone and set a watch. {Joh 19:38-42 Lu 23:50-56 Mr 15:42-47 Mt 27:57-61}

6484. When the sabbath was over, (April the 5th) and it dawned toward the first day of the week, very early in the morning while it was still dark, Mary Magdalene and Mary the mother of James, and Salome came with spices. They came to see the sepulchre and anoint Jesus. They wondered who would roll away the stone from the door for them. When the sun was risen, they came to the sepulchre and they saw the stone was rolled away. There was a great earthquake for the angel of the Lord came down from heaven and rolled away the stone and sat upon it. The women went in and did not find the body of the Lord Jesus. They were very perplexed by this when two men came to them in shining clothes and their faces were as lightning and their garments white as snow. Matthew and Mark mention only one angel. The guards shook for fear and became as dead men. When the women were afraid and bowed their faces to the earth, the angels told them not to be afraid for they were seeking Jesus who was crucified. They told them he was not dead but alive. They invited the women to see the sepulchre for themselves. They reminded them that when Jesus was still in Galilee with them, he told them that the Son of Man must be delivered into the hands of sinful men, be crucified and the third day rise again. The angels told them to quickly go and tell his disciples and Peter that he was risen again from the dead. Also they said that Jesus went ahead of them to Galilee and they would see him there. Then the women remembered the words of Jesus and they left quickly from the sepulchre with fear, wonder and great joy. They ran to tell his disciples but they said nothing to any man (as they went) for they were afraid. When the women had told these things to the eleven and to all the rest, their words seemed as idle tales. However, Mary Magdalene told Peter and the other disciple whom Jesus loved that they had taken away the Lord and they did not know where they had laid him.

6485. Peter and that other disciple left for the sepulchre but the other disciple outran Peter and came first to the sepulchre. When he stooped down, he saw the linen cloths lying there but did not go in. Then Peter came and went into the sepulchre and saw the linen clothes lying there and the napkin that was about his head not lying with the linen clothes but wrapped together in a place by itself. Then the other disciple went in and saw and believed and Peter went to his own home wondering about what had happened. As yet they did not know the scriptures that he must rise again from the dead. The disciples went to their own home.

6486. However Mary Magdalene stood outside the sepulchre and wept. While she wept, she stooped down into the sepulchre and saw two angels in white sitting there, the one at the head, and the other at the feet, where the body of Jesus had been. They asked her why she wept. She told them that they had taken away her Lord and she did not know where they had laid him. When she had said this, she turned around and saw Jesus standing but did not know that it was Jesus. Jesus asked her why she wept and whom she was looking for. She thought the man was the gardener and asked that if he had taken the body away, to show her where he had put the body. Jesus said "Mary" and she immediately recognised him. Jesus told her not to touch him for he had not yet ascended to his Father. She was to go and tell his brethren. She went and told his disciples and those that had been with him as they were weeping and mourning that she had seen the Lord and that he had said these things to her. They did not believe her. The women went from the sepulchre (perhaps Mary Magdalene was absent) that they might tell his disciples. Jesus met with the women and greeted them and they all came and held him by the feet and worshipped him. Jesus told them not to be afraid but to tell his brethren to go into Galilee and meet Jesus there.

6487. When they were going, some of the guard went into the city and told the chief priests all the things that had happened. When they were assembled with the elders, they took counsel that they would give a large amount of money to the soldiers. The soldiers were to say that his disciples came by night and stole the body away while they slept. If the governor heard about this, they said they would protect the soldiers from any harm. So they took their money and did as they were told. This saying is commonly reported among the Jews to this day. {Joh 20:1-18 Lu 24:1-12 Mr 16:1-11 Mt 28:1-15}

6488. Two of Jesus' followers went into the country that same day to the village of Emmaus which was about 7.5 miles from Jerusalem. As they journeyed, Jesus went along with them and they told him what things had happened in those days about Jesus of Nazareth. He was crucified and was supposed to rise again on the third day. Jesus showed them from the scriptures that it was necessary for Christ to suffer and to enter into his glory. In the village, when he had taken bread and given thanks and broke it and given it to them, he revealed himself to them and their eyes were opened although he appeared in another form. He vanished from their sight. They left the same hour and returned to Jerusalem to the eleven and those that were with them. They told these two that the Lord had risen indeed and had appeared to Simon. Then they told them what things had happened on the way and how he was known of them in the breaking of bread. They did not believe them. {Lu 24:13-35 Mr 16:12,13}

6489. While they were still talking in the evening of the first day of the week, they had the doors shut for fear of the Jews. Jesus appeared and stood in their midst and greeted them. They were terrified and frightened and thought they had seen a spirit. However he upbraided them for their unbelief and hardness of heart because they had not believed those who had seen him since he had risen. He asked them why they were troubled and he showed them his hands and his feet and said that a spirit does not have flesh and bones. He showed them his hands, feet and his side. When they did not believed for joy and wondered, he asked them if there was anything to eat and he ate a piece of broiled fish, and an honey comb. The disciples rejoiced that they had seen the Lord. Jesus told them that what had happened was exactly what he had told them would happen so that all things would be fulfilled which were written in the law of Moses, the prophets and in the Psalms about Christ. Then he opened their understandings so that they might understand the scriptures. He told them it was necessary for Christ to suffer and to rise from the dead the third day so that repentance and remission of sins could be preached in his name among all countries. He said they were witnesses of these things. He gave them the promise from his Father. They were to stay at Jerusalem until they were endued with power from on high. Again he greeted them and said that as his Father had sent him, so he would send them. They were to go into all the world and preach the gospel to everyone. He who believed and was baptized would be saved but he who did not believe, would be damned. He would give them signs to authenticate their message. In the name of Jesus, they would cast out demons and speak in new languages. They would take up serpents and if they drank any deadly thing, it would not hurt them. They would lay their hands on the sick and they would recover. After he had said all these things, he breathed on them and told them to receive the Holy Ghost. Whomever sins they remitted, they would be remitted to them. Whomever sins they retained, they would be retained. (Thus Jesus appeared five times on the very first day of his resurrection.) {Joh 20: 19-23 Lu 24:36-49 Mr 14:14-18}

6490. Thomas, who was called Didymus and one of the twelve, was not with them when Jesus came. When the rest of the disciples told him, that they had seen the Lord, he very confidently professed that he would not believe it. After eight days, (April 12th) Thomas was present with the rest and Jesus came when the doors were shut. He stood in their midst and greeted them and abundantly satisfied Thomas' unbelief. {Joh 20:24-29 Lu 24:16-20}

6491. Then the eleven disciples went into Galilee to the mountain where he told them to meet him. When they saw him, they worshipped him but some doubted. When Jesus came to them, he said that he had all power and they were to go and tell the gospel message to everyone. He promised to be with them to the end of the world. After that, Jesus was seen by more than five hundred brethren at once and after that by James. {1Co 15:6,7 Mt 28:16-20}

6492. Later Jesus showed himself to his disciples again at the sea of Tiberias or at least to seven of them as they were fishing. After they had fished all night and caught nothing, Jesus was standing on the shore and they did not recognise him. He told them to cast their net on the right side of the boat where they caught 153 large fish. Jesus bid them to come and dine with him and no one dared ask him who he was for they knew it was the Lord. When they had dined, he warned Peter three times of his pastoral charge. Jesus foretold the kind of death he would die. When Peter asked about John, Jesus replied but his answer was incorrectly understood by the brethren. {Joh 21:1-24}

6493. Last of all, he appeared to his disciples in Jerusalem and led them out as far as Bethany. He lifted up his hands and blessed them. It came to pass as he blessed them, he was parted from them and carried up into heaven. {Lu 24:50,51 Mr 16:19}

6494. Here ends the history of the acts of Christ by the four evangelists including his forerunner, John the Baptist. Josephus had a short note of honourable mention about John the Baptist. {Josephus, Antiq., l. 18. c. 7. <c. 5. 1:484>}

``Herod the Tetrarch, killed John, surnamed the Baptist, who was a most excellent man. He motivated the Jews to the study of virtues especially of piety and justice. He encouraged them to be baptised which he said would be acceptable to God, if they made use of it, not for the remission of their sins only but first having their minds purged through righteousness then they would also purify the body. Many went out to him especially the common people who were pleased with his words. Herod feared lest the great authority of the man would cause some rebellion because they seemed as though they would listen to nothing which he advised them. He thought it safer to take him out of the way before there was any sedition rather than act when it was too late. Therefore he commanded him to be sent prisoner to Macharas and then to be put to death.

6495. Josephus stated this about Christ, our Lord: {Josephus, Antiq., l. 18. c. 4, 5. <c. 3. 1:480>}

``At the same time there was a wise man named Jesus, if we may call him a man. He was a worker of miracles and a teacher of those who willingly receive the truth. He had many Jews and Gentiles who followed him and was believed to be the Christ. When Pilate had crucified him through the envy of our rulers, nevertheless those who first loved him continued loyal in their love for him and he appeared to them alive the third day. The prophets in their prophesies foretold both these and many other powerful things concerning him. The Christians (named after him) continue to this very day.

6496. Thus Jerome in his book of ecclesiastical writers has translated this place. His reading is:

``He was believed to be the Christ.

6497. is preferred before that of Eusebius. {Eusebius, History Eccles., c. 11.} or Rufinus or as it is in our books:

``This was the Christ.

6498. It is clear that Josephus came no nearer to our religion than King Agrippa to whom he was most devoted whose confession to Paul was: {Ac 26:28}

``Almost you have persuaded me to be a Christian.

6499. Cornelius Tacitus stated:

``Christ was put to death by Pontius Pilate, the governor of Judea in the reign of Tiberius. {Tacitus, Annals, l. 15. c. 43.?}

6500. Lucian the martyr in Rufinus testifies to the darkness at that time by appealing to the writings of the heathen themselves. {Eusebius, History Eccles., l. 9. c. 6.}

``Search your writings and you shall find in Pilate's time when Christ suffered that the sun was suddenly withdrawn and a darkness followed.

6501. Before him Tertulian {Tertulian, Apologetic to the Gentiles, c. 21.} stated:

``At the same moment the day was withdrawn even when the sun was at the height. Those that never knew that this also was spoken concerning Christ, judged it to be nothing but an eclipse. However, you shall find this event that happened to the world, recorded even on your own monuments.

6502. Thallus, {Thallus, Histories, l. 3} called this an eclipse and Phlegon of Tralles {Phlegon, Chronicles, l. 13.} also called it an eclipse. (Thallus lived at the time of these events and wrote a history starting from the Trojan War down to the death of Christ. {*Oxford Classical Dictionary, p. 1491.} Phlegon lived at the time of Hadrian and wrote a history starting from the first Olympiad down to 140 AD. {*Oxford Classical Dictionary, p. 1172.}, Editor.) Thallus was quoted by Julius Africanus in his third chronography. Africanus was a contemporary of Origen. Phlegon was quoted in Origin's book {Origin, against Celsus, p. 83, 99. Greek edition} and in his 35th tract. Phlegon stated that at the 19th year of Tiberius (as Eustathius Antiochus notes in Hexameron) and the fourth year of the 202nd Olympiad (e.g. 33 AD) are these words. (Ussher has a large quote from the Greek from Origin. Editor.) Jerome translated this in Eusebius' Chronicle to Latin. (Ussher has a large quote in Latin from Jerome translation of Eusebius. Editor.) The English translation is:

``There was a large and most famous eclipse that has ever happened. The day was so turned into night at the sixth hour (noon) so that the stars were seen. An earthquake also in Bithynia destroyed many houses in the city of Nice.

6503. (Sir Robert Anderson, {*Anderson, The Coming Prince, p. 104.} gives the dates for the passover from 22 AD to 37 AD. Note that the passover would start at sundown for the previous day and end at sundown for the date shown. The passover meal would be eaten the previous evening. These are: Year Passover AD Day Date 22 Sunday April 22 23 Thursday March 25 24 Wednesday April 12 25 Sunday April 1 26 Thursday March 21 27 Wednesday April 9 28 Monday March 29 29 Sunday April 17 30 Thursday April 6 31 Tuesday March 27 32 Monday April 14 33 Friday April 3 34 Tuesday March 23 35 Monday April 11 36 Friday March 30 37 Thursday April 18

6504. Anderson independently confirmed the date for passover that Ussher computed for 33 AD hence we assume his other calculations are equally accurate. He stated at length in his book how these were done so it appears he did his homework well. The day of the week was calculated independently by the editor using the the Online Bible Calendar program and was not included with the original materal by Anderson. Ironically, Anderson selected 32 AD date as the year that Christ died and goes to great pains to show why the Jews celebrated the passover on the wrong day, that is on Friday not Monday. The only plausible date from the list is 33 AD for Good Friday as the only other date for Good Friday would be in 36 AD which is too late. This independently confirms the writings of Phlegon. Editor.)

6505. From the history of the gospels about the sayings and acts of Christ, Luke makes this transition to the Acts of the Apostles.

``The former treatise I have made O Theophilus, of all that Jesus began to do and teach, until the day (of our May 14th.) in which he was taken up, after that he through the Holy Ghost, had given commandments to his apostles whom he had chosen: to whom also he showed himself alive after his passion by many infallible proofs, being seen of them forty days and speaking of things pertaining to the kingdom of God. {Ac 1:1-3}

6506. When they were assembled together with them, the Lord commanded them that they should not leave Jerusalem but should wait for the promise of the Father which was the soon baptism of the Holy Ghost. {Ac 1:4,5 11:16} The apostles asked the Lord, if he would at this time restore the kingdom to Israel. He replied that it was not for them to know the times that the Father had put in his own power. However, they would receive the Holy Ghost and would bear witness of him, not only in Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria, but to the uttermost parts of the earth. After he had spoken these things while they saw him, he was taken up and a cloud received him from their sight. They were also instructed by two angels who suddenly appeared in white clothes. They said that he would come again (for judgment) in the very same way as they now saw him go up into heaven. {Ac 1:6-11}

6507. When they had worshipped him, they returned to Jerusalem with great joy {Lu 24:52} from the Mount of Olives which was a sabbath day's journey from there. {Ac 1:12} The Syrian version writes seven furlongs (about 7/8 of a mile.) Likewise does Theophylact based on Josephus. However, our copies of Josephus read that the Mount of Olives was either 5 furlongs (5/8 of a mile) {Josephus, Antiq., l. 20. c. 6.} or 6 {Josephus, Wars, l. 5. c. 8.} as the Greek, or {Josephus, l. 6. c. 3.} as the Latin copy has it.

6508. The eleven apostles stayed in an upper room in Jerusalem and continued with one accord in prayer with the women, Mary the mother of Jesus and his brothers. {Ac 1:13,14}

6509. In those days, Peter stood up in the midst of the disciples, who numbered abut 120, and spoke to them about choosing a successor for the traitor Judas. He had thrown himself down headlong and burst in the midst. When they had prayed, they cast lots between Joseph, called Barsabas, and Matthias. The lot fell to Matthias and he was chosen to be numbered with the apostles. {Ac 1:15-26}

6510. On the day of Pentecost (May 24th) when all the 120 were assembled together with one accord, there suddenly came a sound from heaven like a mighty rushing wind and it filled all the house where they sat. There appeared to them cloven tongues like of fire which sat on each of them and they were all filled with the Holy Ghost. They began to speak with other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance. At Jerusalem were devout Jews from every country under heaven. When they heard these speaking in their own languages the wonderful things of God, they were all amazed. However others profanely derided the miracle. Peter, in a most grave sermon, refuted their charge of drunkenness since it was only the third hour (9 am) of the day. (9 am) He then expounded to them about Christ from the law and the prophets and proved that he was risen. Through the power of the Spirit, 3000 were converted. Peter commanded them to be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for remission of sins. {Ac 2:1-41}

6511. They continued steadfastly in the apostles' doctrine and fellowship. They broke bread and prayed. Fear came upon every soul and the apostles performed many signs and wonders. All who believed were together and had all things common and sold their possessions and goods. They gave them to all men according to their needs. They continued daily with one accord in the temple and broke bread from house to house. They ate with gladness and singleness of heart. They praised God and had favour with all the people. The Lord added daily to the church such as should be saved. {Ac 2:42-47}

6512. Peter and John went up together into the temple about the hour of prayer which was the ninth hour. (3 pm) At the gate of the temple, called "Beautiful", they healed in the name of Christ, a man who had been lame from his birth who was about 40 years old. For this reason, the people came running into Solomon's porch. Peter expounded the mystery of salvation through Christ and upbraided their ingratitude and exhorted them to repentance. Many who heard him believed and the number of men were about 5000. However, the priests and rulers of the temple with the Sadducees came and took Peter and John and put them in prison until the next day because it was then evening. The next day the council was convened (in which were Annas the high priest who was the president of the council along with Caiaphas and John and Alexander and as many as were of the high priest's relatives.) The apostles were called in question about the miracles they had done. They boldly defended the cause of Christ and the council forbid them to speak any more in the name of Christ. The apostles replied that it was better to obey God than men. They were threatened and released. The apostles returned to their own home, where, together with the whole church, they poured out fervent prayer to God for the propagation of the gospel. The Lord answered this prayer by causing an earthquake and sending his Holy Spirit into their hearts. {Ac 3:1-4:37}

6513. The multitude of those who believed had one heart and one soul and they had all things in common. No one lacked anything because as many as had lands or houses, went and sold them. They brought the money and laid it down at the apostles' feet to be distributed to the poor. Josephus or Joses, a Levite, from Cyprus surnamed by the apostles, Barnabas, (e.g. the son of consolation) set the first example by selling his possessions. {Ac 4:32-37}

6514. Ananias and Sapphira his wife, fraudulently agreed together to keep back some of the money they received for the land they sold. They lied and said they had given the whole amount. They were struck dead by the word and rebuke only of Peter who exposed the fraud and avenged it by the power of the Holy Ghost to whom they had lied. Great fear fell on all the church and on as many as heard of these things. {Ac 5:1-11}

6515. The apostles performed many miracles among the people and they were all together with one accord in Solomon's Porch. None of the rest dared join them however the people magnified them and the Lord added more believers to the church. They brought the sick into the streets that at the very least when the shadow of Peter passed over them, they would be healed. A large multitude came from the cities around Jerusalem and brought the sick and those who were vexed with unclean spirits and they were all healed. {Ac 5:12-16}

6516. The high priest and the Sadducees who were with him, were envious and cast the apostles into prison. In the night they were freed by an angel and told to teach the people boldly and without fear. When they were brought to the council, they escaped death through the advice of Gamaliel a Pharisee. He was a doctor of the law and held in much esteem among the people. After they had been scourged, they were freed. They left the council rejoicing that they were counted worthy to suffer shame for the name of Jesus. They taught daily in the temple. {Ac 5:17-42}

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